Support #1026
openPersonality composite scores
We are looking to use some of the personality measures for our analysis; and it would be really useful to know how the composite scores were calculated. Was factor analysis used? If so, what kind of rotation and extraction methods were used? Thank you for your help in advance!
Updated by Alita Nandi over 6 years ago
- Category set to Data documentation
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Y Hu
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
- Private changed from Yes to No
Hello Y Hu,
No factor analysis was not used. The standard approach of measuring the Big 5 personality traits based on the 15 item module was used.
Each respondent is asked to rate 15 questions on how they see themselves on a 7-point scale, from 1 “does not apply” to 7 “applies perfectly”. Each of the Big 5 personality trait score is computed as the average score of the responses to the three questions pertaining to that trait. The variable names show which question is used for which trait: the last letter refers to the trait (O=openness to experience, C=conscientiousness, E=extraversion, A=Agreeableness, N=Neuroticism). These are
Openness to Experience: c_scptrt5o1-c_scptrt5o3
Conscientiousness: c_scptrt5c1-c_scptrt5c3
Extraversion: c_scptrt5e1-c_scptrt5e3
Agreeableness: c_scptrt5a1-c_scptrt5a3
Neuroticism: c_scptrt5n1-c_scptrt5n3
Note these items are reverse coded: c_scptrt5c2, c_scptrt5e3,c_scptrt5a1,c_scptrt5n3
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,
Updated by Stephanie Auty over 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
Updated by Stephanie Auty over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 90 to 100