From 02/04/2013 to 03/05/2013
12:48 PM Support #128 (In Progress): working with England & Wales
- Carolina,
Generally speaking, the weights should adjust different sub samples to UK figures.
Jakob -
11:38 AM Support #128 (Closed): working with England & Wales
- Hello,
I want to work with England and Wales only. Do I need to do any adjustments to the weights?
Or just drop t...
09:29 AM Support #126: Wave 1 files
- Charlie,
I don't seem to be able to reproduce this based on the information you have given me.
An alternative solut... -
08:51 AM Support #124 (Closed): Questionnaire routing of wJBSECT
08:51 AM Support #127 (Closed): variables used to construct survey weights
05:03 PM Support #127: variables used to construct survey weights
- Laura,
The answer to your question is - it depends. Each weight uses different set of variables, but the wave 2 we... -
12:49 PM Support #127: variables used to construct survey weights
- Hi Jakob,
Thank you for your reply. I am not seeking advice about whether or not to use survey weights. I have rea... -
08:42 AM Support #127 (In Progress): variables used to construct survey weights
- Laura,
I wonder whether this is a question about whether or not to use survey weights? The "User Guide":https://www....
11:58 PM Support #127 (Closed): variables used to construct survey weights
- Hello,
Where can I find out which variables were used to construct the survey weights available for Wave 2 of US? ... -
01:43 PM Support #126 (Closed): Wave 1 files
- I am analysing data from Wave 1 of Understanding Society (SN6614). There is a file called a_egoalt which defines the ...
09:23 AM Support #119: Large values on alcohol consumption variables
- A clerical review of the paper self-completion questionnaires has shown that the true values of alcohol units will ha...
03:24 PM Support #125 (Closed): household income variables in Understanding society
- Dear Sir or Madam,
I am trying to calculate income poverty measures on the basis of Understanding Society.
Could ...
03:21 PM Support #121 (Closed): Information Treatment-IP Wave 5
03:21 PM Support #122 (Closed): Data Availability
03:20 PM Support #124 (In Progress): Questionnaire routing of wJBSECT
- Karen,
Just to confirm that we have come to the same conclusions as you have.
02:34 PM Support #118 (Closed): total gross income variables
02:34 PM Support #117 (Closed): Car use Qs in BHPS
02:34 PM Support #115 (Closed): Highest qualification variable
02:33 PM Support #123 (Closed): b_heritage96 and b_herfreq variables
02:19 PM Support #123 (In Progress): b_heritage96 and b_herfreq variables
- Jenny,
It is the opposite. b_heritage96 is 1 (or TRUE) if "None of these things" were visited and 0 (or FALSE) if at...
11:19 AM Support #124 (Closed): Questionnaire routing of wJBSECT
- In the BHPS documentation [Volume A] the following is stated …
“III.9.2.2. The Employment Section
Users should be...
12:46 PM Support #123 (Closed): b_heritage96 and b_herfreq variables
- I'm a bit confused to what the variable b_heritage96 is suppose to record. My interpretation is that 0 means people w...
09:00 PM Support #121 (In Progress): Information Treatment-IP Wave 5
- These look like typical intro items - that we rarely release. If you are interested in figuring out the routing, it w...
02:26 PM Support #119: Large values on alcohol consumption variables
- Jakob,
Thanks for your response; I would be grateful if you could keep me advised of the timeframe for checking this... -
12:04 PM Support #116 (Closed): height and weight data
07:25 PM Support #119 (Closed): Large values on alcohol consumption variables
07:10 PM Support #119: Large values on alcohol consumption variables
- Updated Friday 08 Feb 2013
05:00 PM Support #122: Data Availability
- Please have a look at the "long term content plan":
03:21 PM Support #122 (Closed): Data Availability
- Dear Data Support,
I write with respect to the data on environmental behaviour in British households. I noticed that... -
04:54 PM Support #118: total gross income variables
- 1) Please see the user guide section on incomes and imputation.
2) No.
3) More or less. At BHPS both monthly and ye... -
04:48 PM Support #117 (In Progress): Car use Qs in BHPS
- Unfortunately, we have to agree with you that the question (1) about who has/has not got a license is less clear from...
01:59 PM Support #121 (Closed): Information Treatment-IP Wave 5
- Hello,
I was wondering how one should interpret the variables e_earninfo, e_pearninfo, and e_pearnemail? My inter...
04:19 PM Support #119 (In Progress): Large values on alcohol consumption variables
- Kareena,
The variable comes from a paper self-completion "qustionnaire": -
04:12 PM Support #110: Fieldwork dates for wave 1 of BHPS
- Dear Jakob,
Thanks very much for your response. Ideally I would need the exact date but I guess the latest interview...
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