



From 04/06/2018 to 05/05/2018


10:25 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #947: the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
Dear Alita,
this is what I thought, that I now have the birthyear of the parents. What I do need, if you are so k...
Nico Ochmann
09:35 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #972 (In Progress): Merging house price data with panel BHPS
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
03:07 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #972 (Resolved): Merging house price data with panel BHPS
Hi Stephanie
I have merged individual level data on the BHPS across waves and am having difficulty merging with th...
Oluwaseun Fajana
09:28 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #971 (In Progress): Merging Parents with SDQ
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


06:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #971 (Resolved): Merging Parents with SDQ
I was wondering if I could get some clarification. I am wanting to merge parenting styles data with the SDQ d...
Vicky Thompson
04:38 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #970 (In Progress): GHQ-12 data for young people aged 16-24
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
03:53 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #970 (Resolved): GHQ-12 data for young people aged 16-24
I am currently writing a systematic review looking at time-trends in the prevalence of mental health difficulties in ... Kirsty Labuschagne
12:20 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #947: the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
Hi Nico,
In the resulting files w_paernts there are 5 variables: pidp of the child (pidp), the mother and father p...
Alita Nandi


03:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #969 (In Progress): Scoring Mechanism for big 5 personality scores
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
01:55 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #969: Scoring Mechanism for big 5 personality scores
A little extra info:
The previous answer given for a similar question, directing to the online documentation does no...
Twylla Dillion
01:52 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #969 (Resolved): Scoring Mechanism for big 5 personality scores
Hello, The methodology used to score the big 5 personality scores in UKHLS is not clear. Due the nature of the scorin... Twylla Dillion


05:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #961: Number of years in education and individual income
Dear Paul,
There is no official way to create years of education in Understanding Society. The reason is probably ...
Stephanie Auty


04:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #966 (Feedback): Active Healthy Kids Wales - Call for Wales Data
Dear Richard,
The data includes respondents from all four countries of the UK, and you can use the variable w_coun...
Stephanie Auty


04:10 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #968: Wording of Annual History Questions
Thanks, Stephanie.
Just to add to this, I'm interested in how the following fed forward variables are calculated: ...
Liam Wright
03:21 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #968 (In Progress): Wording of Annual History Questions
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
03:20 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #966 (In Progress): Active Healthy Kids Wales - Call for Wales Data
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
12:39 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #949: Total length of interview time for individual interviews
Thank you! Do you know when the IP10 release will be? I am in need of the end times for the Wave 8 data rather immedi... Dana Garbarski


01:20 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #968 (Resolved): Wording of Annual History Questions
I've also raised this issue in #957, but am not sure how to change assignee and not sure if you will get it.*...
Liam Wright


04:41 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #966 (Resolved): Active Healthy Kids Wales - Call for Wales Data
Dear Understanding Society members,
I am contacting you on behalf of the Active Healthy Kids Wales report card exp...
Richard Tyler
04:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #957: Annual History Routing
Hi Stephanie,
Thanks for the information. I'd rather not exclude these participants as, though they are small in n...
Liam Wright
01:34 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #962: NPD Organisation linking
Dear Stephanie,
Great, that answers my question, thanks very much for your help.
Best regards,
Liam Wren-Lewis


06:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #962 (Feedback): NPD Organisation linking
Dear Liam,
Yes, you will be able to use the linked NPD data to obtain primary school for groups (a) and (b) as lae...
Stephanie Auty
05:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #924 (Resolved): Derivation of Fed Forward Values
This issue continues in #957. Stephanie Auty
05:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #957 (Feedback): Annual History Routing
Dear Liam,
There is indeed a small group of people that are sent through two bits of routing that are almost alway...
Stephanie Auty
05:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #949 (Feedback): Total length of interview time for individual interviews
Dear Dana,
The variables for end time at Wave 8 will be included in the IP10 release, as will start and end times ...
Stephanie Auty
11:36 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #965 (Feedback): Sample weights
Stephanie Auty
10:48 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #965: Sample weights
Thanks for your question. The best weights for you are: for cross-sectional analysis it is g_indinui_xw (th...
Olena Kaminska
11:35 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #963 (Feedback): Youth Self-Completion Longitudinal Weights
Stephanie Auty
11:33 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #963: Youth Self-Completion Longitudinal Weights
Yes, the reason is that there is no one person that will be in your analysis as we interview youth between 10-1...
Olena Kaminska


04:04 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #947: the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
Dear Alita,
first of all, thank you very much for your helpful code. I ran it and it works. And I did append the ...
Nico Ochmann


10:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #951: Deriving alcohol consumption units
Thank you! This is just the response I needed. jason morgan
04:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #951 (Feedback): Deriving alcohol consumption units
Dear Jason,

In most cases during self-completion questions only one question is shown at once, and since g_auditc...
Stephanie Auty
10:43 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #965: Sample weights
Thank you so much!!!
(This left me with just 2 options and both produced almost identical results so I am going wi...
jason morgan
04:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #965: Sample weights
Dear Jason,
I'm not sure if Olena will see this in time to answer you before the weekend, so I wanted to provide a...
Stephanie Auty
04:26 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #965 (In Progress): Sample weights
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
08:21 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #965 (Resolved): Sample weights
Dear USoc Team,
Slightly more urgently than my previous question (I have reconciled it now) I was wondering what p...
jason morgan


05:14 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #963 (In Progress): Youth Self-Completion Longitudinal Weights
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
12:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #963 (Resolved): Youth Self-Completion Longitudinal Weights
Dear US support,
I want to use wave 1-7 youth data in a longitudinal analysis. I can, however, only find cross-se...
Amy Orben
05:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #962 (In Progress): NPD Organisation linking
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
11:13 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #962 (Resolved): NPD Organisation linking
Dear Understanding Society,
I would like to link as many people as possible in the Understanding Society survey to...
Liam Wren-Lewis
05:04 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #961 (In Progress): Number of years in education and individual income
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


03:55 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #960: pid and pidp not uniquely identifying rows
That helps a lot.
Thank you so much for your help!
Best regards,
Gabriele Dente
09:13 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #960: pid and pidp not uniquely identifying rows
Hello Gabriele,
The row in indresp is uniquely identified by pid/pidp but the rows in files income & jobhist are u...
Alita Nandi
09:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #947: the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
Dear Nico,
Sorry, yes you are right.
1. birthyear of co-resident children can be identified using A_INDALL and ...
Alita Nandi


02:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #961 (Resolved): Number of years in education and individual income
I am currently writing my dissertation on the impact of occupation on the self-rated health outcomes of British worke... Paul Jones


08:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #953: Variable on intention to quit/leave current job
Dear Stephanie
thank you for your reply and for sending the link. Much appreciated.
This variable may be an adequat...
Ourega-Zoe Ejebu
03:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #953 (Feedback): Variable on intention to quit/leave current job
Dear Zoé,
We do not have exactly that question, but you may find some of the questions asked in the Work Condition...
Stephanie Auty
05:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #949: Total length of interview time for individual interviews
Dear Dana,
Interview start time and interview end time are available in w_indresp_ip in Waves 7 and 9, with the fo...
Stephanie Auty
05:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #960 (In Progress): pid and pidp not uniquely identifying rows
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
03:10 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #960 (Resolved): pid and pidp not uniquely identifying rows
I'm trying to use the BHPS armonised files, and wanted to merge files in the same waves (I need to merg...
Gabriele Dente
03:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #958 (Feedback): Wave 6 Innovation Panel - missing risk questions.
Dear Joe,
Do you mean the Time and risk preference module, questions listed here?
Stephanie Auty
03:33 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #956 (Feedback): Height and weight in wave 18
Dear Lana,
The height and weight questions you can see on the questionnaire for Wave B18 are part of the youth que...
Stephanie Auty
03:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #955 (Feedback): Individual level net monthly income and social benefit income
Dear Anisa,
There are two parts to answer to this.
Firstly, the data are collected at the individual level but ...
Stephanie Auty
03:28 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #954 (Feedback): Nurse health assessment - bioimpedance measures
Dear Dr Per-Ola Sundin,
The water percentage was collected and can be found with the variable name wtpc. The other...
Stephanie Auty


06:39 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #959 (Feedback): Neighbourhood data
Dear Dora,
we do indeed have plenty of other information about neighbourhoods! We also collect information about nei...
Gundi Knies
04:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #959 (In Progress): Neighbourhood data
Stephanie Auty
12:41 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #959 (Resolved): Neighbourhood data
Dear all,
I would like to ask whether there are *any* neighbourhood data available apart from the self-reported qu...
Theodora Kokosi
04:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #957 (In Progress): Annual History Routing
Dear Liam,
Apologies, you're right - the status and assignee were not updated so we didn't see your response to #9...
Stephanie Auty
04:50 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #958 (In Progress): Wave 6 Innovation Panel - missing risk questions.
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
12:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #958 (Resolved): Wave 6 Innovation Panel - missing risk questions.
In wave 6 of the innovation panel, there were a series of risk questions added to the survey.
See this paper for a...
Joe Gladstone
01:38 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #918: lnprnt - number of children ever had
Dear Alita,
I believe I spotted yet another issue here in the context of generating the number of children ever b...
Nico Ochmann
11:40 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #947: the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
Dear Alita,
please no hurry, I just want to write this because I want to have it out there. I am trying to find t...
Nico Ochmann


02:20 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #947: the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
Dear Alita,
my work is under way, I do have one question before I dive into it. You write above that a_natchild h...
Nico Ochmann
01:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #957 (Resolved): Annual History Routing
I've posted this in another issue (#924), but am not sure whether the status will change so you will be made a...
Liam Wright
01:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #924: Derivation of Fed Forward Values
Just writing to see if there was an answer to this?
I'm currently trying to derive consistent work-life his...
Liam Wright


03:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #956 (In Progress): Height and weight in wave 18
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
02:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #956 (Resolved): Height and weight in wave 18
I am using the harmonised Understanding Society/BHPS data, where I have found height and weight information of...
Lana Krehic


09:39 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #952 (Feedback): variable g_frjtpn, ‘PNO of joint recipient’, on the data file g_income
Dear Simone,
The error on g_frjtpn will not have affected either of these variables.
Best wishes,
Stephanie Au...
Stephanie Auty
09:10 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #955 (In Progress): Individual level net monthly income and social benefit income
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
03:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #955 (Resolved): Individual level net monthly income and social benefit income
I am using individual level net monthly income (w_fimnnet_dv) and am looking at the different income componen...
Anisa Butt
08:43 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #948: Impevents question transcripts
Dear Thiemo,
We do not release the free-text responses as it’s possible they would include something disclosive ab...
Stephanie Auty
01:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #951: Deriving alcohol consumption units
(As another thought: since the DrinkFreq (g_auditc3) categories are measured in proportions of a year - it may be bet... jason morgan
10:10 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #947 (Feedback): the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
In Wave 1, a_natchild will have birth year information for all children ever born to the respondent. After Wave 1, w_... Alita Nandi


05:13 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #954 (In Progress): Nurse health assessment - bioimpedance measures
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
03:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #954 (Resolved): Nurse health assessment - bioimpedance measures
I am analysing data from the Understanding society Nurse Health assessment. To evaluate kidney function I aim to use ... Per-Ola Sundin
05:13 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #953 (In Progress): Variable on intention to quit/leave current job
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
01:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #953 (Resolved): Variable on intention to quit/leave current job
Dear all,
I am looking for a variable indicating whether respondents intent to leave/quit their job.
Does UKHLS c...
Ourega-Zoe Ejebu
05:12 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #952: variable g_frjtpn, ‘PNO of joint recipient’, on the data file g_income
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
10:30 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #952 (In Progress): variable g_frjtpn, ‘PNO of joint recipient’, on the data file g_income
Stephanie Auty
10:29 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #951 (In Progress): Deriving alcohol consumption units
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


11:22 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #952 (Resolved): variable g_frjtpn, ‘PNO of joint recipient’, on the data file g_income
A few days ago I received an email from Graham Jolliffe about an error of the variable g_frjtpn, ‘PNO of joint...
Simone Angioloni


11:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #951 (Resolved): Deriving alcohol consumption units
Dear USoc Team,
My research is examining the impact of alcohol consumption on individual earnings.
With regards...
jason morgan

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