Support #2191
openFirst job & occupation
Good morning
I am looking for the First Job employment status variable and the occupation of the first job. I could see this information for some of the respondents in the "xwavedat" file but not for all.
Do I need to extract this information for the remaining respondents from the "Own First Job Module" from Wave 2 onward? Also, please clarify the role of the employment History file (empstat) in understanding and creating the first job variable. Please advise.
Thank you
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 1 month ago
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Hello Jagriti,
The questions about the first job are only asked if the respondent "had a first job after full-time education or is new entrant never interviewed (excluding rising 16 year olds) and current economic activity is employed, self-employed, furloughed or temporarily laid off/short time working". As the number of new entrants in any wave is small, most respondents would have entered the sample in the initial wave (Wave 1 for GPS/EMBS or Wave 6 for IEMB), the number of cases in any wave where there are valid values is small. You should look at j1soc in xwavedat file which combines this information from across waves.
You may explore other variables that measure similar aspects, such as:
I recommend using the variable search engine at to find more information about these variables.
I hope this information is helpful.
Best wishes,
Roberto Cavazos
Understanding Society User Support Team
Updated by Jagriti Tanwar about 1 month ago
Hello Roberto
Thank you for your advice and detailed information. That's indeed helpful.
Thank you