Support #2149
openAge of entry into parenthood
Dear colleagues,
I intend to generate a variable that captures the age at which individuals enter into parenthood. For this purpose, I'm using two derived variables in UKHLS:
ch1by_dv: date of birth of eldest child (year)
doby_dv: date of birth of the interview (year)
With these two variables, I proceed as follows for deriving the age of entry into parenthood
gen age_first_child= ch1by_dv2-doby_dv2
Before, I ensure that some marginal categories of the original variables (-9, -20...) are disregarded. I create new variables, similar to the UKHLS-derived variables, for this purpose:
recode ch1by_dv -9=. 0=., gen(ch1by_dv2)
recode doby_dv -9=. -20=., gen(doby_dv2)
At the end of the process, I found out that the new variable ('age_first_child') has some (very few) negative values. I explore these cases and I find out that this is because the year of
having the first child (ch1by_dv) is BEFORE the year they were BORN (doby_dv). Since they are derived variables, I am rather puzzled.
Could you, please, help me understand these cases and what to do with them?
Thanks for your attention
And kind regards
Luis Ortiz
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team 4 months ago
- Category set to Data inconsistency
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
- Private changed from Yes to No
Hello Luis,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. After running the analysis, I found the issue occurs in 71 observations (ch1by_dv - doby_dv < 0), with an additional 28 cases where both dates are the same (ch1by_dv - doby_dv = 0) and 64 cases where the difference is less than or equal to 10 (ch1by_dv - doby_dv <= 10). I’ll raise this with the data team and get back to you as soon as possible.
Best wishes,
Roberto Cavazos
Understanding Society User Support Team