



From 12/04/2020 to 01/02/2021


09:57 AM Support #1469 (Resolved): Matching data
I am attempting to use wave 1 data to match data on individuals and their friends. I have used the 'egoalt' file to c... Laura Bryce


03:13 PM Support #1467: Website links not working
Hi, I noticed recently that the links on the Understanding Society have stopped working. I am able to search for a va... Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
03:00 PM Support #1467 (Resolved): Website links not working
Hi, I noticed recently that the links on the Understanding Society have stopped working. I am able to search for a va... Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
03:04 PM Support #1468 (Resolved): Tracking category labels over time
Hi, are variables with the same name (but across different waves) measured consistently over time? If this is not alw... Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
11:29 AM Support #1466 (Resolved): Determining which observations have been answered by a proxy
Hi, how do I determine which observation questions have been answered by a proxy? My understanding is that if the val... Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz


04:48 PM Support #1465: Highest qualifcation variable
Alita Nandi wrote in #note-2:
> You may find this document which shows how the different qualifications are matched ...
Stef Williamson
02:58 PM Support #1459 (Feedback): Covid module high risk
The derived variable which identified individuals who were considered to be highly or extremely highly clinically vul... Alita Nandi


11:45 AM Support #1464 (Feedback): Matching household data from parents to children
In any wave, parental IDs are included only for co-resident parents in that wave. To identify parents not l...
Alita Nandi
11:01 AM Support #1464 (In Progress): Matching household data from parents to children
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Alita Nandi
10:39 AM Support #1464 (Resolved): Matching household data from parents to children
Dear Support-Team,
I am trying to match the household income (e.g. fihhmngrs_dv) of parents to the children in the...
Sebastian Jungkunz
11:03 AM Support #1465: Highest qualifcation variable
You may find this document which shows how the different qualifications are matched onto the derived variables. Alita Nandi
10:59 AM Support #1465 (Feedback): Highest qualifcation variable
hiqual_dv and qfhigh_dv are longitudinally produced, that is, at each wave these are the highest qualificat...
Alita Nandi
10:44 AM Support #1465 (Resolved): Highest qualifcation variable
Hi there,
I want to run some longitudinal analysis which includes a variable for participants' highest qualificati...
Stef Williamson


02:01 PM Support #1462: respondents without a record in the jk data weights and representativeness
Thank you Alita,
that is very helpful.
all best,
Laura Jones
07:27 AM Support #1462 (Feedback): respondents without a record in the jk data weights and representativeness
Hello Laura,
Here are our responses:
"Would I be correct in saying that they do not correct for differential re...
Alita Nandi
07:08 AM Support #1457: Variable for living in a big city
In order to know the city of residence, you will have to download the SPecial License datafiles for LAD residential c... Alita Nandi


05:51 PM Support #1462 (In Progress): respondents without a record in the jk data weights and representativeness
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Alita Nandi
05:25 PM Support #1462 (Resolved): respondents without a record in the jk data weights and representativeness
Dear US team,
I don't believe this question has been asked elsewhere or addressed in the user manual, but please do ...
Laura Jones
05:43 PM Support #1461 (Feedback): Special license access to wave 10-11 JK data
Special License version of Wave 10 has been released in November, and the Wave 11 data will be released in ...
Alita Nandi


12:58 PM Support #1457: Variable for living in a big city
Thank you very much!
I am not sure it is what we need. Is there a way to know in which city individuals ...
Lior Shabtai
10:48 AM Support #1461 (Resolved): Special license access to wave 10-11 JK data

We are conducting analysis on the Teacher Labour Market and we are using Understanding Society data. We have ...
Henry Faulkner-Ellis
10:29 AM Support #1458: Weights for Covid longitudinal sample
Also there is a difference between using Wave 10 or the sub-sample of Wave 10 and Wave 11, which was integrated to th... Theocharis Kromydas
10:11 AM Support #1458: Weights for Covid longitudinal sample
Manuel Serrano wrote in #note-2:
> Dear Olena, thanks very much for the help.
> Should I take out of my respons...
Theocharis Kromydas


03:29 PM Support #1460 (Feedback): HE consent variables
Yes, these are available as a Special license dataset: Alita Nandi
10:51 AM Support #1460 (Resolved): HE consent variables
I was wondering if the HE consent variables from Wave 5, specifically the university attended "Heiname", are a...
Andrew McNeil


05:47 PM Support #1458 (Feedback): Weights for Covid longitudinal sample
Alita Nandi
12:28 PM Support #1458: Weights for Covid longitudinal sample
Yes, you should.
Olena Kaminska
11:54 AM Support #1458: Weights for Covid longitudinal sample
Dear Olena, thanks very much for the help.
Should I take out of my response model also those who died and moved ou...
Manuel Serrano
11:50 AM Support #1458: Weights for Covid longitudinal sample
Yes, this sounds correct. Although it has one unnecessary assumption of no household composition change be...
Olena Kaminska
11:21 AM Support #1458 (Resolved): Weights for Covid longitudinal sample
I am doing a longitudinal analysis of a balanced sample from Wave 9 to Wave Covid 4. So far I am using the cro...
Manuel Serrano
05:46 PM Support #1459 (In Progress): Covid module high risk
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Alita Nandi
12:06 PM Support #1459 (Resolved): Covid module high risk
Hello, hope you're well!
The first release of the April wave of the Covid module contained derived variables for b...
Xiaowei Xu


03:38 PM Support #1457 (Feedback): Variable for living in a big city
A more detailed version of the indicator is available here:
Alita Nandi
10:37 AM Support #1457 (Resolved): Variable for living in a big city
We use the data in a study that examines the gender wage gap, and we would like to have information about w...
Lior Shabtai


01:42 PM Support #1456 (Feedback): Youth and young adults who filled in incorrect surveys
Hi Amy,
there is to our knowledge no written statement why this occurs. There is sometimes a bit of a time gap bet...
Gundi Knies

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