Olena Kaminska's activity
From 09/12/2018 to 10/11/2018
12:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1066: Weights for Waves 3 and 6
- Luca,
The weight you suggested would be correct, but the weight f_indinub_lw will give you higher sample size - so...
03:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1060: Longitudinal weights to reflect UK population
- Pierre,
All our weights are designed to represent the population. By using the weights your results become represe...
12:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1021: Household weighting for longitudinal analysis
- Dear Ante,
1) You can use household weight if you have information for everyone in the household (if the informati... -
11:57 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1008: Creating longitudinal weights
- Joe,
I see the problem you are facing and I see the reasoning behind it. I will make two further suggestions:
1. ... -
11:41 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1047: Weights
- Yulia,
We do not provide longitudinal weights for youth self-completion because there is no child that participate...
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