


Support #1162 » Working

Liam Wright, 03/24/2019 01:42 PM

tempfile Temp
local vlist " school fenow jbstat edtype lgaped month sampst ivfio intdatm_dv intdaty_dv"
foreach i of numlist 1 5{
local j: word `i' of `c(alpha)'
local prefixlist: subinstr local vlist " " " `j'_", all
use pidp `prefixlist' using /*
*/ "${fld}/${ukhls_path}_w`i'/`j'_indresp${file_type}", clear
gen `j'_IntDate_MY=ym(`j'_intdaty_dv,`j'_intdatm_dv) /*
*/ if `j'_intdatm_dv>0 & `j'_intdaty_dv>0
drop *intdat*
use pidp using /*
*/ "${fld}/${ukhls_path}_w`i'/`j'_empstat${file_type}", clear
duplicates drop
tempfile Temp2
save "`Temp2'", replace
merge 1:1 pidp using "`Temp2'", gen(`j'_empstat)
capture merge 1:1 pidp using "`Temp'", nogen
save "`Temp'", replace
numlabel, add
order pidp a_* e_*
keep if a_sampst==1 & a_ivfio==1 & e_ivfio==1
drop if (a_empstat==3 & e_empstat==3) | (a_lgaped!=-8 & e_lgaped!=-8)
drop *sampst *ivfio *empstat *lgaped

gen LifeHist_Wave=cond(a_month<=6,1,5)
egen Min_IntDate_MY=min(a_IntDate_MY)
format *MY %tm

#delim ;
global mergelist "a_ukborn a_scend a_feend a_paju a_maju
a_lvag14 a_ynlp14 a_racel a_nmar a_sf1
a_jbhas a_sclfsato a_sex_dv a_ethn_dv
a_doby_dv a_country a_gor_dv a_urban_dv
a_scghq1_dv a_sf12pcs_dv a_sf12mcs_dv
a_swemwbs_dv a_bmi_dv" ;
#delim cr
merge 1:1 pidp using "${fld}/${ukhls_path}_w1/a_indresp${file_type}", /*
*/ keep(match) keepusing($mergelist) nogen
prog_recodemissing a_*
local i=0
gen Variable=""
gen PVal=.
foreach var of global mergelist{
local i=`i'+1
ttest `var', by(LifeHist_Wave)
replace Variable="`var'" in `i'
replace PVal=r(p) in `i'
tab a_gor_dv LifeHist_Wave if a_gor_dv!=12, m chi2 expected
