//It creates a data file of respondents (of any age) with information about their co-resident parents matched to them
version 15.1
clear all
set more off
cap log close
cd "D:\Mario files\box\PhD Health Research\Effects of parental unemployment on children health\Data Analysis"
log using example2.log, replace
global main_data "D:\Mario files\box\PhD Health Research\Effects of parental unemployment on children health\Datasets\Understanding Societies (UKHLS)\UKDA-6614-stata\stata\stata13_se"
global dataout "D:\Mario files\box\PhD Health Research\Effects of parental unemployment on children health\Data Analysis"
global results "D:\Mario files\box\PhD Health Research\Effects of parental unemployment on children health\(Preliminary) Results"
global graphs ""
global tables ""
global W "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r" // List af all waves
global N " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18"
global nW : word count $W // Number of elements in the list above (In our case, number of waves)
set scheme s1mono // Scheme for graphs (black and white graphs)!!
clear all
capture log close
local tm "mother"
local tf "father"
foreach w in $W {
local i=strpos("abcdefghijklmnopqr","`w'")
// Step 3: This syntax matches information of all types of parents (biological, adopted, step)
// If you want to only match information of biological parents then use
// the variables `w'_`k'npid instead of `w'_`k'nspid
local idvar npid_bh
// Step 4: Choose the data file from where you want to add parental variables
local file indrespSmall
// Step 5: Currently only 2 parental variables are being added: age_dv & employ
// Add other variables variables you want to add from the file mentioned in Step 4
local vars age jbhas jbstat
foreach k in m f {
use "$dataout\parentPanelSmall`i'", clear
drop if `k'`idvar'<0
keep `k'`idvar' pidp
rename pidp kpidp
rename `k'`idvar' pidp
merge m:1 pidp using "$dataout\indrespSmall`i'", nogen keep(3) keepus(`vars' wave)
foreach var of local vars {
rename `var' `var'_`k'
local l`var': var label `var'
lab var `var' `"`t`k'': `l`var''"'
drop pidp
rename kpidp pidp
merge m:1 pidp using "$dataout\indallSmall`i'", nogen
keep pidp *_`k' `k'`idvar' wave
// check1
save `k', replace
use m, clear
merge m:m pidp using f
// check
assert _merge==3
drop _merge
order pidp, first
order m f, last
// check2
foreach k in m f {
foreach var of local vlist {
assert (`w'_`var'_m==. & `w'_m`idvar'==-8) | ///
(`w'_`var'_m<. & `w'_m`idvar'>-8)
save file_`i', replace
use "$dataout\file_1", clear // I append all these small datasets
forvalues n=2/$nW {
append using "$dataout\file_`n'"
// clean up temporary files
erase m.dta
erase f.dta
erase "$dataout\indrespPanelSmallVar`i'"
erase "$dataout\egoaltPanelSmallVarID`i'"