From 05/26/2020 to 06/24/2020
03:26 PM Support #1366: Valid occupation code versus job hours
- Thanks so much for looking into this. I think I have figured it now. I was looking at unique observations (i.e. by pi...
02:04 PM Support #1366: Valid occupation code versus job hours
- No problem. I have looked at the data again. Over the 18+9 waves of data:
jbhas=1|jboff=1 for 370979 cases
08:18 PM Support #1366: Valid occupation code versus job hours
- Hi Alita! Sorry to bother you again but just to reiterate: the occupation code actually has more unique observations ...
04:42 PM Support #1366: Valid occupation code versus job hours
- Those who have a job in the week before the interview (jbhas=1 OR jboff =1), whether in paid employment or self-emplo...
03:22 PM Support #1366: Valid occupation code versus job hours
- I am interested in employed and self-employed. This should match the number of individuals with a valid occupation co...
03:18 PM Support #1366: Valid occupation code versus job hours
- You're welcome.
jbsemp =1 for in paid employment and =2 for self-employed. So, you need to check for jbsemp=1 and ... -
03:16 PM Support #1366: Valid occupation code versus job hours
- Hi Alita!
Thanks for your fast and very helpful reply, which makes sense. The only follow up question - why is it ... -
03:01 PM Support #1366 (Feedback): Valid occupation code versus job hours
- Hello,
Occupation question is asked of anyone who did paid work the week before the interview (jbhas=1 OR jboff=1)... -
09:55 AM Support #1366 (Resolved): Valid occupation code versus job hours
- Dear Understanding Society team,
I'm puzzled about the fact that in my data (all BHPS and US waves merged) I have ... -
05:06 PM Support #1367: Hourly wage (accounting for overtime)
- basrate is a direct question asked of those who said that they are paid an hourly rate. So, this will be missing for ...
03:34 PM Support #1367: Hourly wage (accounting for overtime)
- This does make sense. Thanks, Alita.
Adding to the above I was wondering how basrate can be defined? Is it gross h... -
03:03 PM Support #1367 (Feedback): Hourly wage (accounting for overtime)
- Hello,
w_fimnlabgrs_dv is the gross monthly income from all labour market earnings = usual gross monthly wage from... -
01:07 PM Support #1367: Hourly wage (accounting for overtime)
- Adding to the above I was wondering how basrate can be defined? Is it gross hourly wage or income? Does it make sense...
10:46 AM Support #1367 (Resolved): Hourly wage (accounting for overtime)
- Hi!
I would like to calculate hourly wages across all waves and am now wondering whether to use fimnlabgrs_dv or p... -
05:01 PM Support #1368 (Resolved): Unmatched households when merging hhresp with lsoa data
- Hi I am trying to distribute LSOA identifiers to household level data using wave 3. I have an issue when I merge the ...
04:03 PM Support #1359: Using the EMB sample independently
- Great thanks so much for your help Alita.
Many thanks
03:08 PM Support #1365 (Feedback): Payment methods gas and electricity
- Hello Antonia,
The respondents read these categories and responded to these based on how they interpreted these. S... -
02:30 PM Support #1365 (Resolved): Payment methods gas and electricity
- Hi,
is there any information how to sort your categories in "method of payment for electricity" or "method of pay...
02:54 AM Support #1362 (Feedback): Deriving own weights
02:42 AM Support #1363 (Feedback): Covid weights
- Hi Laura,
As it says in the user guide "or the purposes of weighting, the COVID-19 study is treated as an instrume... -
02:29 AM Support #1364 (Feedback): Sample overlap with other studies
- Hi Amy,
We have no restriction on our respondents participating in other surveys but we don't know who has partici...
01:58 PM Support #1362: Deriving own weights
- Karen Mak wrote:
> Thank you so much for your help Olena! Hugely grateful.
01:58 PM Support #1362: Deriving own weights
- Thank you so much for your helo Olena! Hugely grateful.
10:28 AM Support #1362: Deriving own weights
- Karen,
Yes, I would recommend more predictors. Choose predictors to be related to both nonresponse and your own mo... -
12:22 PM Support #1364 (Resolved): Sample overlap with other studies
- Dear all,
Are individuals recruited to UKHLS also allowed to participate in other studies?
If so, is there any ... -
09:23 AM Support #1363 (Resolved): Covid weights
- Hello,
I would like to check my understanding of how to use the weights from the covid survey. If I'm combining wi...
05:04 PM Support #1362: Deriving own weights
- I am sorry - I meant a model like this: logit responseW5 ageW2 if b_indscus_lw>0 & b_indscus_lw!=. ?
Would it matter... -
04:57 PM Support #1362: Deriving own weights
- Dear Olena,
Thank you so much for your prompt response. This is really helpful!
May I ask, for point 3, does it ... -
03:49 PM Support #1362: Deriving own weights
- Karen,
Thank you for your question. A few comments:
1) as a base weight you should use a longitudinal weight b_in...
05:50 PM Support #1362 (In Progress): Deriving own weights
- Hello,
Thank you for your query. We have assigned this issue to our weighting expert who will get back to you.
... -
04:27 PM Support #1362 (Resolved): Deriving own weights
- Hope you are well.
My research focuses on the relationship between arts engagement (Wave 2) and wellbeing (Wave 5... -
01:11 PM Support #1360: How to find all publications
- Hi Alita,
all right. Thank you very much for your quick response.
Best wishes,
01:00 PM Support #1360 (Feedback): How to find all publications
- Hi Lina,
We are not aware of any other such resource, it is updated from the library system.
Best wishes,
Alita -
10:33 AM Support #1360: How to find all publications
- Dear Alita,
I am using this page: because there are more publicati... -
06:07 AM Support #1359: Using the EMB sample independently
- " if I wanted to stratify my analysis by ethnicity and produce regression models separately for certain ethnic groups...
04:58 PM Support #1359: Using the EMB sample independently
- Hi Alita
That's great, thanks so much for your help. One last question; if I wanted to stratify my analysis by eth... -
10:16 AM Support #1359: Using the EMB sample independently
- "If I want to analyse only those who have been asked the extra five minutes questions (so EMB + 500 random GPC + GPS ...
09:10 AM Support #1359: Using the EMB sample independently
- Hi Alita
Thanks so much for your reply. Apologies, I think I am confusing the extra 5 minutes sample and the EMB s... -
10:15 AM Support #1360 (In Progress): How to find all publications
- Dear Lina,
When you say you are using the University of Essex database do you mean this page?
02:50 PM Support #1360 (Resolved): How to find all publications
- Dear all,
I was wondering if there is a possibility of finding all publications to the BHPS. Currently I am using...
11:27 AM Support #1358: Employment status: indall - indresp incosistency
- All 16+ year olds enumerated in the household (and so present in indall), are eligible for adult interviews, but not ...
11:05 AM Support #1358: Employment status: indall - indresp incosistency
- Dear Alita,
thanks a lot for your answer, just a quick clarification: what could be the reason for someone >16 to... -
07:41 AM Support #1359 (Feedback): Using the EMB sample independently
- Hi Natalie,
You are correct that EMB sample should not be analysed by itself. The JEMS paper you mentioned does no...
05:23 PM Support #1359 (Resolved): Using the EMB sample independently
- Hello, I have a question regarding the EMB sample I am hoping you can help me with? I was hoping to conduct an analys...
12:35 PM Support #1358 (Feedback): Employment status: indall - indresp incosistency
- Hello,
the indresp file includes everyone who has responded to the adult (16+ year) interviews, while indall inclu... -
11:45 AM Support #1358 (Resolved): Employment status: indall - indresp incosistency
- Dear all, I would like to know your help about a probably silly question but on which I am struggling on.
Why the ...
04:36 PM Support #1343: Creating a family group for profile of parents
- Ok, thanks anyway
best wishes,
01:26 PM Support #1343: Creating a family group for profile of parents
- Sorry Katie, there isn't one as yet.
01:19 PM Support #1343: Creating a family group for profile of parents
- Ah I see. Is there an equivalent syntax available for SPSS?
Best wishes,
01:10 PM Support #1343: Creating a family group for profile of parents
- Hi Katie,
Sorry I should have specified that this is a Stata syntax file. So, it will not work with SPSS.
Best ... -
12:38 PM Support #1343: Creating a family group for profile of parents
- Hi Alita,
Unfortunately not (I accept this may be me though!) Is this syntax suitable for use with SPSS? I'm getting... -
01:16 PM Support #1357 (Feedback): Covid-19 survey and Wave 9
- Hi Chris,
The variable you need to match the two ca_indresp_w with any individual level file in Wave 9 is pidp. If... -
01:05 PM Support #1357 (Resolved): Covid-19 survey and Wave 9
- Hi,
I am a novice at using Understanding Society data, but it is my understanding that respondents in the Covid-19... -
11:03 AM Support #1355: question on household earnings in COVID study
- Hi Marina,
Sorry I missed your second question, "In addition, I would like to know how you compare the baseline ho... -
10:05 AM Support #1355: question on household earnings in COVID study
- Hi Alita,
Thanks for your fast answer. I am, however, still confused about how to construct a household earnings ... -
08:54 AM Support #1355 (Feedback): question on household earnings in COVID study
- Hello,
You are right that ca_blhhearn* is asked of everyone. But if someone gives a partial interview then it mean...
06:00 PM Support #1355 (Resolved): question on household earnings in COVID study
- Hi,
I am interested in the household questions in the COVID module (variables ca_blhhearn_answer ca_blhhearn_peri... -
11:21 AM Support #1354 (Feedback): Linking children to adults in Covid-19 study
- Hello,
The file ca_indresp_w is the adult level file where pidp uniquely identifies each row. The information prov... -
10:40 AM Support #1354 (Resolved): Linking children to adults in Covid-19 study
- Hello,
I have been analysing the April wave of the Covid-19 data. I have come across trouble linking the children ...
03:27 PM Support #1353 (Feedback): COVID-19 survey
- Hi Alexis,
We advise users to use "scaled" option, as the "certainty" option means that these units do not contrib... -
10:44 AM Support #1353 (Resolved): COVID-19 survey
- Good morning and I hope you are well. I am trying to analyse data from the COVID-19 survey and I have a question.
07:56 AM Support #1343: Creating a family group for profile of parents
- Hi Katie,
I am attaching a syntax file that attaches co-resident parents information. See if this works for you. I...
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