



From 04/21/2023 to 05/20/2023


02:38 PM Support #1905 (In Progress): Inapplicable codes on the W12 hhresp helpbuy questions
Hi Rory,
I have looked into this and found the same type of problem cases as you did. But after reading the univer...
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:26 PM Support #1905 (Resolved): Inapplicable codes on the W12 hhresp helpbuy questions
This question might be of general interest unless I've missed something really obvious...
I'm trying to use...
Rory Coulter
02:30 PM Support #1902 (Feedback): weights individual files waves 10 -11 wide format
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:29 PM Support #1903 (Feedback): Weighting guidance for intergenerational analysis
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:43 PM Support #1903: Weighting guidance for intergenerational analysis
Cross-sectional weight is a wrong one as a base weight, as we don't follow TSMs by design. You should use a ...
Olena Kaminska
01:40 PM Support #1903: Weighting guidance for intergenerational analysis
Hi Olena,
Thanks. I have followed the online course, however the course could not provide me with the answers on h...
Esme Lilly
12:21 PM Support #1903: Weighting guidance for intergenerational analysis
Thank you for this clarification. You will need longitudinal weights. It may be best for you to create you o...
Olena Kaminska
02:29 PM Support #1904 (Feedback): Using weights when variables have some or many "missing value" codes or NAs due to missing household level data
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:38 PM Support #1904: Using weights when variables have some or many "missing value" codes or NAs due to missing household level data
What to do with item missingness completely depends on the subject you study and research question you ha...
Olena Kaminska


04:46 PM Support #1903: Weighting guidance for intergenerational analysis
Dear Olena,
Thanks for your swift response.
The population that I want to represent are people born 1975-1995....
Esme Lilly
01:42 PM Support #1903: Weighting guidance for intergenerational analysis
Thank you for your question. To answer it you would need to clarify the population that you want to represen...
Olena Kaminska
04:35 PM Support #1904: Using weights when variables have some or many "missing value" codes or NAs due to missing household level data
Dear Olena,
Thank you for your quick reply and your ideas on what could be done.
Thank you for your suggestion ...
Richard Belcher
01:19 PM Support #1904: Using weights when variables have some or many "missing value" codes or NAs due to missing household level data
Thank you for your question. Indeed, there may be some part of nonresponse unaccounted due to missing res...
Olena Kaminska
10:59 AM Support #1904 (Resolved): Using weights when variables have some or many "missing value" codes or NAs due to missing household level data
Dear Olena,
I am running a pooled cross sectional individual level analysis (waves 1-9), using cross-sectional wei...
Richard Belcher


08:37 PM Support #1773: Gig Economy module
Hello Yuliya
Questions on wave 13 include the sharing economy. We used HMRC Sharing Economy report as a reference,...
Understanding Society User Support Team
05:59 PM Support #1773: Gig Economy module
Dear Alita,
Thank you very much for the detailed reply. It is extremely helpful.
May I ask what source and defi...
Yuliya Tavares
05:34 PM Support #1903 (Resolved): Weighting guidance for intergenerational analysis
Hi, I am doing research into the role of education in intergenerational income mobility, and I had some questions on ... Esme Lilly
02:05 PM Support #1890: Extracting PSU and Individual-Level Weights for a Multilevel Model
Hello Laurence,
The variable you are looking for is psnenub_xd. You can locate it in the xwavedat file.
I hope...
Understanding Society User Support Team


03:52 PM Support #1902: weights individual files waves 10 -11 wide format
Dear Annaelena,
Thank you for your question. Here is information on our weights that may be helpful to you:
Olena Kaminska
02:20 PM Support #1902 (Resolved): weights individual files waves 10 -11 wide format
I am trying to merge individual files across waves 10 and 11 into wide format to create a 2019 calendar year d...
Aelen Valen


01:06 PM Support #1900: People appearing in individual file but their household isn't in the household file
Great, thanks for the clarification! Imogen Farthing
12:16 PM Support #1900 (Feedback): People appearing in individual file but their household isn't in the household file
Dear Imogen,
Households who complete the household questionnaire are in the hhresp datafile. There are some cases ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:55 AM Support #1900 (Resolved): People appearing in individual file but their household isn't in the household file
I'm looking at waves g to l. There are several instances where there are some individuals who are in the i...
Imogen Farthing
12:49 PM Support #1894: Weight for unbalanced and merged UKHLS and BHPS data
On tailored weights we have a online workshop for you:
Olena Kaminska
12:44 PM Support #1899: Household weights
Yes, this is definitely a possible option. In comparison over the years it is best to do it at an individu...
Olena Kaminska
12:30 PM Support #1890: Extracting PSU and Individual-Level Weights for a Multilevel Model
Dear Olena,
Thanks for your reply. I wrote to UKDA about accessing previous releases of Understanding Society, as th...
Laurence Rowley-Abel
11:47 AM Support #1890: Extracting PSU and Individual-Level Weights for a Multilevel Model
Look in xwavedat.dta. But please for this look in wave 11 release (which is not the most recent). You sh...
Olena Kaminska


05:26 PM Support #1899 (In Progress): Household weights
Understanding Society User Support Team
04:23 PM Support #1899: Household weights
I'm wanting to see how the characteristics of these households (e.g. max personal income, average financial...
Imogen Farthing
03:29 PM Support #1899: Household weights
Thank you for your question. How do you define household longitudinally? What happens if someone moves out...
Olena Kaminska
12:13 PM Support #1899 (Resolved): Household weights
I am using individual data which I have joined onto household data, by hidp for each wave then put all of t...
Imogen Farthing
05:26 PM Support #1773 (Feedback): Gig Economy module
Dear Yuliya,
When this question was designed it was based on the definition of gig economy relevant at that time a...
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:21 AM Support #1773 (In Progress): Gig Economy module
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
08:24 AM Support #1892 (Feedback): Question regarding longitudinal weights
Understanding Society User Support Team


05:18 PM Support #1773: Gig Economy module
Dear Team Member,
I have another Gig Economy module-related question. There is a question 'Thinking about the past...
Yuliya Tavares
03:06 PM Support #1890: Extracting PSU and Individual-Level Weights for a Multilevel Model
Dear Olena,
Above you stated that "Wave 11 release will have ub design weight", however I am unable to find this wei...
Laurence Rowley-Abel


11:07 AM Support #1895: Parental leave histories
Thank you Piotr, this is very helpful
Emily Humphreys


02:57 PM Support #1898 (Feedback): Link respondents to Westminster electoral constituencies
Hi Margherita,
Have you considered using Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies Special Licence datasets? These ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:49 PM Support #1897 (Feedback): Birth year and birth order of all ever child
Hi Luca,
I'd suggest the following steps:
1) using xhhrel file to identify all resident children,
2) linking the inf...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:00 PM Support #1895 (Feedback): Parental leave histories
Regarding q1, it seems that you have already covered most possible scenarios as w_jbstat inquires about you...
Understanding Society User Support Team


03:54 PM Support #1898 (Resolved): Link respondents to Westminster electoral constituencies
Hello, I would like to be able to link respondents in a given wave to Westminster electoral constituencies for the la... Margherita Negri
08:26 AM Support #1897 (Resolved): Birth year and birth order of all ever child
Dear Support Team,
I aim to derive for each women the birth year, age and birth order of all her child ever had i.e...
Luca Giangregorio


07:31 PM Support #1894: Weight for unbalanced and merged UKHLS and BHPS data
Olena Kaminska wrote in #note-2:
> Dear Yanan Zhang,
> Thank you for your question. Yes, you always need to use...
Yanan Zhang
01:20 PM Support #1894: Weight for unbalanced and merged UKHLS and BHPS data
Dear Yanan Zhang,
Thank you for your question. Yes, you always need to use weights with UKHLS, regardless of analy...
Olena Kaminska
01:16 PM Support #1892: Question regarding longitudinal weights
Yes, clustering changes only standard errors, and therefore confidence interval, and therefore p-values o...
Olena Kaminska


11:10 PM Support #1892 (In Progress): Question regarding longitudinal weights
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:09 PM Support #1894 (In Progress): Weight for unbalanced and merged UKHLS and BHPS data
Thank you for your email.
We aim to respond to simple queries within 48 hours and more complex issues within 7 wo...
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:09 PM Support #1895 (In Progress): Parental leave histories
Thank you for your email.
We aim to respond to simple queries within 48 hours and more complex issues within 7 wo...
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:06 PM Support #1896 (Feedback): why there are so many cases inapplicable in terms of occupational class (current job)
This variable value for jbsoc00_cc is missing for anyone who does not have a job. Please check the question...
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:31 AM Support #1896 (Resolved): why there are so many cases inapplicable in terms of occupational class (current job)
Dear User Support Team,
I was wondering why there were so many cases inapplicable in terms of occupational class (...
Sijia Du


07:22 PM Support #1892: Question regarding longitudinal weights
Dear Olena,
thank you very much for your in-depth answer! I'm interested in what happens after a particular event...
Johanna Pauliks
02:22 PM Support #1892: Question regarding longitudinal weights
It sounds to me that you may be pooling information from multiple waves, which depending on how you do it...
Olena Kaminska
04:00 PM Support #1895 (Resolved): Parental leave histories
I'm hoping to find a way to construct a dataset listing paternity and maternity leave uptake (yes/no) and d...
Emily Humphreys
03:30 PM Support #1894 (Resolved): Weight for unbalanced and merged UKHLS and BHPS data
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits.
I am currently working with indi...
Yanan Zhang
09:23 AM Support #1886 (Feedback): Weighting unemployment duration data
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:22 AM Support #1890 (Feedback): Extracting PSU and Individual-Level Weights for a Multilevel Model
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:21 AM Support #1893 (Feedback): How can I match the information of youths onto that of their fathers and mothers
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:20 AM Support #1893: How can I match the information of youths onto that of their fathers and mothers
The father and mother pidps are included in the youth files. Using those you can match their information from other f... Understanding Society User Support Team
09:13 AM Support #1893 (Resolved): How can I match the information of youths onto that of their fathers and mothers
Dear User Support Team,
I am a postdoc researcher in Sociology at Nankai University, China. I was awarded a PhD in...
Sijia Du

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