From 04/06/2019 to 05/05/2019
- 03:54 PM Support #1183 (Resolved): Discrepancies in the distribution of religion between US and UK Census
- Reply via email to usersupport@
Thank you so much for this very helpful response!
Best wishes,
** - 11:55 AM Support #1187 (Feedback): Is it possible to identify contributory and income-based JSA
- Hello,
Such a flag variable is not available but you can create it yourself. Here is the response from our income ... - 11:20 AM Support #1187 (In Progress): Is it possible to identify contributory and income-based JSA
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 10:22 AM Support #1187 (Resolved): Is it possible to identify contributory and income-based JSA
- Hello,
I am interesting in looking at the different impact that means-tested and contributory benefits have on peo... - 11:19 AM Support #1186 (Feedback): Ethnicity Data Inapplicable
- Hi Freya,
Use the variable racel_dv in the file xwavedat. You can merge this file, xwavedat, with any individual l...
- 05:06 PM Support #1186 (Resolved): Ethnicity Data Inapplicable
- Hi i am looking to work with the ethnicity data in the BHPS sample, i was going through the data in stata and have fo...
- 01:01 PM Support #1181: Merging general health variables
- Dear Erica,
Our Policy Unit ( are interested in contacting ...
- 05:57 PM Support #1183 (Feedback): Discrepancies in the distribution of religion between US and UK Census
- Hello Jing Shen,
The Census question and the Understanding Society questions are slightly different.
In the 2... - 10:19 AM Support #1185: Linking all waves of BHPS and UKHLS: Inconsistencies?
- Thank you Alita!
This is very helpful as I was mostly wondering whether I did something wrong in the matching proces... - 10:02 AM Support #1185: Linking all waves of BHPS and UKHLS: Inconsistencies?
- Also, sex_dv is only available for the 8 UKHLS waves and it does not have the same problem, that is, there is a valid...
- 09:40 AM Support #1185 (Feedback): Linking all waves of BHPS and UKHLS: Inconsistencies?
- Hi Nicole,
Without looking at your code I cannot comment but I can say that when I appended 25 waves I too find si...
- 11:38 PM Support #1185 (Resolved): Linking all waves of BHPS and UKHLS: Inconsistencies?
- Hello,
I've merged all the waves of the BHPS and Understanding Society into one master data file in the long-forma...
- 04:33 PM Support #1183 (In Progress): Discrepancies in the distribution of religion between US and UK Census
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 03:43 PM Support #1184: informal care receipt in wave 7
- >> In that case do the data team correct RELATIONSHIP_DV based on a respondents answers to other questions in the sur...
- 12:37 PM Support #1184: informal care receipt in wave 7
- Hi Alita,
Thankyou for looking into this so quickly.
In that case do the data team correct RELATIONSHIP_DV base... - 12:16 PM Support #1184 (In Progress): informal care receipt in wave 7
- Hello Sean,
I have looked into this and identified these discrepancies that you have mentioned.
The relationsh...
- 01:41 PM Support #1184 (Resolved): informal care receipt in wave 7
- Hi,
I am currently using the information regarding informal care receipt in the social care module of wave 7.
T... - 12:58 PM Support #1183 (Resolved): Discrepancies in the distribution of religion between US and UK Census
- I'm currently working on religious variables in Understanding Society, and have found that the distribution of religi...
- 12:53 PM Support #1089: Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
- Thank you very much. This is very helpful!
- 04:10 PM Support #1162: Month of Sample Issue
- Hi Olena and Peter,
Thank you for these replies. These are very helpful.
Best wishes,
- 11:19 AM Support #1182: Pooling data for analysis by calendar year
- Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for your question. No, your suggestion will not work. You should base your calendar year o... - 09:47 AM Support #1182 (In Progress): Pooling data for analysis by calendar year
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 12:07 PM Support #1171: How to match information of any two household members across waves
- Sorry for the late reply Alita,
if you add to your code above the following line: rename sp_`w'_* sp_* , then eve... - 09:35 AM Support #1182 (Resolved): Pooling data for analysis by calendar year
- I am trying to get to the mean of certain variables for each calendar year and I am uncertain about rescaling weights...
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