Support #2153
openHousehold composition BHPS
Dear Sir, Madam
Using the BHPS I would like to find out the exact composition of a household. More specifically, I would like to know how many children and adults (incl. their age, sex, education level, etc.) live in the household. If I am not mistaken, the xhhrel datafile helps you to do this in Understanding Society. Is there a similar file in the BHPS or a technique to find out the household composition in the BHPS dataset?
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Oscar Frison
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team 5 months ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 60
Such a variable is not avaiable but you can construct this variable using the "w_indall" files (w = a b c... m) which includes basic socio-demographic information about everyone in the household, adults and children. The variables you need are:
Sex: w_sex_dv
Age: w_age_dv
Marital status: w_marstat_dv
Employment status: w_employ
Please note that w_marstat_dv is set to 0 for age_dv<16, and there are also some cases with missing information on these variables (identified by values -1 -2 -8 -9).
Education information is only available about adults (16+ year olds) who have responded to the adult questionnaire.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team 5 months ago
- Private changed from Yes to No