use "Y...\c_indresp.dta"
merge 1:1 pidp using "Y...\xhhrel.dta"
drop if _merge==2
gen mark = 1 if c_lvrel1==0 & c_lvrel9==0 // those who didn't mention biological, step/adoptive mother (23,767 observations)
recode mark (miss=0)
gen parent = 1 if bpx_N > 0 | apx_N > 0 | spx_N>0 | fpx_N > 0 //doesn't matter if the parent is male or female.
recode parent (miss=0)
gen bpx_sex_f = 2 if bpx_sex_1==2 | bpx_sex_2==2 | bpx_sex_3==2 | bpx_sex_4==2 //biological female parent
gen bpx_sex_m = 1 if bpx_sex_1==1 | bpx_sex_2==1 | bpx_sex_3==1 | bpx_sex_4==1 //biological male parent
recode bpx_sex_f bpx_sex_m (miss=0)
gen apx_sex_f = 2 if apx_sex_1==2 | apx_sex_2==2 //adoptive female parent
gen apx_sex_m = 1 if apx_sex_1==1 | apx_sex_2==1 //adoptive male parent
recode apx_sex_f apx_sex_m (miss=0)
gen spx_sex_f = 2 if spx_sex_1==2 | spx_sex_2==2 | spx_sex_3==2 | spx_sex_4==2 | spx_sex_5==2 // stepparent female
gen spx_sex_m = 1 if spx_sex_1==1 | spx_sex_2==1 | spx_sex_3==1 | spx_sex_4==1 | spx_sex_5==1 // stepparent male
recode spx_sex_f spx_sex_m (miss=0)
gen fpx_sex_f = 2 if fpx_sex_1==2 | fpx_sex_2==2 //foster parent female
gen fpx_sex_m = 1 if fpx_sex_1==1 | fpx_sex_2==1 //foster parent male
recode fpx_sex_f fpx_sex_m (miss=0)
gen px_sex_f = 2 if bpx_sex_f==2 | apx_sex_f==2 | spx_sex_f==2 | fpx_sex_f==2 //parent (biological, adoptive, step, foster) female
gen px_sex_m = 1 if bpx_sex_m==1 | apx_sex_m==1 | spx_sex_m==1 | fpx_sex_m==1 //parent (biological, adoptive, step, foster) male
recode px_sex_f px_sex_m (miss=0)
tablbl mark px_sex_f, m
. tablbl mark px_sex_f, m
mark 0 2 Total
0 21,938 3,987 25,925
1 18,242 5,525 23,767
Total 40,180 9,512 49,692
There are 18,242 respondents (indresp) for whom we have no information throughout the study regarding their mothers (biological, adoptive, step, or foster), which indicates that they have passed away.