From 10/17/2018 to 11/15/2018
09:17 AM Support #1083: Subjective Well-Being Data
- Dear Micah,
This page shows which geographical identifiers are available under Special Licence, which is available...
04:15 PM Support #1092 (In Progress): Variables
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
12:53 PM Support #1092 (Resolved): Variables
- At the Centre for Ageing Better, we are putting together a report on the State of the Nation for our older people. On...
01:57 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
- Dear Olga,
ok, I got it. Then I'll do that and can present some robustness checks using f_psnenub_lw weight.
H... -
01:10 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
- Melanie,
f_psnenus_lw excludes two samples: BHPS that joined in wave 2 and IEMB that joined in wave 6. You could i...
05:27 PM Support #1077: Variable on country of birth
- Dear Lydia,
xwavedat contains every individual enumerated in the survey. Some of these will be children, while oth... -
05:09 PM Support #1078: Marital change
- Dear Lydia,
We have checked the BHPS questionnaires and it looks like you are correct. The marital status was only... -
04:41 PM Support #1091 (In Progress): Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
03:45 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
- Just one additional question: When I use f_psnenus_lw, all teenagers who are not observed in that wave have no weight...
03:30 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
- Perfect! Thanks so much, Olena, this was immensely helpful! I'll implement this and see where it takes me.
03:09 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
- Melanie,
Thank you. This is very helpful. For your policy analysis the responding group will be very specific: it ... -
02:51 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
- Dear Olena,
thanks for your fast response!
I am interested in longitudinal analysis, but am using an unbalanced ... -
02:43 PM Support #1091: Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
- Melanie,
Thank you for your question. Could you tell us a little bit more about your analysis? Are you interested ... -
02:23 PM Support #1091 (Resolved): Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
- I would like to conduct a panel analysis of teenagers responses in the youth self-completion survey based on waves 1-...
04:46 PM Support #1080 (Resolved): Weights for pooled cross-sectional analysis - accounting for clustering
04:46 PM Support #1079 (Resolved): How do I match adult respondents of the survey with their children (over 16 years of age) who also participate in the survey
04:42 PM Support #1075 (Resolved): Weights in an unbalanced panel
04:39 PM Support #1068 (Resolved): Locating and accessing sexuality identity data within LHS data sets
04:39 PM Support #1067 (Resolved): Strengths and Difficulties variable
04:38 PM Support #1066 (Resolved): Weights for Waves 3 and 6
04:38 PM Support #1064 (Resolved): Including local level identifiers in Understanding Society
04:38 PM Support #1063 (Resolved): Employment variables
04:37 PM Support #1062 (Resolved): Income in Nurse Health Assessment
04:37 PM Support #1043 (Resolved): Seaming effects
04:37 PM Support #1021 (Resolved): Household weighting for longitudinal analysis
11:00 AM Support #1089: Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
- Follow-up question from Jing (by email):
You mentioned both May and June samples would not be random. I understand...
09:19 PM Support #1089: Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
- Not really. The chance to be assigned to a particular monthly sample can be considered random, but within each monthl...
05:13 PM Support #1089 (In Progress): Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:11 PM Support #1089 (Resolved): Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
- I'm conducting a study about the impact of the Brexit Referendum on life satisfaction using a difference-in-differenc...
06:06 PM Support #1084 (Feedback): Financial situation
- Dear Lydia,
There are not any equivalent variables to b`w'_fisitc and b`w'_fisity in UKHLS. However, you could loo... -
05:46 PM Support #1088 (Feedback): More information on variable "plbornc"
05:46 PM Support #1088: More information on variable "plbornc"
- Dear Olayiwola Oladiran,
The variable plbornc_all contains a further breakdown of the 'other' category and is avai... -
01:44 PM Support #1088 (In Progress): More information on variable "plbornc"
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
12:43 PM Support #1088: More information on variable "plbornc"
- Hello,
Please is there a further breakdown of the countries of origin of immigrants (plbornc)? I am conducting a s... -
12:05 PM Support #1088 (Resolved): More information on variable "plbornc"
- Hello,
Please is there a further breakdown of the countries of origin of immigrants (plbornc)? I am conducting a s... -
05:34 PM Support #1086 (Feedback): Biomarker serum creatinine
- Dear Per-Ola Sundin,
A reply from our biomarker team:
Yes, the method we used (Roche Creatinine plus) is standard... -
01:42 PM Support #1086 (In Progress): Biomarker serum creatinine
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
08:15 AM Support #1086 (Resolved): Biomarker serum creatinine
- Could you please inform me whether the analysis of serum creatinine is standardized according to IDMS?
Yours since... -
05:30 PM Support #1085 (Feedback): Inapplicable and missing data
- Dear Giorgio,
Which data files are you working with? I have checked w_sex in w_indresp and this does not seem to h... -
01:41 PM Support #1085 (In Progress): Inapplicable and missing data
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:30 PM Support #1083 (Feedback): Subjective Well-Being Data
- Dear Micah,
Understanding Society is a longitudinal household survey which collects information on life satisfacti...
01:25 PM Support #1085 (Resolved): Inapplicable and missing data
- Dear all,
I am working with an appended dataset of the 7 waves, and I noticed something weird.
Some 'basic' var...
10:38 AM Support #1084 (In Progress): Financial situation
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:08 AM Support #1084 (Resolved): Financial situation
- Dear User Support,
are you aware of a variable that is similar to b`w'_fisitc and b`w'_fisity of BHPS in USoc?
05:12 PM Support #1078: Marital change
- Dear Stephanie,
thank you very much for your answer.
I am aware of the consolidated histories. I am just wond... -
04:15 PM Support #1078: Marital change
- Dear Lydia,
Just to add that the data for the historical marriage and cohabitation data in Wave 1 (for GPS & EMBS)... -
03:29 PM Support #1078: Marital change
- Dear Lydia,
I see what you are asking for now. We do have that information available as follows:
For BHPS, ther... -
04:36 PM Support #1082: House details in youth or adult datasets
- Dear Dora,
We have some information which may help. In w_hhsamp we have an observational question, w_unkgard, whic... -
03:30 PM Support #1083 (In Progress): Subjective Well-Being Data
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:40 PM Support #1081: Youth and individual respondents datasets - merging info
- Dear Stephanie,
This is really helpful. Thanks a lot!
Best wishes,
07:26 PM Support #1083 (Resolved): Subjective Well-Being Data
- My name is Micah Kaats. I am a researcher from Utrecht University working on a project with Dr. Martijn Hendriks and ...
03:20 PM Support #1081 (Feedback): Youth and individual respondents datasets - merging info
- Dear Dora,
The w_youth files contain the mother's ID in the variables w_mnpid (for natural mothers) and w_mnspid (...
02:39 PM Support #1082 (In Progress): House details in youth or adult datasets
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:33 PM Support #1082 (Resolved): House details in youth or adult datasets
- Dear all,
I would like to ask if there is any info about whether respondents have access to a private garden and/o... -
02:39 PM Support #1081 (In Progress): Youth and individual respondents datasets - merging info
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:22 PM Support #1081 (Resolved): Youth and individual respondents datasets - merging info
- Dear all,
I would like to merge data from the "indresp" file into the youth file. Which would be the best way to d...
01:17 PM Support #1079: How do I match adult respondents of the survey with their children (over 16 years of age) who also participate in the survey
- Thanks a lot. I will have a look. Best wishes. Nico
10:09 AM Support #1079 (Feedback): How do I match adult respondents of the survey with their children (over 16 years of age) who also participate in the survey
- Dear Nico,
You can use a similar strategy to the one you discussed with Alita in #692. If the child still lives in...
02:41 PM Support #1080: Weights for pooled cross-sectional analysis - accounting for clustering
- Great, that answers my question. Thank you.
06:06 PM Support #1078: Marital change
- Thank you for your answer.
So, this means that, in *both the surveys*, I am allowed to know only the changes betw... -
04:16 PM Support #1078 (Feedback): Marital change
- Dear Lydia,
Although a harmonised marital status variable has not yet been created, you can use the variables bw_m... -
05:58 PM Support #1077: Variable on country of birth
- Thank you for your answer. I am using ukborn. What do you mean by those who have never given a full interview? I cros...
04:35 PM Support #1077 (Feedback): Variable on country of birth
- Dear Lydia,
You don't say which data file or variable you are using. Is it plbornc in xwavedat? This question is o... -
04:32 PM Support #1080 (Feedback): Weights for pooled cross-sectional analysis - accounting for clustering
- Lewis,
With "svyset psu ..." you have indeed already specified PSUs to be the clusters. This will give you unbiase... -
11:33 AM Support #1080: Weights for pooled cross-sectional analysis - accounting for clustering
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:30 AM Support #1079 (In Progress): How do I match adult respondents of the survey with their children (over 16 years of age) who also participate in the survey
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
06:55 PM Support #1021: Household weighting for longitudinal analysis
- Dear Olena,
Thank you for your clarifications.
Best regards,
Ante -
06:39 PM Support #1080 (Resolved): Weights for pooled cross-sectional analysis - accounting for clustering
- Dear Support Team,
This can be seen as a follow-up to #758, which presents a similar problem.
I am trying to ex... -
02:57 PM Support #1079 (Resolved): How do I match adult respondents of the survey with their children (over 16 years of age) who also participate in the survey
- Dear Alita,
I would like to have some labor market outcome information of children whose parents participated in ...
09:51 PM Support #1078 (In Progress): Marital change
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
06:22 PM Support #1078 (Resolved): Marital change
- Dear User Support Forum,
sorry for the second raised issue in one day, but I am revising my work so far.
I am cu... -
03:08 PM Support #1075: Weights in an unbalanced panel
- My suggestion to you would be to use W_XXXXXub_lw weight from the last wave that you have observation for any one per...
11:17 AM Support #1075: Weights in an unbalanced panel
- Olena Kaminska wrote:
> Are you thinking to represent people or events?
We want to represent people -
11:10 AM Support #1075: Weights in an unbalanced panel
- Are you thinking to represent people or events?
10:09 AM Support #1075 (In Progress): Weights in an unbalanced panel
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
09:23 AM Support #1075 (Resolved): Weights in an unbalanced panel
- Hello,
We have a question regarding the appropriate weights to apply when analyzing combined files from BHPS and Und... -
01:56 PM Support #1077 (In Progress): Variable on country of birth
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
01:32 PM Support #1077 (Resolved): Variable on country of birth
- Dear Help Forum,
I am including in my model the status of foreigner as a control and I noticed that there are man...
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