From 05/12/2022 to 06/10/2022
05:03 PM Support #1714 (Feedback): Merge the COVID19 survey waves
05:02 PM Support #1714: Merge the COVID19 survey waves
- Hello,
The problem arises here:
"foreach w in ca cb cc cd ce cf ck cg ch ci {
// find the wave number
local wa...
10:05 AM Support #1714 (Resolved): Merge the COVID19 survey waves
- Hi
I am trying to merge the COVID19 survey waves into long format using stata based on the syntax provided in the...
06:43 PM Support #1713 (Feedback): fiyrl variable
- Hello,
In principle, many of income variables in Understanding Society are updated in each release of the data (so... -
03:50 PM Support #1705: Longitudinal Weighting of UKHLS Data in MLwiN
- To find more information on PSUs you should look into sampling documents for UKHLS and BHPS.
Olena -
02:14 PM Support #1705: Longitudinal Weighting of UKHLS Data in MLwiN
- Hi Olena,
Thanks very much for confirming that PSU is Postcode Sector - I couldn't find this in the User Guides/do... -
01:52 PM Support #1705: Longitudinal Weighting of UKHLS Data in MLwiN
- Sue,
You have to run a correct model with correct specification, though you don't need to interpret all the levels... -
09:18 AM Support #1710: Variable for current health status?
- Yes, that is correct, users need to derive this variable on their own.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User S...
07:24 PM Support #1711 (In Progress): Identifying care home residents
07:24 PM Support #1713 (In Progress): fiyrl variable
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:00 PM Support #1713 (Resolved): fiyrl variable
- Hello,
I am writing to you because I am running an analysis on the motherhood penalty in the UK and, in the first ... -
07:22 PM Support #1702: Wave 4 GHQ scores
- Hi Emily,
We've had another look at the most up-to-date tab data on the UKDS website and the distribution of bd_cg... -
05:38 PM Support #1710: Variable for current health status?
- Thank you for your response. However, it doesn’t answer my question. I’ve looked through the FAQs, and they _imply_ t...
05:16 PM Support #1705: Longitudinal Weighting of UKHLS Data in MLwiN
- Hi Olena,
Thanks very much for your advice.
However, I've done a bit of research on the data, and from a _geo... -
12:57 PM Support #1709: Self-completion questionnaire during Covid-19
- Thanks for your quick response!
12:03 PM Support #1709: Self-completion questionnaire during Covid-19
- Hello,
I am sorry, I misunderstood your question. However, the situation was similar in the main survey - such que... -
10:12 AM Support #1709: Self-completion questionnaire during Covid-19
- Hello,
my question was not about the Covid-19 survey, but the main survey.
Best wishes,
Nico -
10:30 AM Support #1653 (Resolved): Representativeness of lone mothers
10:29 AM Support #1651 (Resolved): Matching Partners Data
10:10 AM Support #1662 (Resolved): Linking with a different data set
10:10 AM Support #1656 (Resolved): Difference between variables bl_unib and bl_unim
10:09 AM Support #1659 (Resolved): Longitudinal analysis - correct weight
09:06 PM Support #1661 (Resolved): Merging children with thier parent using SPSS
09:06 PM Support #1652 (Resolved): Should using longitudinal weights lead to a balanced panel?
09:05 PM Support #1649 (Resolved): Weights for longitudinal analysis
09:04 PM Support #1660 (Resolved): Attitudes towards immigration (self-comp) in Wave 11
09:03 PM Support #1665 (Resolved): j_youth file lacking hrpid
08:57 PM Support #1666 (Resolved): Clarification of weights when joining datasets and comparing COVID and main survey waves
08:56 PM Support #1664 (Resolved): IEMB sample when combining data to financial years
08:56 PM Support #1669 (Resolved): Employment history and labour force spell
08:55 PM Support #1672 (Resolved): Long Covid
08:41 PM Support #1671 (Resolved): Linking parents-children data during COVID (2019-2021)
08:41 PM Support #1668 (Resolved): Net household income including housing benefit adjustment
08:40 PM Support #1675 (Resolved): Wave 7 COVID-19 DATA- Employment Status
08:40 PM Support #1679 (Resolved): Wave 7 COVID-19 DATA- Universal Credit receipt
08:40 PM Support #1677 (Resolved): Covid Wave cx_age variable inconsistencies
08:25 PM Support #1680 (Resolved): Merging: Many to one & sorting
08:20 PM Support #1681 (Resolved): ff_stillfurl
08:18 PM Support #1678 (Resolved): Weights for the linked COVID-19 Youth data
08:17 PM Support #1683 (Resolved): Merging parents (cd_indresp_w.dta) to children (cd_youth.dta)
08:16 PM Support #1684 (Resolved): Difference between cd_chsdqtd_dv_f and cd_chsdqtd_dv_m
08:15 PM Support #1690 (Resolved): jbnssec8_dv
08:12 PM Support #1682 (Resolved): How to get access to postcodes?
08:09 PM Support #1685 (Resolved): creating a disabled status variable
07:50 PM Support #1692 (Resolved): Data Query
06:54 PM Support #1712 (Feedback): Linking waves
- Hello,
You can link these datasets using the unique identifier variable, that is, pidp. The syntax files are avail... -
03:40 PM Support #1712 (Resolved): Linking waves
- Hello,
I have two questions and I would be grateful if you can share stata syntax examples:
1. How to link mul... -
06:43 PM Support #1710: Variable for current health status?
- Hello,
Please have a look at the FAQs here "Questions about varia... -
01:57 PM Support #1710 (Feedback): Variable for current health status?
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:07 PM Support #1709 (Feedback): Self-completion questionnaire during Covid-19
- Hi Nico,
The covid-19 surveys did include some questions from the self-completion module in the annual mainstage i... -
01:57 PM Support #1711: Identifying care home residents
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:27 AM Support #1711 (Resolved): Identifying care home residents
- Hello,
I understand that whilst you have to be community dwelling to enter the sample, those who later move to in...
03:05 PM Support #1710: Variable for current health status?
- Clarification: the data I’m seeking to either find or create is an indicator of whether an individual has health cond...
03:02 PM Support #1710 (Resolved): Variable for current health status?
- I would like to compare data on individuals’ health status (e.g., “have you been diagnosed with X”, “do you still hav...
07:50 PM Support #1709 (In Progress): Self-completion questionnaire during Covid-19
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:50 PM Support #1709 (Resolved): Self-completion questionnaire during Covid-19
- Dear Understanding Society team,
I would be interested to know how the self-completion questionnaire was completed... -
06:49 PM Support #1701: Problems with latest release
- Hi Lydia,
The variable bw_age_dv, Age at Date of Interview, in bw_indall and bw_indresp, has been renamed
to its ... -
06:46 PM Support #1705 (Feedback): Longitudinal Weighting of UKHLS Data in MLwiN
06:45 PM Support #1706 (Feedback): International Socio-Economic Index for class from ISCO-88 codes
- Hi George,
You can use the ISCO-88 version of the occupation variables, jbisco88_cc Current job: ISCO88 (condensed... -
11:49 AM Support #1707 (Feedback): mvyr - Year Moved To Current Address
- Dear Caroline,
In wave 1 the mvyr and mvmnth questions were asked of people who had not lived at current address w... -
09:24 AM Support #1708 (In Progress): Usual and last pay - question on imputation and missing values
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:40 PM Support #1708: Usual and last pay - question on imputation and missing values
- * last pay
03:33 PM Support #1708 (Resolved): Usual and last pay - question on imputation and missing values
- Hi there,
I'm constructing indicators relating to an individual's current employment in wave 8. My sub-sample cons... -
01:26 PM Support #1707 (Resolved): mvyr - Year Moved To Current Address
- Dear Understanding Society team,
I have a question regarding the variable ‘mvyr’ (and mvnth, mnever), these three... -
09:46 AM Support #1706 (Resolved): International Socio-Economic Index for class from ISCO-88 codes
- Hi everyone,
I'm a 1st year Politics PhD student at the University of Southampton, attempting to use Understanding...
03:31 PM Support #1701: Problems with latest release
- Sorry I intend that I compared age_dv and age
03:25 PM Support #1701: Problems with latest release
- Thank you. Could you also confirm that the renaming of some variables (apart from weights) does not affect data? I cu...
03:07 PM Support #1701 (Feedback): Problems with latest release
- Hi Lydia,
The missing BHPS identifier PID is a separate issue. It was accidentally dropped, the issue will be fixe... -
11:40 AM Support #1701: Problems with latest release
- Lydia,
BHPS weights now follow naming convention of UKHLS. So find them in the end of the file under 91 or 01 weig... -
10:18 AM Support #1704 (Feedback): Representative Counts of Migration Moves
- Dear Morgan,
You need to multiple the weighted proportions by the UK population, then you will get the population ...
03:15 PM Support #1702: Wave 4 GHQ scores
- Hi Emily,
So this might be the reason behind the difference, I was using SPSS and Stata. I'll investigate this fur... -
02:40 PM Support #1702: Wave 4 GHQ scores
- Hello
I'm using R, so it's the tab files.
I also picked up that the weighting variables don't seem to be included... -
02:37 PM Support #1702: Wave 4 GHQ scores
- Hi Emily,
Which software version of the data are you using? Stata, SPSS or Tab?
Best wishes,
Understanding Soc... -
01:07 PM Support #1703: Time-varying UKHLS identifier
- Thank you for sending more details over email. We will check this with our Data Team and try to find out the cause of...
11:14 AM Support #1705: Longitudinal Weighting of UKHLS Data in MLwiN
- Sue,
Thank you for your question.
1. In any multilevel model you should be able to use a weight, sometimes strat... -
09:46 AM Support #1688: Linkage Query
- Thank you for letting me know. I asked this query because I am interested in exploring wider determinants of health a...
05:44 PM Support #1702: Wave 4 GHQ scores
- Hello
That's really strange - my read6614 file also refers to the 15th edition so this should be the same data. I d... -
02:12 PM Support #1702: Wave 4 GHQ scores
- Hi Emily,
Thank you, I'm attaching the distribution of the bd_scghq2_dv in wave 4 of the BPHS. As you can see, the... -
01:08 PM Support #1702: Wave 4 GHQ scores
- Sorry, I should say - in case it's not obvious - that the missing data discrepancy is in the "inapplicable" category ...
12:37 PM Support #1702: Wave 4 GHQ scores
- Thanks for your help. This shows waves 1-7 and is from the harmonised version (release that includes Understanding So...
02:13 PM Support #1705 (In Progress): Longitudinal Weighting of UKHLS Data in MLwiN
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:02 PM Support #1705 (Resolved): Longitudinal Weighting of UKHLS Data in MLwiN
- Hi,
1. Are there any reference documents on how/where to enter the UKHLS variables: PSU, strata and k_indinus_lw i... -
08:50 AM Support #1704: Representative Counts of Migration Moves
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:33 PM Support #1702 (Feedback): Wave 4 GHQ scores
- Hi Emily,
I have compared the distribution of these variables in wave 4 BPHS to waves 3 and 6 of the BHPS and have... -
12:18 PM Support #1702 (In Progress): Wave 4 GHQ scores
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
01:55 PM Support #1704 (Resolved): Representative Counts of Migration Moves
- Hello,
I am attempting to ascertain how many people moved into each U.K. region per year. To begin this process, I... -
12:20 PM Support #1703 (In Progress): Time-varying UKHLS identifier
- Hi Lydia,
Could please provide some examples? It will make it easier to investigate this.
Best wishes,
Underst... -
12:18 PM Support #1701 (In Progress): Problems with latest release
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
08:42 PM Support #1703 (Resolved): Time-varying UKHLS identifier
- Dear UKHLS User Support,
I noticed that some BHPS enumerated respondents change their UKHLS identifier while havi... -
05:17 PM Support #1699: BHPS - UKHLS self-completion weight
- Hi Rebeka,
The course "How to create tailored weights is here"
an... -
04:29 PM Support #1702 (Resolved): Wave 4 GHQ scores
- Hello
I'm trying to understand the reason for what seems to be a very different distribution of the w_scghq1_dv a...
09:36 AM Support #1699: BHPS - UKHLS self-completion weight
- Hi Olena,
Thanks. Where could I request the training material?
12:06 PM Support #1700 (Feedback): Interview timing
- Hello,
We don't think this is a serious issue for our survey due to way the interviews are conducted. Sample house... -
11:53 AM Support #1688 (Feedback): Linkage Query
- Hello,
We are sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
We are not planning on linking our data to the GP wo... -
11:46 AM Support #1699 (Feedback): BHPS - UKHLS self-completion weight
11:46 AM Support #1698 (Feedback): Weights for Waves 1-11 (CS and Longitudinal)
12:17 AM Support #1701: Problems with latest release
- I am writing this because I noticed that many variables either changed their name (age_dv-->age in indall) or were de...
11:17 AM Support #1701 (Resolved): Problems with latest release
- Dear UKHLS support,
is it my problem or in the BHPS files of the latest release some variables are missing from i...
10:40 AM Support #1700 (Resolved): Interview timing
- Dear Understanding Society team,
I was hoping you might be able to help me with a question: We are currently study...
02:43 PM Support #1699: BHPS - UKHLS self-completion weight
- Rebeka,
You could use a suboptimal weight of indin01_lw or you could additionally correct for the remaining nonres... -
02:13 PM Support #1699 (Resolved): BHPS - UKHLS self-completion weight
- Hi there,
I am looking to analyse trajectories of employment and mental health over waves of BHPS (waves 15 to 18)... -
02:41 PM Support #1698: Weights for Waves 1-11 (CS and Longitudinal)
- Rowan,
For wave a use hhdenus_xw - it is equivalent to hhdenub_xw (note it becomes hhdenui_xw from wave 6 onwards...
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