**Do-File to clean the EGOALT BHPS data
version 15.1
clear all
set more off
cap log close
cd "D:\Mario files\box\PhD Health Research\Effects of parental unemployment on children health\Data Analysis"
global main_data "D:\Mario files\box\PhD Health Research\Effects of parental unemployment on children health\Datasets\Understanding Societies (UKHLS)\UKDA-6614-stata\stata\stata13_se"
global dataout "D:\Mario files\box\PhD Health Research\Effects of parental unemployment on children health\Data Analysis"
global results "D:\Mario files\box\PhD Health Research\Effects of parental unemployment on children health\(Preliminary) Results"
global graphs ""
global tables ""
global W "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r" // List af all waves
global N " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18"
global nW : word count $W // Number of elements in the list above (In our case, number of waves)
set scheme s1mono // Scheme for graphs (black and white graphs)!!
clear all
capture log close
* Creating the dataset: INDALL (BHPS) *
* Here I get the information I need from INDALL: the data file that all the personal information on responding individuals as well as those who lives in same household in a given wave
foreach w in $W { // Foreach wave, I keep the dataset I need
local n=strpos("abcdefghijklmnopqr", "`w'") // Creates a correspondence between letter and number
di `n'
use "$main_data/bhps_w`n'/b`w'_egoalt.dta", clear
rename b`w'_* * // Removes the prefix of the variable
gen wave = `n'
lab var wave "wave"
save "$dataout\egoaltSmall`n'", replace
use "$dataout\egoaltSmall1", clear // I append all these small datasets
forvalues n=2/$nW {
append using "$dataout\egoaltSmall`n'"
// Compress the data to save space
sort pidp wave
// recode values from -1 to -9 to Stata system missing for all variables
quietly mvdecode _all, mv(-9/-1)
save "$dataout\egoaltPanelSmall", replace
foreach n in $N {
erase "$dataout\egoaltSmall`n'.dta"
use "$dataout\egoaltPanelSmall", clear
* Year
gen year= 1991 if wave==1
replace year= 1992 if wave==2
replace year= 1993 if wave==3
replace year= 1994 if wave==4
replace year= 1995 if wave==5
replace year= 1996 if wave==6
replace year= 1997 if wave==7
replace year= 1998 if wave==8
replace year= 1999 if wave==9
replace year= 2000 if wave==10
replace year= 2001 if wave==11
replace year= 2002 if wave==12
replace year= 2003 if wave==13
replace year= 2004 if wave==14
replace year= 2005 if wave==15
replace year= 2006 if wave==16
replace year= 2007 if wave==17
replace year= 2008 if wave==18
fre year
// Take a look at the data by using different methods
sort hidp pno apno
li in 1/10, sepby(hidp)
// or you could browse interactively
fre relationship_bh lwstat nwstat
ta relationship_bh esex
// Q: Which variable or variables uniquely identify each row?
duplicates report pidp
duplicates report pidp apidp
duplicates report hidp pno
duplicates report hidp pno apno
// Q: How many men and women are living with their husband/wife,
// partner/cohabitee or civil partner in this wave?
count if esex==1 & inlist(relationship_bh,1,2,3)
count if esex==2 & inlist(relationship_bh,1,2,3)
// Q: How many are living in same sex partnerships?
ta asex esex if inlist(relationship_bh,1,2,3)
// Q: How many OSM children were born between last wave and this?
// How can you identify the new entrants in the dataset?
fre lwstat
// Digression
// Note the w_egoalt is a file which shows the relationship between each
// household member with every other household member. So, single person
// households are excluded from w_egoalt. To verify this will compute the
// household size from b_indall and merge it with this dataset and then compare
// household size for matched and unmatched cases.
// Create a variable that records the unique cross-wave identifier of the EGO's
// husband/wife or partner/cohabitee and compare that with the identifiers
// provided with the data.
// keep only those obsevations where the EGO is the husband/wife or
// partner/cohabitee of the ALTER.
* keep if inlist(relationship_bh,1,2,3)
// Are there any people with more than one partner?
* bys pidp: g num_partners=_N
* fre num_partners
// If there are such cases either these are data errors or actual cases of
// multiple partners. As identifying multiple partners will requre different codes
// We will keep things simple and drop this case
* drop if num_partners==2
* fre num_partners
// generate pidp of spouse or partner of EGO (this is teh same that ppid in INDALL file)
g long partner_pidp=apidp
// to compare with identifiers provided with the data merge with b_indall file
// You can take a look at the online documentation to find out which variable
// represents identifier sof spouse or partner
// As you will find out the answer is w_ppid or w_hidp and w_ppno
* merge m:1 pidp using "$inpath/ukhls_w2/b_indall", keepusing(pidp b_ppid)
// Let us drop the unmatched cases.
* drop if _m==2
// check if partner pidp created here is the same as the one provided with the
// data. The answer should be ZERO.
* count if partner_pidp != b_ppid
// Create unique cross-wave identifiers of the father, mother, grandfather and
// grandmother of EGO.
* use temp_egoalt, clear
g long mother_pidp=apidp if relationship_bh>=4 & relationship_bh<=7 & asex==2
g long father_pidp=apidp if relationship_bh>=4 & relationship_bh<=7 & asex==1
g long grandmother_pidp=apidp if relationship_bh==20 & asex==2
g long grandfather_pidp=apidp if relationship_bh==20 & asex==1
generat JoinHH = 0
replace JoinHH = 1 if inlist(nwstat,2,3,4,5,6)
lab var JoinHH "Alter joined ego's HH this wave"
generat LeftHH = 0
replace LeftHH = 1 if inlist(nwstat,2)
lab var LeftHH "Alter left ego's HH next wave"
fre JoinHH LeftHH
** Save data so far:
save "$dataout\temp_egoalt", replace
use "$dataout\egoaltPanelSmall", clear
// Only keep children of EGO
keep if relationship_bh>=9 & relationship_bh<=12
fre wave
// attach age variables of ALTER
keep pidp apidp relationship_bh esex asex
rename pidp xpidp // xpidp: ego identifier who are parents of these children
rename apidp pidp //pidp: this now are actually the id of children
merge m:m pidp using "$dataout\indallPanelSmallVar", keepusing(pidp age_indall wave)
drop if _m==2
drop _m
rename pidp kpidp
label var kpidp "cross-wave identifier of child"
rename age_indall kage
label var kage "child's age"
rename asex ksex
lab var ksex "child's sex"
rename xpidp pidp
// check the data
sort pidp kpidp
li pidp kpidp relationship_bh esex ksex kage in 1/10, sepby(pidp) noobs
// convert the data into a wide format file of EGO's children
bys pidp (kage): g k_id=_n
// Q: What is the maximum no. of children in a household?
fre k_id
reshape wide kpidp ksex kage relationship_bh, i(pidp) j(k_id)
duplicates report pidp
// How many individuals have their adult child living with them?
g adult_children_HH=0
forvalues i=1/11 {
replace adult_children_HH=1 if kage`i'>=18 & kage`i'<.
fre adult_children_HH
//Merge with previous:
merge m:m pidp using "$dataout\temp_egoalt"
drop _m
// Clean up: delete temporary files no longer needed
erase temp_egoalt.dta
// save dataset:
save "$dataout\egoaltPanelSmallVar", replace
log close