



From 08/26/2015 to 09/24/2015


03:22 PM Support #414: Weights for unbalanced panel
Many thanks for your reply, this is very helpful.
> ??You can either use BHPS dataset with the first wave weight a...
Ewan Carr
02:27 PM Support #422 (Closed): SIC 2007 variables in Wave 3
Hi there
I am trying to carry out a set of analyses for specific industry groups but I find that, of the 23,177 sa...
Ashwin Kumar
02:27 PM Support #421 (Closed): mining of genetic + other data: collaboration?
In general my question is whether collaboration on the Understanding Society data is possible.
In particular: I am...
Katrijn Van Deun


12:09 PM Support #414: Weights for unbalanced panel
You can either use BHPS dataset with the first wave weight and have information from a longer period, or you...
Olena Kaminska
11:57 AM Support #412: Weights for BHPS and Understanding Society
You can use in-built stata programs to use weights (which are much easier and save you from making mistakes), such as... Olena Kaminska
11:48 AM Support #419: Adult self completion wave 2 and weights
Yes, you are right. You should use b_indscus_lw. Thanks for pointing it.
Olena Kaminska
10:51 AM Support #409 (Closed): Weights for w2 bloods
Redmine Admin
10:50 AM Support #411 (Closed): Ethnicity and Socio-economic information
Redmine Admin
10:49 AM Support #413 (Closed): discovering whether a variable is asked in Round 5 (etc.)
Redmine Admin
10:23 AM Support #404: Where did sceverdrnk go?
Just to confirm that this variable has not been released previously and that it has made it into the revision planned... Redmine Admin


04:46 PM Support #420 (Closed): NPD linkage
is it correct that NPD data is only linked for those individuals in the Und Soc Youth Survey in Wave 1
is it ever go...
Jennifer Roberts


06:08 PM Support #408 (Closed): mc
Redmine Admin
06:08 PM Support #407 (Closed): Missing variables in the UKHLS for the continuing members of the BHPS
Redmine Admin
06:07 PM Support #405 (Closed): Data on relationsihp duration
Redmine Admin
06:05 PM Support #419: Adult self completion wave 2 and weights
thank you so much for your detailed response. very helpful! i have one follow up question w/r to 2a:
> 2. Yes,...
afshin zilanawala
05:01 PM Support #419: Adult self completion wave 2 and weights
1. 16,000 that you mentioned include 4000 proxies (that didn't get self-completion) + nonrespondents to self-completi... Olena Kaminska
12:50 PM Support #419 (Closed): Adult self completion wave 2 and weights
hi user support,
1. i am doing a cross-sectional analysis using the wave 2 adult self completion (SC) interview. w...
afshin zilanawala


03:42 PM Support #416: SOC 00 to ISCO 1988 stata dofile (code for 4 digits) Understanding society dataset
Please see resources available from CAMSIS:
On behalf of the team, Jakob
Redmine Admin
03:31 PM Support #418: Understanding Society dataset harmonised with GGP
Hi Katherine, Is it possible to reveal the source? Many of our questions are taken or adapted from other surveys with... Redmine Admin
10:00 AM Support #418 (Closed): Understanding Society dataset harmonised with GGP
I was told there was a special dataset of Understanding Society that has been harmonised with the questionnaire...
Katy Keenan
09:32 AM Support #417 (Closed): Choice of income bands in proxy question on annual earnings
I have a short question regarding the proxy question on annual earnings (Prearna) in the seventh wave of Understandin... Till Hoffmann


07:49 PM Support #416 (Closed): SOC 00 to ISCO 1988 stata dofile (code for 4 digits) Understanding society dataset
Dear Madam/Sir,
I was wondering if you could provide me the stata code you used to convert the variable current jo...
Albert Arcarons


05:40 PM Support #412: Weights for BHPS and Understanding Society
Great, thanks.This makes sense in a regression framework, but what if I'd like to plot means of a variable over time,... Andreas Wiedemann
04:08 PM Support #412: Weights for BHPS and Understanding Society
If you are doing longitudinal analysis since 1991, you should use indin91_lw weight. You use the weight once in your ... Olena Kaminska
05:16 PM Support #414: Weights for unbalanced panel
Many thanks, that's really helpful.
h1. Weights
I'm pretty sure I want scenario (3):
> ??...or does it thi...
Ewan Carr
04:50 PM Support #414: Weights for unbalanced panel
I hope my answer helps to clarify yours and similar questions. There are potentially three scenarios:
1) if you are ...
Olena Kaminska
05:07 PM Support #409: Weights for w2 bloods
can be found on XLABBLOOD_NS.
On behalf of the team,
Redmine Admin
04:34 PM Support #409: Weights for w2 bloods
Yes, there is a weight called c_indbdub_xw. This is for the use of both, UKHLS GPS sample and BHPS sample. It was sup... Olena Kaminska
01:59 PM Support #415: Question on household income
This update only to acknowledge receipt of your request. It might take us a few weeks at the moment to respond to thi... Redmine Admin
01:50 PM Support #415 (Closed): Question on household income
I am a PhD student at the Centre for Health Economics at University of York.
I am currently using BHPS d...
Irene Sanchez


06:44 PM Support #414 (Closed): Weights for unbalanced panel
My question is very similar to "this one":, post... Ewan Carr
05:21 PM Support #410: Income in Understanding and BHPS
related #406 Redmine Admin
05:21 PM Support #401 (Closed): Weights and finding variables
Redmine Admin
10:19 AM Support #413: discovering whether a variable is asked in Round 5 (etc.)
These questions were asked only of 16-19year olds in the extra 5 minute sample OR a recent immigrant. But they should... Alita Nandi


04:32 PM Support #413 (Closed): discovering whether a variable is asked in Round 5 (etc.)
Hi -- I would be grateful for a bit of help in determining whether the variable EthID3 is asked of all relevant respo... David Bartram
02:04 PM Support #412 (Closed): Weights for BHPS and Understanding Society
I’ve merged the BHPS with the BHPS-subset of Understanding Society to create a longitudinal panel of BHPS r...
Andreas Wiedemann


04:42 PM Support #411: Ethnicity and Socio-economic information
For info about school linkage, please see: Redmine Admin
04:30 PM Support #411 (Closed): Ethnicity and Socio-economic information
We are looking at the possibility of using Understanding Society to compare pupils outcomes (intervention v/s compari... Javiera Cartagena Farias


08:40 AM Support #410 (Closed): Income in Understanding and BHPS
I see someone else raised a question about the precise calculation of income variables in Understanding Society. In ... Lori Bougher


01:43 PM Support #405: Data on relationsihp duration
I have received the following advice:
We collect information about partnership histories during the Partnership Hi...
Redmine Admin


05:04 PM Support #402 (Closed): Health conditions
Redmine Admin
05:03 PM Support #406: Calcuation of net income variables
We are currently working on the documentation and should be able to provide more detail in a few weeks' time.
On beh...
Redmine Admin
04:54 PM Support #409 (Closed): Weights for w2 bloods
Please will you advise on the following: When using the bloods data in W2 (GPS sample) and W2 mainstage questionnair... Gill Weston
04:23 PM Support #408: mc
pls see #354 Redmine Admin
04:20 PM Support #408 (Closed): mc
I have been searching for the abbreviation list inclding "mc" in many of variable labels - but cannot find.
could ...
Chihiro Udagawa
12:51 PM Support #407: Missing variables in the UKHLS for the continuing members of the BHPS
Dear Hiba,
the questions we ask about housing tenure in Understanding Society are identical to the ones asked in the...
Gundi Knies
09:58 AM Support #407 (Closed): Missing variables in the UKHLS for the continuing members of the BHPS
Dear understanding society members,
hope this email finds you well.
A quick introduction of myself, my name is ...
hiba hussein


03:13 AM Support #406 (Closed): Calcuation of net income variables
I have a question about the precise calculation of income variables such as hhnetinc1 (total household net inc...
Andreas Wiedemann


04:20 PM Support #405 (Closed): Data on relationsihp duration
Dear Understanding Society people,
I am working with Understanding Society and I would like to know if the survey ...
Paco Perales
04:01 PM Support #360 (Closed): Non-response models for Wave 2
Redmine Admin
04:01 PM Support #399 (Closed): w_hiqual_dv coding
Redmine Admin

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