Support #1059
openthe variable in BHPS "drinking"
Dear Office,
I want to use the variable like "smoking", "drinking" for measure a person's health-related behaviour.
However, I can only find "smoking", but I can not find "drinking" in the BHPS dataset.
Do "drinking" this variable exist or not?
thanks a lot,
Updated by Stephanie Auty over 6 years ago
- Category set to Questionnaire content
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Yuting Deng
- Target version set to BHPS
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
- Private changed from Yes to No
Dear Yuting,
As my colleague suggested on your previous issue #1028, you can look for variables in the online documentation. Using the index terms for example (, you can look for variables relating to Health: Personal Health Condition and find two variables which relate to alcohol, wHLPRBJ Health problems: Alcohol or drugs, and wHLPRXJ Under regular supervision? Alcohol/drugs. The only other alcohol related variable I have found is in the Leisure Activity index term: wLACTF Go for a drink at a pub/club.
Best wishes,
Updated by Stephanie Auty over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100