



From 09/07/2023 to 10/06/2023


02:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1975 (Feedback): Weights - Cross-sectional Analysis on LAD level
Understanding Society User Support Team


04:55 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1980 (Feedback): What is jbsoc90ly_cc?
Dear Peijie,
This variable records the socio-economic classification of the job (based on SOC90 classification sch...
Understanding Society User Support Team
03:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1980 (In Progress): What is jbsoc90ly_cc?
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
04:52 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1981 (Feedback): Loneliness measure 'inapplicable' responses at wave 12
Dear Emma,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. At first the decision had been taken to move it from our ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
03:45 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1981 (In Progress): Loneliness measure 'inapplicable' responses at wave 12
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
02:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1981 (Resolved): Loneliness measure 'inapplicable' responses at wave 12
Hi there,
I'm wondering why are there so many 'inapplicable' responses for Wave 12 loneliness measure items (sclac...
Emma Kirwan
08:46 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1979 (In Progress): Using UKHLS for financial year poverty rates
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team


12:16 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1980 (Resolved): What is jbsoc90ly_cc?
Dear Sir/madam,
I wonder what is jbsoc90ly_cc? And where does this variable derive from?
If possible, is there an...
Peijie Ju


05:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1979 (Resolved): Using UKHLS for financial year poverty rates
Dear USOC team,
I am working on a project exploring the prevalence of mental health for people living in in-work p...
Sam Tims


10:32 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1978 (Feedback): Potential issue with coding of wkaut1 wkaut2 wkaut3 wkaut4 and wkaut5 variables
Hello Tim
The variable "w_scghq1_dv" consolidates valid responses to 12 questions from the General Health Question...
Understanding Society User Support Team
04:59 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1978 (Resolved): Potential issue with coding of wkaut1 wkaut2 wkaut3 wkaut4 and wkaut5 variables
Hi understanding society team,
I'm writing to query the coding of the items wkaut1, wkaut2, wkaut3, wkaut4, and wk...
Tim Ballard


03:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1974: Other Arthritis and Other Cancer in j_hcondno* Variables
Hello Laurence
I can confirm that when respondents report having conditions categorized as "other," such as 25 for...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1973: Family matrix
Hello Alvertos,
The approach you should take depends on the specific analysis you intend to conduct. However, ass...
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:29 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1971: vote8 for waves 3 through 6
Hello Albert,
Starting from Wave 7 and continuing through Wave 12, the question regarding the party voted for in the...
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1959: pooled analysis for one calendar year from 3 waves?
Yes, this sounds correct. You don't need to rescale in your situation if you are only analysing one calenda...
Olena Kaminska


02:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1976 (Feedback): Combing specific variables from two waves for cross-sectional analysis
Hello Ilona,
Data from various waves can be merged for cross-sectional analysis, given that each of the 24 monthly...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:51 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1977 (Feedback): Birth and non-birth parents
Hello Yushi,
Your approach is correct. The variable "natural mother" indeed refers to the birth mother, as you co...
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:24 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1977 (Resolved): Birth and non-birth parents
Dear Understanding Society team,
We're currently using wave 11 data and want to distinguish birth and non-birth pa...
Yushi Bai


09:55 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1976 (In Progress): Combing specific variables from two waves for cross-sectional analysis
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team


04:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1976 (Resolved): Combing specific variables from two waves for cross-sectional analysis
Hi there,
I had a quick question: I am using household and individual-level wave 6 data for cross-sectional analysis...
Ilona Pinter


12:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1975: Weights - Cross-sectional Analysis on LAD level
If you think about sex as a stable characteristic that does not change, then I am not sure that pooling i...
Olena Kaminska
11:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1975 (In Progress): Weights - Cross-sectional Analysis on LAD level
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
10:55 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1975 (Resolved): Weights - Cross-sectional Analysis on LAD level
Good morning,
Using the main survey, I aim to run a cross-sectional analysis on a number of variables to analyse ...
Caitlin Schmid
11:24 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1959: pooled analysis for one calendar year from 3 waves?
Dear Roberto and Olena,
Thank you for your replies. Can I check I have understood it correctly? Then, to run a cro...
Clara Mascaro


02:52 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1974: Other Arthritis and Other Cancer in j_hcondno* Variables
Hi Alita,
Thanks for sharing the FAQs. I read over the document but I think my problem still remains. According to t...
Laurence Rowley-Abel
12:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1971: vote8 for waves 3 through 6
Thanks for this. So, as I understand, there is no consistent data on vote choice in the survey until wave 7?
Albert Ward
11:41 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1971 (Feedback): vote8 for waves 3 through 6
Dear Albert,
In wave 2 these questions were asked differently than it was done later in the study, that is, only i...
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:26 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1965: citing the website
Dear Georgina,
In addition to our previous answer, we also encourage our users to cite the data itself. Depending on...
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:15 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1965 (Resolved): citing the website
Understanding Society User Support Team


05:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1974 (Feedback): Other Arthritis and Other Cancer in j_hcondno* Variables
Hi Laurence,
I am sharing the FAQ for the health conditions questions which we hope will clarify this issue (speci...
Understanding Society User Support Team
03:29 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1974 (Resolved): Other Arthritis and Other Cancer in j_hcondno* Variables
Dear Understanding Society Team,
I have noticed that in Wave 10, continuing sample members who have reported having ...
Laurence Rowley-Abel


01:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1972 (Feedback): Asking health conditions (hcond*) and first apperance
Dear Alexander,
1) the universe condition says ff_ivlolw <> 1 and ff_everint <> 1 which means that proxies from th...
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:05 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1971 (In Progress): vote8 for waves 3 through 6
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team


03:02 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1959: pooled analysis for one calendar year from 3 waves?
To answer your question, yes, you should use all interviews from the calendar year of interest. And yes, th...
Olena Kaminska
01:54 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1973: Family matrix
Dear Piotr,
Thank you very much for your reply. It is very informative indeed. I have checked the egoalt files but...
Alvertos Konstantinis
12:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1952: Parenting style weights
Thank you. I suggest you select a weight of a parent who gave the response (indin??_?w) and give it to the ...
Olena Kaminska


05:14 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1964 (Feedback): Universe for mglife and other home-ownership related questions
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:39 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1972: Asking health conditions (hcond*) and first apperance
Dear Alexander,
Thank you for letting us know. Would you be able to include any syntax related to this issue? It w...
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:08 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1972 (Resolved): Asking health conditions (hcond*) and first apperance
Almost all respondents are asked about their health conditions (hcond*) when it is their first appearance in the pane... Alexander Labeit
01:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1973 (Feedback): Family matrix
Dear Alvertos,
Have you considered using the w_relationship_dv variable available in w_egoalt files? https://www.u...
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:42 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1973 (Resolved): Family matrix
Dear all,
My name is Alvertos Konstantinis, and I am a PhD researcher at the University of Groningen, Faculty of S...
Alvertos Konstantinis


02:43 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1971 (Resolved): vote8 for waves 3 through 6
I previously asked a question about this (#1955) but wasn't able to clear it up completely.
I was wondering...
Albert Ward


04:13 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1952: Parenting style weights
There’s a response from both parents (if applicable). I can figure out who is who from their ids.
Best wish...
Maria Sifaki
02:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1952: Parenting style weights
Don't use the development question from the age of 8 - it won't be correct.
There are two ways of creatin...
Olena Kaminska


05:51 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1966 (Feedback): cross-sectional analysis
Dear Zahra,
Please check our pooling guidance and see if this answers your question. If it doesn't, we are happy to ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
03:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1966: cross-sectional analysis
Yes, UKHLS represents people and households cross-sectionally at each wave, and people longitudinally over ...
Olena Kaminska
03:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1968 (Feedback): Is it possible to have access to the raw methylation data?
Dear Sanem,
I am afraid we do not make the raw dat files available to users.
Best wishes,
UKHLS User Support
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:39 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1967 (Feedback): Derived OECD equivalience scale variable which matches scale used to calculate relative poverty
Dear Tom,
We follow the methodology and procedure proposed by the OECD for their OECD-modified scale: "This scale,...
Understanding Society User Support Team

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