



Support #2067


data access

Added by mike polkey 12 months ago. Updated 12 months ago.

Data documentation
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I am writing from the Royal Brompton Hospital (now part of GSTT) and imperial College in London

We would very much like to access the UKHLS database to extend a research theme that began 2 years ago. In the first stage we have developed a model which predicts the likelihood of having obstructive sleep apnoea. In the next stage we wanted to relate it to economic activity but HSE data only gives this at an occupation or industry level but our reading of your published papers is that you have individual level data; the other data we would need would be PSQI, ht, wt, h/o cardiovascular disease, age gender and occupation.

I reviewed the FAQ; the lead student here did his MSc with us at Imperial but has now returned to Japan so would not be able to analyse the data in the UK

Please do reply by phone if easier; 07801553468

Actions #1

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team 12 months ago

  • Category changed from Data analysis to Data documentation
  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from mike polkey to Understanding Society User Support Team
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50
  • Private changed from Yes to No

Hello Mike,

Understanding Society data consists of multiple files, downloadable as a single zipped folder and released through the UK Data Service, in different formats. Researchers who would like to use Understanding Society need to register with the UK Data Service before being allowed to download the dataset. The majority of users would need the End user Licence (EUL) data which requires users to agree to the licence agreement online after which they will be given instant access to the data. Datasets which fall under this access level category include most of the data and only exclude information that could be disclosive. For further details, please visit Data Access section on our website.

There are some variables related to The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). These are:

The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)
Variable Label
hrs_slph hours of actual sleep (hrs)
hrs_slpm hours of actual sleep (mins)
med_slp taken medicine to help sleep
slp_qual quality of sleep overall
tslp_30m cannot get to sleep within 30 mins
tslp_cgh cough or snore loudly
tslp_wak wake up in the night
tsta_awk trouble staying awake during the day

For socio-economic and demographic characteristics such as age, gender and occupation, you may refer to Understanding Society key variables

Measurements of height and weight are available in the main survey only for respondents aged 16 years and older in Wave 1. Information for young adults aged 10 to 15 is available in Waves 2, 4, 6 and 8. You can find these variables by searching for “height” or "weight" type of questions on the Mainstage Variables search

Some variables in mainstage survey (SN:6614) measure heart and blood health conditions. You can find these variables by searching for “hcond” type of questions on the Mainstage Variables search

In Waves 2 and 3 adult participants received a follow-up health assessment visit from a registered nurse. A range of bio-medical measures were collected from around 20,000 adults, which included blood pressure, weight, height, waist measurement, body fat, grip strength and lung function. This information is available in the EUL version SN: 7251 Understanding Society: Waves 2-3 Nurse Health Assessment, 2010-2012 and in the SL version SN: 7587 Understanding Society: Waves 2-3 Nurse Health Assessment, 2010-12 Special Licence. You may want to explore this information as well.

For additional details on each specific variable, please refer to the Mainstage Variables search section.

I hope this information is helpful.

Best wishes,
Roberto Cavazos
Understanding Society User Support Team


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