



From 09/23/2013 to 10/22/2013


03:08 PM Support #199: health conditions in main adult data set - wave 1 and wave 2
1) That's correct
2) There is no way of knowing whether a Wave 1 respondent still has one of the listed conditions a...
Redmine Admin
02:13 PM Support #205 (In Progress): Comparable health variables: BHPS-USoc
There is some overlap in the self-reported medical conditions, general health question/satisfaction and the SF12 is a... Redmine Admin
11:44 AM Support #217 (Closed): linkage with npd
when will understanding society be linked with npd? which individuals will be linked?
marta de philippis
11:42 AM Support #216 (Closed): Why so many deaths in 2000 and 2004?
I am just starting to get to grips with the BHPS and I have a question as to why there were so many deaths ...
Stephen Clark


10:57 AM Support #214 (Closed): SPSS files and documentation
see #213 Redmine Admin
10:55 AM Support #212 (In Progress): Retrieving previous responses to questions asked only once
for this you have have to combine the responses across waves or use the XWAVEDAT file.
Redmine Admin
10:52 AM Support #211 (In Progress): ethid4a and pride4a in wave 2
pride4a is routed partly on (EthId4a = 1|2), so only those responses would have been followed up with the pride4a que... Redmine Admin
10:38 AM Support #198 (In Progress): Understanding Societies wave 1: a_lmend
the ‘something else’s might be those people who have separated but not officially divorced – but for them the marriag... Redmine Admin
10:30 AM Support #208 (In Progress): move abroad
The interview outcome categories for out-of-scope relate to sample members who have moved to an address outside Great... Redmine Admin
10:25 AM Support #207 (Closed): income variables
see #206 Redmine Admin
10:24 AM Support #203 (Closed): Merging BPHS and US
Redmine Admin
10:23 AM Support #202 (Closed): Analysing respondents from a particular year from two waves
Redmine Admin
10:23 AM Support #201 (Closed): combining cross-sectional weights from wave 1 and 2
Redmine Admin
10:22 AM Support #206: income variables in Understanding Society
The income question are routed on jbhas and jboff (sometimes via jbsemp).
In a small number of cases there seems to...
Redmine Admin
09:53 AM Support #204 (Closed): Linked administrative data
Redmine Admin
09:51 AM Support #188 (Closed): Job satisfaction and promotion variables
Redmine Admin


04:46 PM Support #210: Non-resident adult children
Thanks Emma,
I used the lprnt variable from xwavedat, rather than from any specific wave. Does this not contain in...
Robert de Vries
03:05 PM Support #210: Non-resident adult children
Hi Rob
It looks from the variable info and questionnaire that the question for the lprnt variable was only asked o...
Emma Salter


01:08 PM Support #215 (Closed): Recording of deaths to BHPS / US respondents
Could you point me to anywhere in the documentation that describes how the death of a BHPS/US respondent is handled a... John MacInnes


05:32 PM Support #214 (Closed): SPSS files and documentation
I'm new to Understanding Society and this site and am preparing introductory SPSS files and documentation for use in ... John F Hall


12:19 PM Support #212 (Closed): Retrieving previous responses to questions asked only once
I'm doing an undergraduate dissertation using the BHPS data and plan to use waves i through m. Crucially I need to ma... Poppea Daniel
11:52 AM Support #211 (Closed): ethid4a and pride4a in wave 2
Good morning,
I am now using wave 2 to construct some new variables in Stata12 for my research. This involves two ...
Yinxuan Huang


11:10 AM Support #210 (Closed): Non-resident adult children
Hi, I'm interested in looking at people's transfers to their non-resident adult children. I'm wondering if it is poss... Robert de Vries


03:14 PM Support #209 (Closed): BHPS movers and residential casward
I’d be very grateful for some advice please regarding BHPS mover data and Special License casward georeference...
Helena Tunstall
01:41 PM Support #208 (Closed): move abroad
I am interested in those individuals who move abroad in wave 2.
I found the variable 'movearea' in the hous...
Giulia Montresor
11:34 AM Support #207 (Closed): income variables
I would like to know what sources of income contain the variables paygu_dv and paynu_dv.
Is it just labor ...
Giulia Montresor


10:45 AM Support #203: Merging BPHS and US
You can find out more about the continuation of the BHPS panel within the UKHLS study here;
Redmine Admin
08:07 AM Support #202: Analysing respondents from a particular year from two waves
Our data is not designed to the type of analysis you are doing but there is a way around it with a few assum...
Olena Kaminska
07:40 AM Support #201: combining cross-sectional weights from wave 1 and 2
The cross-sectional weights are constructed to represent the population at the time of each wave. But f...
Olena Kaminska


12:57 PM Support #206 (Closed): income variables in Understanding Society
I would like to know what sources of income contain the variables paygu_dv and paynu_dv.
Is it just labor...
Giulia Montresor


10:04 AM Support #204 (In Progress): Linked administrative data
We have collected consent to administrative health data linkage and our data linkage application is currently being p... Redmine Admin
09:56 AM Support #187 (In Progress): NIHPS 2008-09 (SN: 5151) - correct household weighting variable?
the scaling factor you are looking for can be created as f=Pop_NI/Sum(survey weights). You will only find the survey ... Redmine Admin
09:50 AM Support #188 (In Progress): Job satisfaction and promotion variables
Original advice has been revised. Redmine Admin


02:02 PM Support #194: Type of postsecondary education attended
Intended university course is asked at IP5-6 in connection with an experiment described in the IP user guide.
We a...
Redmine Admin


04:39 PM Support #205 (Closed): Comparable health variables: BHPS-USoc
Good afternoon,
As part of a longitudinal study using the BHPS cohort I am looking for health variables that are c...
David Bayliss
01:05 PM Support #204 (Closed): Linked administrative data
As regards the linked administrative data (health data is my area of interest), (a) is this linked already and presen... Morag Treanor
01:05 PM Support #203 (Closed): Merging BPHS and US

I wish to merge British Household Panel Data with Understanding Society data, (a) is this possible/straightforwa...
Morag Treanor

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