Support #1571
openCoding of Arts Variables (Wave 2 & 5)
For variables b_arts1freq, b_art2freq and e_arts1freq, e_arts2freq, does "-8" refer to all those who replied "none of these" (96) to questions arts1a; arts1b; arts2a and arts2b?
I want to know what score for the frequency variables represents those individuals who replied "none of these" to any of the arts-related questions.
Many thanks!
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
- Private changed from Yes to No
The way to understand -8 cases is to look at the questionnaire and see who is asked the question. Those who are not asked the question are coded as -8 (and -7 if the question was not included in the proxy questionnaire). Who is eligible for the question is described in the field "Universe" - located below the question.
In case of ars1freq, the universe is:
If (GRIDVARIABLES.ModeType = 1) // Mode is face-to-face
And If (ARTS1A = 1 Thru 7 | ARTS1B = 9 Thru 15) // If have done any arts activities
So, only those who were interviewed in face-to-face mode and reported in previous questions that they had participated in any of the arts activities were asked about this question.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100