


Lydia Palumbo's activity

From 04/28/2022 to 05/27/2022


03:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1701: Problems with latest release
Sorry I intend that I compared age_dv and age Lydia Palumbo
03:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1701: Problems with latest release
Thank you. Could you also confirm that the renaming of some variables (apart from weights) does not affect data? I cu... Lydia Palumbo


08:42 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1703 (Resolved): Time-varying UKHLS identifier
Dear UKHLS User Support,
I noticed that some BHPS enumerated respondents change their UKHLS identifier while havi...
Lydia Palumbo


12:17 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1701: Problems with latest release
I am writing this because I noticed that many variables either changed their name (age_dv-->age in indall) or were de... Lydia Palumbo


11:17 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1701 (Resolved): Problems with latest release
Dear UKHLS support,
is it my problem or in the BHPS files of the latest release some variables are missing from i...
Lydia Palumbo


10:22 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1694: Question on meaning ivfio
Thank you very much. Do you also know whether there is a similar variable for BHPS?
Best regards,
Lydia Palumbo


09:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1694 (Resolved): Question on meaning ivfio
Dear UKHLS team,
I have a very simple question on the meaning of "other non-intw" answer to the ivfio item in the...
Lydia Palumbo

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