From 09/28/2015 to 10/27/2015
12:02 PM Support #406: Calcuation of net income variables
- No, housing benefit reported on the income file is included in hhnetinc1 as well as hhnetinc3. On behalf of the team,...
11:52 AM Support #417: Choice of income bands in proxy question on annual earnings
- That's a fair question, but unfortunately I have not been able to track down the answer yet. Jakob
11:48 AM Support #417: Choice of income bands in proxy question on annual earnings
- Thanks for the update, Jakob. Do you know what criteria the income bands were designed to satisfy?
11:46 AM Support #417: Choice of income bands in proxy question on annual earnings
- The categories used at W1-2 were taken from British Household Panel Survey Wave 18. The categories were redefined at ...
10:23 AM Support #430: Sample size and weight within blood sample w2
- Dear Gaelle,
Thank you for your questions. First, we indeed provide blood weight for combined sample of GPS and BH...
08:31 PM Support #406: Calcuation of net income variables
- Thank you, and I presume that the deductions referred to hhnetinc3 do not include housing benefit?
09:51 AM Support #406 (In Progress): Calcuation of net income variables
- Laura,
Yes, housing benefit reported on the income file is included in hhnetinc1. However no allowance is made in h...
08:12 PM Support #406: Calcuation of net income variables
- Could I please ask whether housing benefit received by the household goes into hhnetinc1?
many thanks,
07:12 AM Support #432 (Closed): Distributions of NS-SEC variables in earlier and later versions of Wave 1 data
07:11 AM Support #431 (Closed): Coding of 'missing' in earlier and later versions of Wave 1 data of variable 'a_scghq2_dv'
07:06 AM Support #427 (Closed): Income variables' descriptive stats on US website do not match my results
07:05 AM Support #426 (Closed): Merging youth to family information
07:03 AM Support #436: How to identify the Household Reference Person
- pls see #290
05:49 PM Support #436 (Closed): How to identify the Household Reference Person
- Hi there,
I'm using US for a masters project and am trying to select my dataset so that it only includes the househo... -
09:25 AM Support #241: c_fiyrinvinc_dv vs c_fiyrdia
- Some are questions and the details can be found in the questionnaire specification and others are derived variables, ...
09:21 AM Support #406: Calcuation of net income variables
- We will be providing more details on the income variables in the user guide to the forthcoming release. Please also n...
09:18 AM Support #415: Question on household income
- A part from households with genuinely low incomes some households may be reluctant to report incomes in general. See ...
05:20 PM Support #429: Calculation of Benefits Income in BHPS and USoc
- The INCOME file stores the multiple reported income sources. In the rare instances where an amount cannot be itemised...
09:07 AM Support #435: Question relating to " main reason respondent was away from work last week?" in the UK HLS
- Hi Jakob,
thanks for your answer.
_length of sickness/injury absence in the question "main reason why you were aw... -
08:56 AM Support #435: Question relating to " main reason respondent was away from work last week?" in the UK HLS
- > ... length of sickness/injury absence in the question "main reason why you were away from wor?" (variable JBOFFY)
01:01 PM Support #434: "None of the above" in `w'_qfhigh
- We have noted the high proportion of individuals for whom we have ‘none of the above’ replies on the variable `w’_qfh...
08:36 AM Support #435 (Closed): Question relating to " main reason respondent was away from work last week?" in the UK HLS
- Hi there,
Please, was is the *+length+* of sickness/injury absence in the question "main reason why you were away fr...
04:02 PM Support #433: How can I apply for a special license?
- please see
09:30 PM Support #434 (Closed): "None of the above" in `w'_qfhigh
Hi, I have a question about 96 "None of the Above" category in `w'_qfhigh variable (highest educational qualificati...
11:32 AM Support #433 (Closed): How can I apply for a special license?
Hi, I would like to apply for a special license as a non-UK user to have access to geographic identifier at the med...
05:34 PM Support #432 (In Progress): Distributions of NS-SEC variables in earlier and later versions of Wave 1 data
- Dear Sharon,
we try to assign the most appropriate missing values according to our definitions, i.e. -9 "missing or ... -
04:52 PM Support #432 (Closed): Distributions of NS-SEC variables in earlier and later versions of Wave 1 data
- I first accessed the Wave 1 dataset around 2012 at which time there was a ‘refusal’ category for the derived variable...
05:12 PM Support #431: Coding of 'missing' in earlier and later versions of Wave 1 data of variable 'a_scghq2_dv'
- Dear Sharon,
we try to assign the most appropriate missing values according to our definitions, i.e. -9 "missing or ... -
04:46 PM Support #431 (Closed): Coding of 'missing' in earlier and later versions of Wave 1 data of variable 'a_scghq2_dv'
- I first accessed the Wave 1 dataset around 2012 at which time there was a ‘missing’ category for the derived variable...
05:11 PM Support #410 (Closed): Income in Understanding and BHPS
- see #429
09:26 AM Support #425 (Closed): MEMORIG unclear values
09:26 AM Support #422 (Closed): SIC 2007 variables in Wave 3
09:25 AM Support #420 (Closed): NPD linkage
09:23 AM Support #430: Sample size and weight within blood sample w2
- Hi,
Thank you very much for your response.
Indeed, I would do a cross-sectional analysis of wave 2 data only, w...
02:44 PM Support #430: Sample size and weight within blood sample w2
- Gaelle,
Thank you for your question. From your message I understand that you want to use information from three so... -
09:25 AM Support #430 (Closed): Sample size and weight within blood sample w2
- Hi,
I am working on Nurse Health Assessment database in order to use data related to biomarkers and health. I deci...
05:22 PM Support #424: Proxies in general, how do they work?
- Hello Vernon,
As a general rule if any of the response outcomes say proxy (value = -7) it means that this was a pr...
03:30 PM Support #429 (Closed): Calculation of Benefits Income in BHPS and USoc
- I am writing with the hopes that someone can clarify precisely how income from benefits is constructed in the BHPS (a...
09:10 AM Support #412 (Closed): Weights for BHPS and Understanding Society
09:10 AM Support #414 (Closed): Weights for unbalanced panel
09:09 AM Support #421: mining of genetic + other data: collaboration?
- Just to acknowledge receipt - we hope to have a reply for you soon. On behalf of the team, Jakob
08:44 AM Support #423 (Closed): Application to use HES data
08:41 AM Support #427: Income variables' descriptive stats on US website do not match my results
- The online documentation is incorrect in these cases. Thanks for making us aware of this.
On behalf of the team,
01:35 PM Support #426: Merging youth to family information
- Follow these steps:
1. Merge youth questionnaire file, w_youth, to w_indall using pidp. The variables that you nee... -
11:43 AM Support #428 (Closed): Adult SC Questionnaire Wave 2
- hi User support,
i'm using the questions on alcohol drinking from the W2 SC interview. specifically my questions a...
08:38 PM Support #414: Weights for unbalanced panel
- Olena,
Perfect, thanks. That makes sense. Many thanks for your help with all of this.
-- -
07:10 PM Support #427 (Closed): Income variables' descriptive stats on US website do not match my results
- Dear all,
please, could you kindly clarify the following points?
- The variable b_netinc1 as presented on the w... -
10:11 AM Support #426 (Closed): Merging youth to family information
- Dear All, could someone please assist me. I have created a file with responses from the youth questionnaire.
I have...
09:40 PM Support #424: Proxies in general, how do they work?
- Thanks Jakob!
I had begun working with the c_egoalt file. I am adding variables according to suitability on to a s... -
08:45 AM Support #424: Proxies in general, how do they work?
- This variable is an intermediate variable computed by the interviewing scripts and there are other more comprehensive...
06:44 PM Support #425: MEMORIG unclear values
- The various samples are represented e.g. here:
06:34 PM Support #425 (Closed): MEMORIG unclear values
- Hello I am working with the BHPS, and am trying to learn more about values of the variable MEMORIG. This code the sam...
09:01 AM Support #418: Understanding Society dataset harmonised with GGP
- The GGP Harmonized Histories ( are in part based on the predecessor stud...
08:48 AM Support #419 (Closed): Adult self completion wave 2 and weights
03:42 PM Support #414: Weights for unbalanced panel
- Ewan,
You would need a weight called b_psnenub_xw or b_indpxub_xw (or another depending on the variables you are u... -
11:12 AM Support #424 (Closed): Proxies in general, how do they work?
- I am looking at data from Wave C, file name c_indresp.sav SPSS file.
I am very interested in targeting households ...
05:21 PM Support #423: Application to use HES data
- pls see #306
03:02 PM Support #420: NPD linkage
- At the moment data have been linked for children, youths and young adults in England with valid consents in wave 1. E...
02:15 PM Support #416 (Closed): SOC 00 to ISCO 1988 stata dofile (code for 4 digits) Understanding society dataset
02:14 PM Support #404 (Closed): Where did sceverdrnk go?
12:15 PM Support #422 (In Progress): SIC 2007 variables in Wave 3
12:11 PM Support #422: SIC 2007 variables in Wave 3
- Dear Ashwin,
can you confirm that you are using the latest edition of the Understanding Society released data, i.e.,...
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