From 08/30/2017 to 09/28/2017
02:21 PM Support #858 (In Progress): Date of Birth variables
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:15 PM Support #858 (Closed): Date of Birth variables
- Hi! I am trying to merge the Understanding Society data with another data-set on pensionable age, based on the date o...
10:55 AM Support #857 (In Progress): Merging datasets
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:49 AM Support #857: Merging datasets
- Hello,
I have now found the 'racel_dv' variable in the 'xwavedat' data file and that the variable 'pidp' = cross-wav... -
10:35 AM Support #857 (Closed): Merging datasets
- Hello, I plan to analyse the Understanding society wave 5 data (e_indresp) and need to add the 'racel_dv' variable av...
10:54 AM Support #856 (In Progress): how to deal with contradictory records
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:19 AM Support #856 (Closed): how to deal with contradictory records
- Dear Understanding Society team,
I am writing to seek your suggestions about contradictory data.
The first ex...
04:27 PM Support #855 (In Progress): Drinking variables in wave 2, adult self-completion
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
09:02 PM Support #855 (Closed): Drinking variables in wave 2, adult self-completion
- Dear USoc team,
I have a question with drinking variables in wave 2, adult self-completion. The variable value lab... -
03:14 PM Support #845 (Resolved): Linkage of Understanding Society to Hospital Episodes Statistics
03:13 PM Support #844 (Resolved): BHPS inverview translation
03:13 PM Support #843 (Closed): w_englang is not part of xwavedat, but available for wave a, e, f
03:12 PM Support #842 (Feedback): Marital status variable - mlstat
03:12 PM Support #841 (Resolved): Genetics and diagnosis data
03:11 PM Support #835 (Closed): Individuals falling out of the survey
03:10 PM Support #833 (Closed): How is monthly labour income (w_fimnlabgrs_dv) derived?
03:10 PM Support #827 (Closed): Lone parent flag nonepar_dv definition
03:10 PM Support #825 (Resolved): BHPS weights for BHPS components in UKHLS wave 6
03:09 PM Support #818 (Closed): Exact numbers of children
01:42 PM Support #854: Ethnicity and Socio-economic group - inapplicable data
- UPDATE- I have just read through the Ethnicity Research User Guide and found that the ethnic group question is asked ...
01:03 PM Support #854 (In Progress): Ethnicity and Socio-economic group - inapplicable data
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
12:23 PM Support #854 (Closed): Ethnicity and Socio-economic group - inapplicable data
- Hi,
I am trying to put together profile data for respondents with dependent children involved in wave 6 (using the...
02:55 PM Support #852: Empstat / employment history
- Sorry - just to add to my previous question.
Aside from having never left FT education or a having proxy responden... -
10:43 AM Support #853 (In Progress): Self-esteem measure in Youth Questionnaire
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:24 PM Support #853 (Closed): Self-esteem measure in Youth Questionnaire
- Hi
I am interested in analysing responses the self esteem measure from the Youth self-completion questionnaire used ... -
05:18 PM Support #852 (In Progress): Empstat / employment history
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:01 PM Support #852 (Closed): Empstat / employment history
- Hello
I am interested in looking at employment histories for respondents. I understand that around 1/4 of the samp... -
09:20 AM Support #851 (In Progress): Components of net monthly income
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
05:16 PM Support #851 (Closed): Components of net monthly income
- Hi,
I have noticed some cases of individuals where the components of net monthly income (e.g. labour income, socia... -
11:07 AM Support #839: Pooling data from all waves, 1-6, using all subsamples of USoc (GPS, EMBS, BHPS, IEMB)
- Email received from user:
thank you very much for your patience throughout...
08:37 PM Support #849: universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS
- Hi, Thank you for your kind reply.
I have checked xwaveid data to see if interview outcome was recorded for every ...
04:57 PM Support #839: Pooling data from all waves, 1-6, using all subsamples of USoc (GPS, EMBS, BHPS, IEMB)
- Nico,
The non-response pattern in your analysis data will be very different from that in a truly longitudinal (bal...
05:29 PM Support #837 (Feedback): Industrial Injury Disability Benefit - who is asked
05:28 PM Support #834 (Closed): Existence of siblings
05:28 PM Support #832 (Closed): age and ethnicity of participants
05:27 PM Support #831 (Closed): Care recipient
05:27 PM Support #824 (Closed): Question on individual saving
05:26 PM Support #823 (Closed): BHPS Weights
05:26 PM Support #821 (Closed): Surveying methods of tracking separated parents
05:25 PM Support #820 (Closed): Longitudinal vs cross-sectional weight choice
05:25 PM Support #816 (Closed): Identifying youth Questionnaire respondents who are adopted
05:11 PM Support #850 (Feedback): Non-overlapping data query (waves a to c)
- Dear Emma,
First I want to confirm that I understand how you are combining the data from waves 1 and 2. a_paedqf a... -
11:43 AM Support #847 (Feedback): Complex samples suite in SPSS
- Dear Carla,
I can confirm that you need to account for the complex survey design using f_strata and f_psu as well ...
04:24 PM Support #846 (Feedback): BHPS job history file
- Dear Yujung Whang,
The Job History file is only for those respondents who have changed jobs in the last year – so ...
03:13 PM Support #848: Clinical Depression H_COND variables
- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bernardi, Luca <>
Date: Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 9:50... -
03:11 PM Support #849 (Feedback): universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS
- Dear Yujung Whang,
The w_indall files contain everybody who is enumerated in a responding household in that wave, ...
10:58 AM Support #840 (Closed): Labels on service use
10:58 AM Support #838 (Feedback): dietary fat intake
10:57 AM Support #829 (Closed): What is the difference between qualoc_dv from xwavedat and qualoc from wave a,b,c,d,e,f
01:01 PM Support #844 (Feedback): BHPS inverview translation
01:01 PM Support #844: BHPS inverview translation
- Dear Yujung Whang,
The BHPS was translated, but only into Welsh. In some cases an interpreter was used. The follow...
04:25 PM Support #850 (In Progress): Non-overlapping data query (waves a to c)
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:06 PM Support #850 (Closed): Non-overlapping data query (waves a to c)
- Hello Understanding Society team,
I am working on a project in which (amongst other variables) we are using parent... -
03:04 PM Support #845: Linkage of Understanding Society to Hospital Episodes Statistics
- Dear Alex,
I'm sorry to say we do not have a ballpark date. Progress has been halted on so many occasions, often a... -
03:02 PM Support #845: Linkage of Understanding Society to Hospital Episodes Statistics
- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexander Turner <>
Date: Tue, Sep 5... -
12:15 PM Support #848 (Feedback): Clinical Depression H_COND variables
12:15 PM Support #848: Clinical Depression H_COND variables
- Dear Luca,
In Wave 1 respondents were asked to report whether they’d ever been diagnosed with clinical depression ...
02:08 PM Support #847: Complex samples suite in SPSS
- Peter Lynn wrote:
> I can confirm that, if you are using variables that are collected in both the individual and pro... -
09:24 AM Support #839: Pooling data from all waves, 1-6, using all subsamples of USoc (GPS, EMBS, BHPS, IEMB)
- Hello Peter,
what I do now, I take the HHORIG variable and drop subsamples 2,4,5, and 6 and then use the GOR vari...
02:58 PM Support #845 (Feedback): Linkage of Understanding Society to Hospital Episodes Statistics
- Dear Alex,
NHS digital has a large backlog of applications for data and so we are still waiting for ours to be pro... -
02:41 PM Support #842: Marital status variable - mlstat
- Hi Charlotte,
There are two sources of information which you need to combine to answer your question. First, there... -
11:27 AM Support #841 (Feedback): Genetics and diagnosis data
11:26 AM Support #835 (Resolved): Individuals falling out of the survey
11:25 AM Support #833 (Resolved): How is monthly labour income (w_fimnlabgrs_dv) derived?
11:24 AM Support #827 (Resolved): Lone parent flag nonepar_dv definition
11:23 AM Support #826 (Closed): transformed HH income measure?
11:23 AM Support #825 (Feedback): BHPS weights for BHPS components in UKHLS wave 6
11:22 AM Support #818 (Resolved): Exact numbers of children
10:10 AM Support #849 (In Progress): universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
07:46 PM Support #849 (Closed): universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS
Dear Sir/Madam,
Hi, I have a question on the universe of indall files. To investigate the reason for sample attr...-
05:08 PM Support #847: Complex samples suite in SPSS
- I can confirm that, if you are using variables that are collected in both the individual and proxy interview, f_indpx...
05:05 PM Support #847 (In Progress): Complex samples suite in SPSS
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:52 PM Support #847 (Closed): Complex samples suite in SPSS
- Hello,
I am carrying out an analysis of people who's income changed between wave 5 and 6. I have followed the 'Int... -
05:06 PM Support #848 (In Progress): Clinical Depression H_COND variables
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:55 PM Support #848 (Closed): Clinical Depression H_COND variables
- Dear Support group,
I am measuring clinical depression and I would kindly need your advice on a couple of question... -
04:18 PM Support #839: Pooling data from all waves, 1-6, using all subsamples of USoc (GPS, EMBS, BHPS, IEMB)
- First, no! You should still use weights, even if restricting the analysis to England only. There are big differences ...
11:52 AM Support #843 (Resolved): w_englang is not part of xwavedat, but available for wave a, e, f
11:50 AM Support #843: w_englang is not part of xwavedat, but available for wave a, e, f
- Dear Stephanie,
I appreciate your reply and your comments on my imputation method. That is a valid point, I might... -
09:23 AM Support #843 (Feedback): w_englang is not part of xwavedat, but available for wave a, e, f
- Dear Nico,
We have noticed a couple of typos in the syntax above. The second section of the code should have been:...
03:39 PM Support #837: Industrial Injury Disability Benefit - who is asked
- Dear Ray,
One solution to this would be to code everyone who was not asked at waves 1-5 (i.e. -8, inapplicable) as... -
09:58 AM Support #834 (Resolved): Existence of siblings
09:58 AM Support #832 (Resolved): age and ethnicity of participants
09:57 AM Support #831 (Resolved): Care recipient
09:55 AM Support #824 (Resolved): Question on individual saving
09:54 AM Support #823 (Resolved): BHPS Weights
09:54 AM Support #821 (Resolved): Surveying methods of tracking separated parents
09:54 AM Support #820 (Resolved): Longitudinal vs cross-sectional weight choice
09:53 AM Support #819 (Closed): Gender identity
09:52 AM Support #817 (Closed): Satisfaction questions wave 3 - missing C_FF_LIFESATW3 variable
09:52 AM Support #816 (Resolved): Identifying youth Questionnaire respondents who are adopted
09:52 AM Support #813 (Closed): Match of sex across waves
09:51 AM Support #812 (Closed): BHPS TTWA codes
09:51 AM Support #811 (Closed): Wave 6 youth questionnaire confusion
09:50 AM Support #809 (Closed): Deriving the persontality traits for Understanding Soc
09:50 AM Support #792 (Closed): Merging datasets
09:49 AM Support #846 (In Progress): BHPS job history file
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
09:48 AM Support #845 (In Progress): Linkage of Understanding Society to Hospital Episodes Statistics
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
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