



From 09/03/2017 to 10/02/2017


01:45 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #850 (Resolved): Non-overlapping data query (waves a to c)
Stephanie Auty
01:42 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #849 (In Progress): universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS
Stephanie Auty
01:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #847 (Resolved): Complex samples suite in SPSS
Stephanie Auty
01:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #846 (Resolved): BHPS job history file
Stephanie Auty
01:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #839 (Resolved): Pooling data from all waves, 1-6, using all subsamples of USoc (GPS, EMBS, BHPS, IEMB)
Stephanie Auty
01:39 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #838 (Resolved): dietary fat intake
Stephanie Auty
01:39 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #837 (Resolved): Industrial Injury Disability Benefit - who is asked
Stephanie Auty


03:52 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #854 (Feedback): Ethnicity and Socio-economic group - inapplicable data
Stephanie Auty
03:51 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #854: Ethnicity and Socio-economic group - inapplicable data
Dear Helena,
You will not need to pool the race data yourself, as the information is already collated in f_racel_d...
Stephanie Auty
03:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #851: Components of net monthly income
Dear Olly,
The values should add up correctly subject to a bit of rounding error (maximum value 1.25p), but it doe...
Stephanie Auty
03:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #855 (Feedback): Drinking variables in wave 2, adult self-completion
Dear Min,
Thank you, we are aware of this problem and it is on the list of issues to deal with.
For the moment,...
Stephanie Auty
12:07 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #857: Merging datasets
Dear Stephanie,
Thank you very much for confirming the identifier, which will help me for future analysis as well....
Nasima Akhter
11:16 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #857 (Feedback): Merging datasets
Dear Nasima,
You are correct that pidp is the unique identifier for respondents, but the race variable is already ...
Stephanie Auty


02:21 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #858 (In Progress): Date of Birth variables
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
02:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #858 (Closed): Date of Birth variables
Hi! I am trying to merge the Understanding Society data with another data-set on pensionable age, based on the date o... Elena Pupaza
10:55 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #857 (In Progress): Merging datasets
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
10:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #857: Merging datasets
I have now found the 'racel_dv' variable in the 'xwavedat' data file and that the variable 'pidp' = cross-wav...
Nasima Akhter
10:35 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #857 (Closed): Merging datasets
Hello, I plan to analyse the Understanding society wave 5 data (e_indresp) and need to add the 'racel_dv' variable av... Nasima Akhter
10:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #856 (In Progress): how to deal with contradictory records
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
10:19 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #856 (Closed): how to deal with contradictory records
Dear Understanding Society team,
I am writing to seek your suggestions about contradictory data.
The first ex...
Min Zhang


04:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #855 (In Progress): Drinking variables in wave 2, adult self-completion
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


09:02 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #855 (Closed): Drinking variables in wave 2, adult self-completion
Dear USoc team,
I have a question with drinking variables in wave 2, adult self-completion. The variable value lab...
Min Zhang
03:14 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #845 (Resolved): Linkage of Understanding Society to Hospital Episodes Statistics
Stephanie Auty
03:13 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #844 (Resolved): BHPS inverview translation
Stephanie Auty
03:13 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #843 (Closed): w_englang is not part of xwavedat, but available for wave a, e, f
Stephanie Auty
03:12 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #842 (Feedback): Marital status variable - mlstat
Stephanie Auty
03:12 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #841 (Resolved): Genetics and diagnosis data
Stephanie Auty
03:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #835 (Closed): Individuals falling out of the survey
Stephanie Auty
03:10 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #833 (Closed): How is monthly labour income (w_fimnlabgrs_dv) derived?
Stephanie Auty
03:10 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #827 (Closed): Lone parent flag nonepar_dv definition
Stephanie Auty
03:10 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #825 (Resolved): BHPS weights for BHPS components in UKHLS wave 6
Stephanie Auty
03:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #818 (Closed): Exact numbers of children
Stephanie Auty
01:42 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #854: Ethnicity and Socio-economic group - inapplicable data
UPDATE- I have just read through the Ethnicity Research User Guide and found that the ethnic group question is asked ... Helena Dare-Edwards
01:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #854 (In Progress): Ethnicity and Socio-economic group - inapplicable data
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
12:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #854 (Closed): Ethnicity and Socio-economic group - inapplicable data
I am trying to put together profile data for respondents with dependent children involved in wave 6 (using the...
Helena Dare-Edwards


02:55 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #852: Empstat / employment history
Sorry - just to add to my previous question.
Aside from having never left FT education or a having proxy responden...
Emily McDool
10:43 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #853 (In Progress): Self-esteem measure in Youth Questionnaire
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


10:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #853 (Closed): Self-esteem measure in Youth Questionnaire
I am interested in analysing responses the self esteem measure from the Youth self-completion questionnaire used ...
Andrew Brown
05:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #852 (In Progress): Empstat / employment history
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
02:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #852 (Closed): Empstat / employment history
I am interested in looking at employment histories for respondents. I understand that around 1/4 of the samp...
Emily McDool
09:20 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #851 (In Progress): Components of net monthly income
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


05:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #851 (Closed): Components of net monthly income
I have noticed some cases of individuals where the components of net monthly income (e.g. labour income, socia...
Oliver Southwick
11:07 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #839: Pooling data from all waves, 1-6, using all subsamples of USoc (GPS, EMBS, BHPS, IEMB)
Email received from user:
thank you very much for your patience throughout...
Stephanie Auty


08:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #849: universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS
Hi, Thank you for your kind reply.
I have checked xwaveid data to see if interview outcome was recorded for every ...
Yujung Whang


04:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #839: Pooling data from all waves, 1-6, using all subsamples of USoc (GPS, EMBS, BHPS, IEMB)
The non-response pattern in your analysis data will be very different from that in a truly longitudinal (bal...
Peter Lynn


05:29 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #837 (Feedback): Industrial Injury Disability Benefit - who is asked
Stephanie Auty
05:28 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #834 (Closed): Existence of siblings
Stephanie Auty
05:28 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #832 (Closed): age and ethnicity of participants
Stephanie Auty
05:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #831 (Closed): Care recipient
Stephanie Auty
05:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #824 (Closed): Question on individual saving
Stephanie Auty
05:26 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #823 (Closed): BHPS Weights
Stephanie Auty
05:26 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #821 (Closed): Surveying methods of tracking separated parents
Stephanie Auty
05:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #820 (Closed): Longitudinal vs cross-sectional weight choice
Stephanie Auty
05:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #816 (Closed): Identifying youth Questionnaire respondents who are adopted
Stephanie Auty
05:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #850 (Feedback): Non-overlapping data query (waves a to c)
Dear Emma,
First I want to confirm that I understand how you are combining the data from waves 1 and 2. a_paedqf a...
Stephanie Auty
11:43 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #847 (Feedback): Complex samples suite in SPSS
Dear Carla,
I can confirm that you need to account for the complex survey design using f_strata and f_psu as well ...
Stephanie Auty


04:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #846 (Feedback): BHPS job history file
Dear Yujung Whang,
The Job History file is only for those respondents who have changed jobs in the last year – so ...
Stephanie Auty


03:13 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #848: Clinical Depression H_COND variables
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bernardi, Luca <>
Date: Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 9:50...
Stephanie Auty
03:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #849 (Feedback): universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS
Dear Yujung Whang,
The w_indall files contain everybody who is enumerated in a responding household in that wave, ...
Stephanie Auty


10:58 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #840 (Closed): Labels on service use
Stephanie Auty
10:58 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #838 (Feedback): dietary fat intake
Stephanie Auty
10:57 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #829 (Closed): What is the difference between qualoc_dv from xwavedat and qualoc from wave a,b,c,d,e,f
Stephanie Auty


01:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #844 (Feedback): BHPS inverview translation
Stephanie Auty
01:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #844: BHPS inverview translation
Dear Yujung Whang,
The BHPS was translated, but only into Welsh. In some cases an interpreter was used. The follow...
Stephanie Auty


04:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #850 (In Progress): Non-overlapping data query (waves a to c)
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
04:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #850 (Closed): Non-overlapping data query (waves a to c)
Hello Understanding Society team,
I am working on a project in which (amongst other variables) we are using parent...
Emma Bridger
03:04 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #845: Linkage of Understanding Society to Hospital Episodes Statistics
Dear Alex,
I'm sorry to say we do not have a ballpark date. Progress has been halted on so many occasions, often a...
Stephanie Auty
03:02 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #845: Linkage of Understanding Society to Hospital Episodes Statistics
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexander Turner <>
Date: Tue, Sep 5...
Stephanie Auty
12:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #848 (Feedback): Clinical Depression H_COND variables
Stephanie Auty
12:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #848: Clinical Depression H_COND variables
Dear Luca,
In Wave 1 respondents were asked to report whether they’d ever been diagnosed with clinical depression ...
Stephanie Auty


02:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #847: Complex samples suite in SPSS
Peter Lynn wrote:
> I can confirm that, if you are using variables that are collected in both the individual and pro...
Carla Ayrton
09:24 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #839: Pooling data from all waves, 1-6, using all subsamples of USoc (GPS, EMBS, BHPS, IEMB)
Hello Peter,
what I do now, I take the HHORIG variable and drop subsamples 2,4,5, and 6 and then use the GOR vari...
Nico Ochmann


02:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #845 (Feedback): Linkage of Understanding Society to Hospital Episodes Statistics
Dear Alex,
NHS digital has a large backlog of applications for data and so we are still waiting for ours to be pro...
Stephanie Auty
02:41 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #842: Marital status variable - mlstat
Hi Charlotte,
There are two sources of information which you need to combine to answer your question. First, there...
Stephanie Auty
11:27 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #841 (Feedback): Genetics and diagnosis data
Stephanie Auty
11:26 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #835 (Resolved): Individuals falling out of the survey
Stephanie Auty
11:25 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #833 (Resolved): How is monthly labour income (w_fimnlabgrs_dv) derived?
Stephanie Auty
11:24 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #827 (Resolved): Lone parent flag nonepar_dv definition
Stephanie Auty
11:23 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #826 (Closed): transformed HH income measure?
Stephanie Auty
11:23 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #825 (Feedback): BHPS weights for BHPS components in UKHLS wave 6
Stephanie Auty
11:22 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #818 (Resolved): Exact numbers of children
Stephanie Auty
10:10 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #849 (In Progress): universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


07:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #849 (Closed): universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS

Dear Sir/Madam,
Hi, I have a question on the universe of indall files. To investigate the reason for sample attr...
Yujung Whang
05:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #847: Complex samples suite in SPSS
I can confirm that, if you are using variables that are collected in both the individual and proxy interview, f_indpx... Peter Lynn
05:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #847 (In Progress): Complex samples suite in SPSS
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
04:52 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #847 (Closed): Complex samples suite in SPSS
I am carrying out an analysis of people who's income changed between wave 5 and 6. I have followed the 'Int...
Carla Ayrton
05:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #848 (In Progress): Clinical Depression H_COND variables
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
04:55 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #848 (Closed): Clinical Depression H_COND variables
Dear Support group,
I am measuring clinical depression and I would kindly need your advice on a couple of question...
Luca Bernardi
04:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #839: Pooling data from all waves, 1-6, using all subsamples of USoc (GPS, EMBS, BHPS, IEMB)
First, no! You should still use weights, even if restricting the analysis to England only. There are big differences ... Peter Lynn
11:52 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #843 (Resolved): w_englang is not part of xwavedat, but available for wave a, e, f
Stephanie Auty
11:50 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #843: w_englang is not part of xwavedat, but available for wave a, e, f
Dear Stephanie,
I appreciate your reply and your comments on my imputation method. That is a valid point, I might...
Nico Ochmann
09:23 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #843 (Feedback): w_englang is not part of xwavedat, but available for wave a, e, f
Dear Nico,
We have noticed a couple of typos in the syntax above. The second section of the code should have been:...
Stephanie Auty

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