



From 02/23/2012 to 03/23/2012


11:41 AM Support #33: Unemployment history for BHPS sample members of UndStand Soc. Survey (between 2nd wave of UndStand and last wave of BHPS)
The employment history variables from the annual event history modules follow the variable b_next on b_indresp.
For ...
Redmine Admin
11:14 AM Support #33: Unemployment history for BHPS sample members of UndStand Soc. Survey (between 2nd wave of UndStand and last wave of BHPS)
Thanks so much for getting back to me. That's great that they will have answered these 'employment' history questions... James Laurence
11:06 AM Support #29 (Closed): Educational and health linkage data
Redmine Admin
11:06 AM Support #32 (Closed): Individual and Household Weights for combining EMBS plus ethnic minority individuals in GPS & by 5 ethnic groups
Redmine Admin


10:46 AM Support #33 (In Progress): Unemployment history for BHPS sample members of UndStand Soc. Survey (between 2nd wave of UndStand and last wave of BHPS)
Thanks for your request.
The annual event history module of the questionnaire contains questions about whether the pe...
Redmine Admin


03:06 PM Support #33 (Closed): Unemployment history for BHPS sample members of UndStand Soc. Survey (between 2nd wave of UndStand and last wave of BHPS)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I was wondering if you might be able to help me with a query I have regarding the BHPS sample (now...
James Laurence


08:38 PM Support #32: Individual and Household Weights for combining EMBS plus ethnic minority individuals in GPS & by 5 ethnic groups
Thanks, this makes sense. Sung Park
07:10 PM Support #32: Individual and Household Weights for combining EMBS plus ethnic minority individuals in GPS & by 5 ethnic groups
I think that you can only do this through the variable-level online documentation. For each variable, check whether t... Peter Lynn
06:22 PM Support #32: Individual and Household Weights for combining EMBS plus ethnic minority individuals in GPS & by 5 ethnic groups
Thank you for your response. I just had one follow-up question: How do I identify which exact questions or entire mod... Sung Park
02:35 PM Support #32: Individual and Household Weights for combining EMBS plus ethnic minority individuals in GPS & by 5 ethnic groups
Thank you for your request.
You should first read the section on "weighting adjustments" (starting p.14) in the us...
Redmine Admin
12:51 PM Support #32 (Closed): Individual and Household Weights for combining EMBS plus ethnic minority individuals in GPS & by 5 ethnic groups
I am interested in conducting 3 analyses:
1) an analysis that compares all UK ethnic respondents (both from the EMBS...
Sung Park


03:13 PM Support #29 (Resolved): Educational and health linkage data
Redmine Admin
03:12 PM Support #29 (Closed): Educational and health linkage data
Redmine Admin
03:12 PM Support #31 (Closed): Interim wave 2 release
Redmine Admin
03:11 PM Support #28 (Closed): Household income data variables
Redmine Admin


01:16 PM Support #29: Educational and health linkage data
Dear Ruth,
The health data have not yet been linked and could follow a similar timescale to the education data, or...
Redmine Admin
01:13 PM Support #31: Interim wave 2 release
Hi Kareena,
Apologies, there is an error in the value label. 6 should be "never" and 5 should be "less often than ...
Redmine Admin
10:07 AM Support #31 (Closed): Interim wave 2 release
I have a quick query about the interim wave 2 youth data. The variable b_yppsprt is not coded with the same response... Kareena McAloney


04:34 PM Support #29: Educational and health linkage data
Dear Ruth,
The education data is currently being linked for wave 1 (England) for ages 4-16, however it is not curr...
Redmine Admin


04:35 PM Support #29 (Closed): Educational and health linkage data
Please can you let me know if the educational and health linked data are available for the Wave 1 age 10-15 Understan... Ruth Kipping


01:39 PM Support #27 (Closed): Index Terms for Understsanding Society?
Redmine Admin
01:38 PM Support #25 (Closed): Merge the files
Redmine Admin
01:38 PM Support #22 (Closed): Matching parent's information to their children (aged >15) in the same household
Redmine Admin
01:38 PM Support #21 (Closed): Merging household and individual data set-wave1, 2009-2010
Redmine Admin

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