



From 10/29/2018 to 11/27/2018


06:20 PM Support #1101 (In Progress): Use of social media
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
11:49 AM Support #1101 (Resolved): Use of social media
I'm carrying out research into children's mental health and I'm using data from the youth questionnaire in Wave...
Craig Duncan
06:19 PM Support #1099 (Feedback): Non coresidential relationships
Dear Lydia,
Other questions you may find useful which were asked in the same waves as bw_nrpxpm1 (8, 13 and 18) we...
Stephanie Auty
12:22 PM Support #1097: YPDKLM: irregular variable dist.
Dear Amy,
If you read the questionnaires you will see that these missing answers are due to routing at ypeveralc. ...
Stephanie Auty
11:03 AM Support #1097: YPDKLM: irregular variable dist.
Dear Stephanie,
Actually I have another question. See attached, the distribution shows that dklm has a lot more mi...
Amy Orben
10:23 AM Support #1097: YPDKLM: irregular variable dist.
Thanks Stephanie, that resolves my query!
Best wishes,
Amy Orben
10:35 AM Support #1098 (Feedback): Consulting
Dear Leonardo,
I'm not sure what you mean by "the form BHPS survey". If you are looking for the questionnaires the...
Stephanie Auty


05:35 PM Support #1097 (Feedback): YPDKLM: irregular variable dist.
Dear Amy,
If you look at the value labels you will see that the sixth response option is labeled "never but q45 an...
Stephanie Auty
05:26 PM Support #1095 (Feedback): question about sample sizes
Stephanie Auty
04:30 PM Support #1100 (Resolved): weights and 'svy set' using wave 2+3, nurse health assesment and blood samples
Stephanie Auty
02:27 PM Support #1100: weights and 'svy set' using wave 2+3, nurse health assesment and blood samples
Thank you so much for your kind assistance with this and my previous questions!
Yours sincerely
Per-Ola Sundin
Per-Ola Sundin
01:50 PM Support #1100: weights and 'svy set' using wave 2+3, nurse health assesment and blood samples
Dear Per-Ola Sundin,
Thank you for your question. Yes, the weight is correct. And for the svy set command you shou...
Olena Kaminska
10:39 AM Support #1100: weights and 'svy set' using wave 2+3, nurse health assesment and blood samples
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
10:33 AM Support #1100 (Resolved): weights and 'svy set' using wave 2+3, nurse health assesment and blood samples
I am evalutaing associations between kidney function (serum creatinine) determined in blood samples at the wave 2/3 n... Per-Ola Sundin


11:35 AM Support #1094 (Feedback): MSOA level data - Scotland and NI identifiers
Dear Juliet,
All of our geographies are taken directly from the ONSPD. The version of ONSPD used per Wave is ident...
Stephanie Auty
11:31 AM Support #1099 (In Progress): Non coresidential relationships
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
08:54 AM Support #1099 (Feedback): Non coresidential relationships
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to understand whether there is the possibility of identifying
non-coresidential re...
Lydia Palumbo


04:30 PM Support #1098 (In Progress): Consulting
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
01:15 PM Support #1098 (Resolved): Consulting
Dear Sirs:
My name is Leonardo Núñez and I work at the Social Observatory of the Chilean Department of Social Develo...
Leonardo Nunez
04:23 PM Support #1095: question about sample sizes
Dear Richard Norrie,
Thank you for your question. If you are looking only at Sikhs population you could use W_indi...
Olena Kaminska
11:30 AM Support #1092: Variables
Dear Giorgio,
Wave 8 data is due to be released next week. Wave 9 data will be released towards the end of next ye...
Stephanie Auty
10:41 AM Support #1092: Variables
Stephanie Auty wrote:
> Dear Aideen,
> It looks like the questions you are looking at are part of the Local Nei...
Giorgio Piccitto


03:49 PM Support #1096: Special licence data release calendar
Thanks Stephanie, that's great.
Juliet Stone
03:43 PM Support #1096 (Feedback): Special licence data release calendar
Dear Juliet,
Yes, the SL versions of the data including geographies are releases at the same time as EUL.
Best ...
Stephanie Auty
03:12 PM Support #1096 (In Progress): Special licence data release calendar
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
03:23 PM Support #1093 (Feedback): Mortality and attrition
Stephanie Auty
03:23 PM Support #1093: Mortality and attrition
Dear Per-Ola,
First you should look in the xwavedat file. We have a deceased flag, dcsedfl_dv, the wave by which r...
Stephanie Auty
03:13 PM Support #1097 (In Progress): YPDKLM: irregular variable dist.
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
02:42 PM Support #1097 (Resolved): YPDKLM: irregular variable dist.
Dear US team,
I have recently started working with the alcohol consumption variables you provide in the youth self...
Amy Orben


03:32 PM Support #1096 (Resolved): Special licence data release calendar
I wondered if you can tell me whether the special licence version of the Wave 8 data will be released at the sam...
Juliet Stone
01:54 PM Support #1084: Financial situation
Thank you for the answer.
I already noticed the variable. But if I understand correctly it only belongs to USoc. ...
Lydia Palumbo
12:59 PM Support #1084: Financial situation
Dear Lydia,
Additionally, you may find the question w_xphsdba in the household questionnaire useful for comparison...
Stephanie Auty
12:52 PM Support #1093 (In Progress): Mortality and attrition
Stephanie Auty
10:37 AM Support #1095 (In Progress): question about sample sizes
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


10:44 PM Support #1095 (Resolved): question about sample sizes
I am trying to create estimates for the insults data contained in the 5 minute extra questionnaire in wave 7 o...
Richard Norrie
05:39 PM Support #1094 (In Progress): MSOA level data - Scotland and NI identifiers
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
05:13 PM Support #1094 (Resolved): MSOA level data - Scotland and NI identifiers
I am currently awaiting approval for access to special licence dataset 7249, Census 2011 Middle Layer Super Outp...
Juliet Stone
04:16 PM Support #1092 (Feedback): Variables
Dear Aideen,
It looks like the questions you are looking at are part of the Local Neighbourhood module: https://ww...
Stephanie Auty
11:07 AM Support #1047: Weights
The longitudinal enumeration weight W_psnenub_lw (if you don't use wave 1 of UKHLS) or W_psnenus_lw (if yo...
Olena Kaminska
10:56 AM Support #1047 (In Progress): Weights
Reply by email from Yulila:
Thank you for your answer.
I couldn’t reply through the US User Support website tha...
Stephanie Auty
10:45 AM Support #1093: Mortality and attrition
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
10:19 AM Support #1093 (Resolved): Mortality and attrition
Could you please advice me on the most convenient way to correctly identify individuals were vital status in unknown?... Per-Ola Sundin


09:17 AM Support #1083: Subjective Well-Being Data
Dear Micah,
This page shows which geographical identifiers are available under Special Licence, which is available...
Stephanie Auty


04:15 PM Support #1092 (In Progress): Variables
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
12:53 PM Support #1092 (Resolved): Variables
At the Centre for Ageing Better, we are putting together a report on the State of the Nation for our older people. On... Aideen Young


01:57 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
Dear Olga,
ok, I got it. Then I'll do that and can present some robustness checks using f_psnenub_lw weight.
Melanie Luhrmann
01:10 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
f_psnenus_lw excludes two samples: BHPS that joined in wave 2 and IEMB that joined in wave 6. You could i...
Olena Kaminska


05:27 PM Support #1077: Variable on country of birth
Dear Lydia,
xwavedat contains every individual enumerated in the survey. Some of these will be children, while oth...
Stephanie Auty
05:09 PM Support #1078: Marital change
Dear Lydia,
We have checked the BHPS questionnaires and it looks like you are correct. The marital status was only...
Stephanie Auty
04:41 PM Support #1091 (In Progress): Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
Stephanie Auty
03:45 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
Just one additional question: When I use f_psnenus_lw, all teenagers who are not observed in that wave have no weight... Melanie Luhrmann
03:30 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
Perfect! Thanks so much, Olena, this was immensely helpful! I'll implement this and see where it takes me. Melanie Luhrmann
03:09 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
Thank you. This is very helpful. For your policy analysis the responding group will be very specific: it ...
Olena Kaminska
02:51 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
Dear Olena,
thanks for your fast response!
I am interested in longitudinal analysis, but am using an unbalanced ...
Melanie Luhrmann
02:43 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
Thank you for your question. Could you tell us a little bit more about your analysis? Are you interested ...
Olena Kaminska
02:23 PM Support #1091 (Resolved): Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
I would like to conduct a panel analysis of teenagers responses in the youth self-completion survey based on waves 1-... Melanie Luhrmann


04:46 PM Support #1080 (Resolved): Weights for pooled cross-sectional analysis - accounting for clustering
Stephanie Auty
04:46 PM Support #1079 (Resolved): How do I match adult respondents of the survey with their children (over 16 years of age) who also participate in the survey
Stephanie Auty
04:42 PM Support #1075 (Resolved): Weights in an unbalanced panel
Stephanie Auty
04:39 PM Support #1068 (Resolved): Locating and accessing sexuality identity data within LHS data sets
Stephanie Auty
04:39 PM Support #1067 (Resolved): Strengths and Difficulties variable
Stephanie Auty
04:38 PM Support #1066 (Resolved): Weights for Waves 3 and 6
Stephanie Auty
04:38 PM Support #1064 (Resolved): Including local level identifiers in Understanding Society
Stephanie Auty
04:38 PM Support #1063 (Resolved): Employment variables
Stephanie Auty
04:37 PM Support #1062 (Resolved): Income in Nurse Health Assessment
Stephanie Auty
04:37 PM Support #1043 (Resolved): Seaming effects
Stephanie Auty
04:37 PM Support #1021 (Resolved): Household weighting for longitudinal analysis
Stephanie Auty
11:00 AM Support #1089: Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
Follow-up question from Jing (by email):
You mentioned both May and June samples would not be random. I understand...
Peter Lynn


09:19 PM Support #1089: Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
Not really. The chance to be assigned to a particular monthly sample can be considered random, but within each monthl... Peter Lynn
05:13 PM Support #1089 (In Progress): Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
03:11 PM Support #1089 (Resolved): Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
I'm conducting a study about the impact of the Brexit Referendum on life satisfaction using a difference-in-differenc... Jing Shen
06:06 PM Support #1084 (Feedback): Financial situation
Dear Lydia,
There are not any equivalent variables to b`w'_fisitc and b`w'_fisity in UKHLS. However, you could loo...
Stephanie Auty
05:46 PM Support #1088 (Feedback): More information on variable "plbornc"
Stephanie Auty
05:46 PM Support #1088: More information on variable "plbornc"
Dear Olayiwola Oladiran,
The variable plbornc_all contains a further breakdown of the 'other' category and is avai...
Stephanie Auty
01:44 PM Support #1088 (In Progress): More information on variable "plbornc"
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
12:43 PM Support #1088: More information on variable "plbornc"
Please is there a further breakdown of the countries of origin of immigrants (plbornc)? I am conducting a s...
12:05 PM Support #1088 (Resolved): More information on variable "plbornc"
Please is there a further breakdown of the countries of origin of immigrants (plbornc)? I am conducting a s...
05:34 PM Support #1086 (Feedback): Biomarker serum creatinine
Dear Per-Ola Sundin,
A reply from our biomarker team:
Yes, the method we used (Roche Creatinine plus) is standard...
Stephanie Auty
01:42 PM Support #1086 (In Progress): Biomarker serum creatinine
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
08:15 AM Support #1086 (Resolved): Biomarker serum creatinine
Could you please inform me whether the analysis of serum creatinine is standardized according to IDMS?
Yours since...
Per-Ola Sundin
05:30 PM Support #1085 (Feedback): Inapplicable and missing data
Dear Giorgio,
Which data files are you working with? I have checked w_sex in w_indresp and this does not seem to h...
Stephanie Auty
01:41 PM Support #1085 (In Progress): Inapplicable and missing data
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
04:30 PM Support #1083 (Feedback): Subjective Well-Being Data
Dear Micah,
Understanding Society is a longitudinal household survey which collects information on life satisfacti...
Stephanie Auty


01:25 PM Support #1085 (Resolved): Inapplicable and missing data
Dear all,
I am working with an appended dataset of the 7 waves, and I noticed something weird.
Some 'basic' var...
Giorgio Piccitto


10:53 AM Support #1082 (Feedback): House details in youth or adult datasets
Stephanie Auty


10:38 AM Support #1084 (In Progress): Financial situation
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
10:08 AM Support #1084 (Resolved): Financial situation
Dear User Support,
are you aware of a variable that is similar to b`w'_fisitc and b`w'_fisity of BHPS in USoc?
Lydia Palumbo


05:12 PM Support #1078: Marital change
Dear Stephanie,
thank you very much for your answer.
I am aware of the consolidated histories. I am just wond...
Lydia Palumbo
04:15 PM Support #1078: Marital change
Dear Lydia,
Just to add that the data for the historical marriage and cohabitation data in Wave 1 (for GPS & EMBS)...
Stephanie Auty
03:29 PM Support #1078: Marital change
Dear Lydia,
I see what you are asking for now. We do have that information available as follows:
For BHPS, ther...
Stephanie Auty
04:36 PM Support #1082: House details in youth or adult datasets
Dear Dora,
We have some information which may help. In w_hhsamp we have an observational question, w_unkgard, whic...
Stephanie Auty
03:30 PM Support #1083 (In Progress): Subjective Well-Being Data
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


04:40 PM Support #1081: Youth and individual respondents datasets - merging info
Dear Stephanie,
This is really helpful. Thanks a lot!
Best wishes,
Theodora Kokosi


07:26 PM Support #1083 (Resolved): Subjective Well-Being Data
My name is Micah Kaats. I am a researcher from Utrecht University working on a project with Dr. Martijn Hendriks and ... Micah Kaats

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