From 09/24/2016 to 10/23/2016
12:44 PM Support #630: weight with fixed-effects
- Carolina,
Firstly, apologies for the slow reply. One half of the weighting team had just started maternity leave w... -
09:03 AM Support #646: Forms for Special Access Data
- Hi Tomos,
how to get hold of Special license data is described here
03:54 PM Support #646 (Closed): Forms for Special Access Data
- Hello.
I apologise if this is a stupid question, but how do I actually find the forms to send to the UK Data Archi... -
02:50 PM Support #642 (In Progress): LAD Codes
- Dear Matthais,
Please accept my apologies for the delay in getting back to you about this. We are just investigati... -
02:50 PM Support #643: Linking local labour market statistics to Understanding Society
- Hi Gundi.
Yes, I think since talking to you I've realised my plan of having a similar dataset to yours was a bit a... -
02:45 PM Support #643: Linking local labour market statistics to Understanding Society
- Hi Tom,
Sorry if I have been unclear. I said you'd need to make amends in response to your proposal to also use MSOA... -
02:16 PM Support #643: Linking local labour market statistics to Understanding Society
- Hi Gundi.
I've just consulted the Geographical Accessibility user guide, and found two of the 'local labour market... -
12:20 PM Support #643: Linking local labour market statistics to Understanding Society
- Hi Tomos,
if you want both LSOA codes and Geogrphical Accessibility data, you will need to put both of them into the... -
10:57 AM Support #643: Linking local labour market statistics to Understanding Society
- Hi Gundi.
Thank you so much for your detailed reply!
I think the most appropriate way forward for me is to appl... -
10:30 AM Support #643: Linking local labour market statistics to Understanding Society
- Hi Tomos,
there are restrictions on accessing special licence data in combination, see the data access strategy (fol... -
10:21 AM Support #643 (In Progress): Linking local labour market statistics to Understanding Society
10:16 AM Support #643: Linking local labour market statistics to Understanding Society
- Hi Gundi.
I was wondering if there was any update on this?
Best wishes,
Tomos -
02:49 PM Support #644 (Feedback): Households Below Average Income
- Dear Emily,
We don’t provide that variable, but you could construct any poverty measure that you need using the ho...
02:46 PM Support #645 (In Progress): lifetime depression diagnosis rates
- Dear Dan,
Many thanks for your query - I have passed this on to our health and biomarkers team and they are lookin... -
12:48 PM Support #642: LAD Codes
- * Best for is would be, if we can get access to the 4 digit LAD Codes that were up-to-date in 1992, in 1993, in 1994....
03:48 PM Support #645 (Closed): lifetime depression diagnosis rates
- Hi,
I'm working with Understanding Society (US) and am somewhat confused by the lifetime depression diagnosis rate...
10:08 AM Support #643: Linking local labour market statistics to Understanding Society
- Hi Gundi.
Thank you for your quick reply, I realise now I wasn't very clear in my previous message!
For context... -
09:35 AM Support #644 (Closed): Households Below Average Income
- Is there a variable in Understanding Society which says whether a household is below median average income for that y...
03:50 PM Support #643: Linking local labour market statistics to Understanding Society
- Hi Tomos
from your question it is not clear whether you want to use the data that Alexander Plum and I used for the ... -
03:09 PM Support #643 (Closed): Linking local labour market statistics to Understanding Society
- Dear Understanding Society.
I'm interested in accessing local labour market statistics, and linking them to Unders...
03:43 PM Support #629 (Closed): Understanding Society Marital and Cohabitation Histories
- Dear Riley,
I'm going to close this forum post now as this is being taken forward by my colleague Alita outside th... -
03:41 PM Support #569 (Closed): Repeated child identifer for a given adult in a_natchild file
- This has now been resolved outside the forum.
02:51 PM Support #636 (Closed): Inclusion of BHPS and Ethnic Minority boost samples,
02:48 PM Support #633 (Closed): EM boost data -- released at same time?
02:47 PM Support #632 (Closed): Does Special License Access include geocoded data on LSOA/MSOA level?
04:05 PM Support #642 (Closed): LAD Codes
- Dear everyone
We are currently working on a project about EU Citizens voting rights in England on local level. 199... -
11:47 AM Support #639 (Feedback): labor income for unemployed/inactive respondents
- Dear Pilar,
If a person was not in paid employment (as an employee or self-employed) in the week before the interv... -
06:04 AM Support #641: a_emplstat
- You are correct. In Wave 5, information about the job was not collected. E_EMPSTAT includes employment status of each...
01:40 PM Support #641: a_emplstat
- Alita Nandi wrote:
> The survey sample was interviewed over a course of 24 months. The employment history was asked ... -
01:29 PM Support #641 (In Progress): a_emplstat
- The survey sample was interviewed over a course of 24 months. The employment history was asked of the first six month...
01:19 PM Support #641 (Closed): a_emplstat
- Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a Phd student from Southampton University, I would like to use the section of Understanding ... -
03:29 AM Support #640 (In Progress): Citizenship in BHPS
- Dear Matthias,
As XEAVEDAT includes everyone ever enumerated in the BHPS, it means it also includes children who are...
04:26 PM Support #640 (Closed): Citizenship in BHPS
- Hi there
In the BHPS XWAVEDAT dataset BHPS reports the variable citzn1 (citizenship first mentioned) over all 18 ...
02:15 PM Support #639 (In Progress): labor income for unemployed/inactive respondents
- Dear Pilar,
Many thanks for submitting your enquiry. You have submitted it three times however, so I will delete t... -
02:12 PM Support #639 (Closed): labor income for unemployed/inactive respondents
I work on unemployment and I am trying to create a measure that summarizes respondents' yearly labor in...-
12:55 PM Support #635 (Feedback): Environmental behaviour questions, Wave 4
- Dear Alex,
Many thanks for your enquiry.
In general, the environmental behaviour questions were adapted/ derive...
03:56 PM Support #629: Understanding Society Marital and Cohabitation Histories
- We are finalising the process and will contact you very soon.
Best wishes,
Alita -
11:40 AM Support #631 (Feedback): Rents in Understanding Society
- Dear Maria,
We just want to confirm that:
(i) you are using the variable, w_origadd, to identify whether the resp... -
10:42 AM Support #636 (In Progress): Inclusion of BHPS and Ethnic Minority boost samples,
- Hi Ben,
You want to know whether you should include the EMB and BHPS samples along with the General Population Sam...
03:49 PM Support #636 (Closed): Inclusion of BHPS and Ethnic Minority boost samples,
- Good afternoon,
I am undertaking a cross-sectional analysis of a restricted sample from Understanding Society, nam... -
09:34 AM Support #635 (Closed): Environmental behaviour questions, Wave 4
- To whom it may concern
I am a researcher broadly interested in environmental behaviour survey instruments and I h...
09:39 AM Support #630 (In Progress): weight with fixed-effects
- Dear Carolina,
Many thanks for your enquiry and apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I have passed your... -
09:31 AM Support #629: Understanding Society Marital and Cohabitation Histories
- Dear Alita,
I just wanted to check in to see whether it was still possible to use this dataset before it is releas...
01:33 PM Support #633 (In Progress): EM boost data -- released at same time?
- Yes, this November Wave 1-6 data release will include data from the Ethnic Minority Boost Sample as always.
The Et... -
01:02 PM Support #633 (Closed): EM boost data -- released at same time?
- Hi -- does the data from the EM boost sample get released at the same time as the data for the main sample? When the...
12:34 PM Support #628 (Closed): BHPS - isced variable
12:34 PM Support #623 (Closed): Access to data
12:33 PM Support #627 (Closed): isco 88
12:33 PM Support #625 (Closed): PLBORND district of birth in BHPS
12:32 PM Support #624 (Closed): Income Data
12:31 PM Support #622 (Closed): hcost, hsyr04, mgold, mgtype
12:20 PM Support #632 (Feedback): Does Special License Access include geocoded data on LSOA/MSOA level?
- Dear Tina,
Yes, LSOA and MSOA are available under special licence from the UK Data Service, but only to researcher...
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