



From 06/24/2020 to 07/23/2020


09:41 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1380: Calendar month analysis [item 11, weighting FAQ] not making sense to recreate January 2014
Hello Alita,
I keep going back and reading Olena’s advice and the weighting FAQ to make sure that the results I ge...
Abigail Dumalus
06:02 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1380: Calendar month analysis [item 11, weighting FAQ] not making sense to recreate January 2014
Hi Abigail,
Has this question been answered by Olena's response to 1378?
Alita Nandi
11:30 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1383: Coding of variable "hiqual_dv" in the harmonised BHPS
Gundi Knies wrote:
> Hi Pascale,
> please take a look at the posts ...
Pascale Bourquin
10:12 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1383: Coding of variable "hiqual_dv" in the harmonised BHPS
Hi Pascale,
please take a look at the posts and https://iserswww.ess...
Gundi Knies
09:45 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1383 (Resolved): Coding of variable "hiqual_dv" in the harmonised BHPS
I was wondering whether you would be able to give me some more information on how the variable “hiqual_dv” is...
Pascale Bourquin
10:28 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1379: Unmatched individuals when linking UKHLS to local authority data
Thanks Gundi, yes I will look into getting a better match with the look-up files.
Thank you all for your help.
Clara Mascaro
10:18 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1379: Unmatched individuals when linking UKHLS to local authority data
Hi Clara,
jumping in here as I probably know a little more about geographical data linkage than Alita this being my ...
Gundi Knies


05:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1382 (Feedback): Where to find questionnaire modules?
Have you read our User Guide? Please take a look at that.
Alita Nandi
05:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1382 (Resolved): Where to find questionnaire modules?
I am interested in using the Wealth, assets and debt module in my research. However I cannot find this data on the UK... Shreya Nanda
04:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1379: Unmatched individuals when linking UKHLS to local authority data
Alita Nandi wrote:
> And for these unmatched cases we found gor_dv and country were missing, as is expected since th...
Clara Mascaro


06:31 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1379: Unmatched individuals when linking UKHLS to local authority data
And for these unmatched cases we found gor_dv and country were missing, as is expected since their postcodes were mis... Alita Nandi
06:21 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1379 (Feedback): Unmatched individuals when linking UKHLS to local authority data
Hi Clara,
Our data team has looked into this and found the number of individuals in w_indresp for whom a matched L...
Alita Nandi
06:06 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1380 (Resolved): Calendar month analysis [item 11, weighting FAQ] not making sense to recreate January 2014
Alita Nandi
06:06 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1381 (Feedback): Query
The negative values refer to self-employment losses. You can check that by:
tab a_jbemp if a_fimnlabnet_dv<0
Alita Nandi
05:57 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
Hi Abigail,
You are correct, The answer to your first question "Which variable would indicate those “interviews th...
Alita Nandi


04:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
Abigail Dumalus wrote:
> Thanks so much, Alita, for your feedback. Does the 24-month wave period preclude me from us...
Nick Dret
04:34 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1381 (Resolved): Query

I would like to ask about the fimnlabnet_dv variable: what dose the negative values represent ?
amwaj abugamza


08:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
I will start with the second question:
- yes, you can use indinus_lw directly
- in the first option you assume that...
Olena Kaminska


07:21 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
Thanks for the suggestions, Olena.
Which variable would indicate those “interviews that took place (finished) in J...
Abigail Dumalus
07:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
Oh, and with regard to your comment on 'it seems that I am still missing a step or two to generate average life satis... Olena Kaminska
06:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
The method I described earlier does not correspond to BHPS data (before UKHLS started). BHPS is normally ...
Olena Kaminska
05:45 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
Hello Olena,
I am using indin91_lw for longitudinal regressions over time from 1996 to 2017 with life satisfaction...
Abigail Dumalus
05:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
I think you have a few questions that I will try to answer below.
First, why are you using indin91_lw. I...
Olena Kaminska
12:50 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
May I please get any advice on my queries above about item 11 in the weighting FAQ? Many thanks for your time and con... Abigail Dumalus
05:04 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1380 (In Progress): Calendar month analysis [item 11, weighting FAQ] not making sense to recreate January 2014
Hi Abigail,
I have assigned this to Olena. This is similar to your question on the other post which also I have as...
Alita Nandi
04:34 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1380 (Resolved): Calendar month analysis [item 11, weighting FAQ] not making sense to recreate January 2014
Hello Alita,
I tried following item 11 for doing January 2014 as an example. When I filtered interviews from wave ...
Abigail Dumalus
03:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1379 (Resolved): Unmatched individuals when linking UKHLS to local authority data
I have recently added local authority level unemployment rates to a panel of individual-level UKHLS data (w...
Clara Mascaro


05:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
Hello Olena,
I tried following item 11 for doing January 2014 as an example. When I filtered interviews from wave ...
Abigail Dumalus
04:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
Yes, I can confirm that FAQ question 11 applies to 3-months analysis. We do not have a ready syntax for y...
Olena Kaminska
03:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
I read item 11 in the weighting FAQ. It seems appropriate but I cannot be sure whether this applies for building 3-mo... Abigail Dumalus
02:14 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
I see. Yes, you can analyse by calendar year. Take a look at item 11 in the weighting FAQ and see if that is appropri... Alita Nandi
01:53 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378: Overlapping interview periods across waves?
Thanks so much, Alita, for your feedback. Does the 24-month wave period preclude me from using “year” as a panel time... Abigail Dumalus
01:36 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378 (Feedback): Overlapping interview periods across waves?
Yes, in Understanding Society the fieldwork period for any wave stretches over 24 months and is overlaps with the nex... Alita Nandi
01:28 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1378 (Resolved): Overlapping interview periods across waves?
Hello Alita,
I noticed from browsing the dataset that wave periods from wave 2 until wave 9 have been overlapping....
Abigail Dumalus
01:39 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1375: XTREG error: weight must be constant within pidp
Yes drop all the weight variables, then merge i_indin91_lw from i_indrsp onto the entire long format file (many to on... Alita Nandi
01:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1375: XTREG error: weight must be constant within pidp
Hello Alita,
I apologise for not replying for almost a week. I have been ill. I currently have several weighting ...
Abigail Dumalus
03:35 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1375 (Feedback): XTREG error: weight must be constant within pidp
Alita Nandi
03:37 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1241 (Resolved): Problem merging inderesp with children data
Alita Nandi
03:37 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1337 (Resolved): w_jbnssec3_dv have more than 3 category
Alita Nandi
03:35 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1374 (Resolved): Weights
Alita Nandi
03:35 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1377 (Feedback): Weights in Covid-19 Study
Hello Darja,
ca_betaindin_xw = i_indinui_xw * non-response probability based on a model of non-response between m...
Alita Nandi


03:36 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1377 (Resolved): Weights in Covid-19 Study
Dear Support Team,
I tsset (pidp wave) the April and May Study. Can I only use the weight (betaindin_xw) cross-sec...
Darja Reuschke
01:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1376: Top coding on h_fimnnet_dv (total net personal income - no deductions)
Sorry the variable note for w_fimnnet_dv does not clearly explain how topcoding is done. There are 51 obser...
Alita Nandi


10:31 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1374: Weights
Dear Olena,
This perfectly answers my question. Thanks so much for the clarification!
Maria Cotofan


02:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1374: Weights
Thank you for your questions. I am replying in order:
In your original message:
(1) Yes, your set up is c...
Olena Kaminska
10:27 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1374: Weights
ok. I am now assigning this to our Survey Statistican, Olena.
Alita Nandi
10:44 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1376 (In Progress): Top coding on h_fimnnet_dv (total net personal income - no deductions)
Thank you for your query. I have passed on your query to our income team and we will get back to you soon.
Alita Nandi
09:44 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1376 (Resolved): Top coding on h_fimnnet_dv (total net personal income - no deductions)
Hello there,
I'm working with h_fimnnet_dv, and trying to build a regression model to predict income based on a ra...
Christopher Brown
10:26 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1375: XTREG error: weight must be constant within pidp
Let's say your long file is, long.dta. Then you do this:
use long, clear
merge m:1 pidp using i_indresp, keepus(i...
Alita Nandi


04:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1375: XTREG error: weight must be constant within pidp
Hello Alita,
I understand what you’re saying. but is there an extra step or specific code that I need to implement...
Abigail Dumalus
06:01 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1375: XTREG error: weight must be constant within pidp
Hi Abigail,
You need to take i_indin91_lw (as Wave 9 is the last wave you are including) and then attach that to a...
Alita Nandi
11:43 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1374: Weights
Dear Anita,
Thank you for your quick reply!
Regarding point (1), I was already familiar with item 12 in the FAQ...
Maria Cotofan
06:05 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1374: Weights
(1) Take a look at item 12 in the weighting FAQ which discusses pooling waves for cross-sectional analysis....
Alita Nandi


08:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1375 (Resolved): XTREG error: weight must be constant within pidp
Dear Olena,
As I mentioned in a separate issue weeks ago, I am analysing life satisfaction and GHQ (using indresp ...
Abigail Dumalus
10:50 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1374 (Resolved): Weights
Dear Sir/Madame,
I have a question regarding the use of weights when pooling the 9 waves of Understanding Society....
Maria Cotofan


02:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Yes, this happens sometimes, but only a few such cases. In the 9 UKHLS waves there are 13 such cases. In BHPS the cut... Alita Nandi
01:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
I will try your advice and see how it goes. Thanks so much, Alita.
I meant to raise this before: just looking at i...
Abigail Dumalus
01:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
First check that that indall_longfile and indresp_longfile don't have repeated observations. Type
isid pidp wave
Alita Nandi
11:12 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Hello Alita,
It was a typo here. I used pidp. What I did was linking all indall files together for 26 waves (using...
Abigail Dumalus
06:34 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
You said you ran the code "xtset pid wave" and got an error message. Did you use "pid" instead of "pidp" or this just... Alita Nandi
02:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1372: Question about age of respondents based on age_dv, and racel_dv (Re-created as original was deleted)
For the 9 wave of UKHLS data:
The variable w_birthy was checked for consistency across the waves. After resolving ...
Alita Nandi
01:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1373 (Feedback): Child file a-j [ca_childdoba]
Respondents to this survey, who reported at least one child below the age of 18 (hhcompa>0 or hhcomdb>0 or ...
Alita Nandi


02:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1372: Question about age of respondents based on age_dv, and racel_dv (Re-created as original was deleted)
Hello Alita,
I have read this variable note. But one of the input variables, dob_dv, is based on birthy. That's wh...
Abigail Dumalus
01:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Hello Alita,
Kindly see above for my question about appending/merging indall files with indresp+xwavedat file. I h...
Abigail Dumalus


01:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1373: Child file a-j [ca_childdoba]
If it is that child a was their first child, child b their second ect.. then why are the ones not represented in the ... leandra geyser
01:20 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1373 (Resolved): Child file a-j [ca_childdoba]
I really tried to figure this one out before asking here, also had a scan of other questions but I cannot understand ... leandra geyser
01:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Thanks so much, Alita.
I was trying to append the indall longitudinal file (all 26 waves) with the indresp+xwaved...
Abigail Dumalus


04:34 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
I am responding to issue #17 above:
There are a few ways to do this. What you have suggested (first append all you...
Alita Nandi
11:51 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370 (In Progress): BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Hello Abigail,
I am sorry I deleted the issue 1371 that you had posted by mistake. As it is not possible for us to...
Alita Nandi
04:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1372: Question about age of respondents based on age_dv, and racel_dv (Re-created as original was deleted)
Hi Abigail,
Have you read the variable note and the input variables mentioned on the variable page? https://www.un...
Alita Nandi
12:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1372 (In Progress): Question about age of respondents based on age_dv, and racel_dv (Re-created as original was deleted)
Hello Abgail,
I am passing on your query about age_dv to the data team and will get back to you wth their response...
Alita Nandi
11:42 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1372 (Resolved): Question about age of respondents based on age_dv, and racel_dv (Re-created as original was deleted)
Hello Alita,
I am wondering why the age_dv variable is not consistent with birthy when the latter is read side by ...
Alita Nandi


11:15 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370 (Resolved): BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
This issue is now continuing via email. So, this post is set to resolved. Alita Nandi
11:07 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1368: Unmatched households when merging hhresp with lsoa data
Hi Natalie,
These are the households without valid postcodes.
Best wishes,
Alita Nandi


05:54 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Hi Olena,
I just sent an email request for creating a tailored weight.
About merging youth and child data file...
Abigail Dumalus
05:35 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
To understand the difference between '91' and 'ub' weight please see
Olena Kaminska
05:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Great to hear from you, Olena...
I am interested with creating my own tailored weight base on W_psnen??_lw. If I u...
Abigail Dumalus
04:43 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Yes, of course your analysis and research questions make sense, and indeed we do not have specific weight...
Olena Kaminska
04:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Thanks so much, Alita!
Hello Olena,
Does it make sense to merge the youth sample (for the question/variable 'y...
Abigail Dumalus
01:00 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
I am assigning this to our Survey Statistician, Dr. Kaminska, to answer your question on appropriate weights for this... Alita Nandi
12:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Hello Alita,
Yes, I am especially interested in analysing life satisfaction and GHQ happiness. Thank you for shari...
Abigail Dumalus
09:59 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
You're welcocme Abigail!
From your description it seems that you are planning to use the BHPS sample over 26 waves...
Alita Nandi
01:31 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Hello Alita,
I'm so glad to hear that you and Gundi are around to give advice!
I just have a follow up questio...
Abigail Dumalus
01:03 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Hi Abigail,
Following up on what Gundi has said, I took a look at the syntax file on our website and added Wave 9 ...
Alita Nandi
04:38 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1368: Unmatched households when merging hhresp with lsoa data
Sorry just to follow up so I can justify this later, could you confirm why those 2,898 cases are not in the LSOA file... Natalie Bennett
02:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1368: Unmatched households when merging hhresp with lsoa data
Hi Alita and Gundi
Thanks both for your help, I understand the source of the non-matches now.
Thanks so much.
Natalie Bennett
01:19 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1368 (Feedback): Unmatched households when merging hhresp with lsoa data
To follow up on what Gundi has said,
All households in c_hhsamp who have a valid postcode for their addresses are ...
Alita Nandi
02:02 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1369: Link UK Household Longitudinal Study with other datasets - is it possible?
Thanks so much for all this information - I will explore these possibilities now.
Thanks again for your time and h...
Daniela Rodrigues
01:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1369: Link UK Household Longitudinal Study with other datasets - is it possible?
Thanks Gundi.
Hi Daniela,
I had simultaneously asked our data team to provide a response to your query. Below i...
Alita Nandi
01:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1369: Link UK Household Longitudinal Study with other datasets - is it possible?
Hi Daniela,
the list of geographical identifier data files we make available is complete. Via this route it is not p...
Gundi Knies
01:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1369: Link UK Household Longitudinal Study with other datasets - is it possible?
Hi Gundi
Many thanks for this information. I have been exploring the link to geo-coded data shared by Alita but I ...
Daniela Rodrigues
01:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1369: Link UK Household Longitudinal Study with other datasets - is it possible?
Hi Daniela,
Alita has described procedures to link to geo-coded data. Your query suggest you may instead be interest...
Gundi Knies
12:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1369: Link UK Household Longitudinal Study with other datasets - is it possible?
Hi Alita
Thanks for your feedback. I checked the link you shared. Can you please just confirm - Is it possible to ...
Daniela Rodrigues
01:08 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1369 (Feedback): Link UK Household Longitudinal Study with other datasets - is it possible?
Matching of Understanding Society data with external datasets which are at different levels of geography is...
Alita Nandi


10:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Not sure why the code on the website only goes to wave 8; it is porbably a co-incidence and I would not expect the co... Gundi Knies
10:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Thanks for the advice, Gundi.
I will use the duplicates report command. Is this the main reason why the merging-i...
Abigail Dumalus
09:36 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
the number of cases in wave 9 is suspicious because the sample size tends to reduce from wave to wave, due to non-res... Gundi Knies
07:49 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Why is the number of cases for UKHLS wave 9 suspicious? Does this mean there should only be 25 waves in the longitudi... Abigail Dumalus
07:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Try not to append UKHLS wave 9 to the data file that already has wave 9 data - the number of cases for w9 is suspicious. Gundi Knies
06:33 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370: BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Hello Gundi,
I have been trying append all UKHLS waves, using the standard Stata syntax for looping through the wa...
Abigail Dumalus
05:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370 (Feedback): BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
Hi Abigail,
it seems like you the wave values 1-9 twice - once for the BHPS and once for the UKHLS. Maybe treat UKHL...
Gundi Knies
03:45 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1370 (Resolved): BHPS+UKHLS (26 waves) Repeated Time Values Error in Stata
I found that linking all 26 waves went without a hitch. Since I intend to do longitudinal analysis of life...
Abigail Dumalus
05:28 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1368: Unmatched households when merging hhresp with lsoa data
Hi Natalie,
the universe of cases in the geographical identifier datasets is sampled households with a valid postcod...
Gundi Knies
11:32 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1369 (Resolved): Link UK Household Longitudinal Study with other datasets - is it possible?
I am doing my PhD on the impact of digital-first models of care on a range of outcomes, including health inequalities... Daniela Rodrigues


03:26 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1366: Valid occupation code versus job hours
Thanks so much for looking into this. I think I have figured it now. I was looking at unique observations (i.e. by pi... C Josten
02:04 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1366: Valid occupation code versus job hours
No problem. I have looked at the data again. Over the 18+9 waves of data:
jbhas=1|jboff=1 for 370979 cases
Alita Nandi

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