



Support #2111


Current economic activity & current job

Added by Luis Ortiz 9 months ago. Updated 7 months ago.

Data documentation
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Dear members of the support team,

I am using the thirteen waves of UKHLS to analyse educational mismatch. To generate a variable that establishes if the current job fits the interviewee's educational level (educational attainment), I have to ensure that the interviewee is currently working. I used the variable 'current job' for this purpose, and I was confident that all the missing cases in this variable corresponded to jobless situations among the members of the sample. Yet, just by chance, I have made a cross-tabulation between 'current economic activity' and 'current job' (image attached) and I have realised that there are many observations in which an occupation appears in 'cjob_8cat' but they do not correspond to individuals who are self-employed or in paid employment. On the contrary, there seems to be a lot of people who appear as retired, or unemployed... but they have a job and occupation assigned.

I'm rather puzzled.

Any support in this regard would be much appreciated

Thanks for your attention and best wishes

Luis Ortiz


Sin título 2.png (25 KB) Sin título 2.png Luis Ortiz, 05/27/2024 11:10 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team 9 months ago

  • Category set to Data documentation
  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50
  • Private changed from Yes to No

Hello Luis

Questions about the current occupation (from which NSSEC is derived) are asked of those who say they either did paid work last week (jbhas=1) or didn't do that but did have a job (jbhas=2 & jboff=1). But in "jbstat" respondents report their main activity status. So, it is possible that someone considers themselves to be retired and so chose jbstat=4, but had a job in the week before the interview and so chose jbhas=1. In this case, they will get asked follow-up questions about their current employment which includes occupation - and hence will have a valid NSSEC value.

Here is a script check for wave 12
gen employed =1 if l_jbstat==1 | l_jbstat==2 | l_jbstat==5 | l_jbstat==14
replace employed =2 if l_jbstat==3
recode employed (miss=0)
lab define employed 1 "1. employed" 2 "2. unemployed" 0 "0. out of labour"
label val employed employed
tablbl l_jbnssec8_dv employed if l_jbnssec8_dv >0 //gives you 0 = 901, 1 = 14,704 and 2 = 37

From those 938 not employed and with some NSSEC classification, 636 have jbhas = 1 and 302 have jboff = 1

I hope this information is helpful.

Best wishes,
Roberto Cavazos
Understanding Society User Support Team

Actions #2

Updated by Luis Ortiz 9 months ago

This is very useful and clarifying, Roberto.

Many thanks for your assistance with this

Best wishes

Luis Ortiz

Actions #3

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

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