


Support #1370 » UserForum_1370.log

Alita Nandi, 06/26/2020 01:02 AM

name: <unnamed>
log: D:\Home\anandi\UKHLS\UKHLS - 4 Data Management and Access\UKHLS - UserForum\logfiles/UserForum_1370.log
log type: text
opened on: 26 Jun 2020, 00:58:34

. // assign global macro to refer to Understanding Society data
. global ukhls "D:\Home\anandi\DATA\UKHLS\main\eul"

. // assign global macros for the lists of waves
. global BHPSwaves "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r"

. global UKHLSwaves_bh "b c d e f g h i" // since BHPS respondents did not take

. // part in Wave 1, begin at Wave 2
. // - update this to include
. // new waves as they are released
. global UKHLSno 9 // number of waves of UKHLS data

. // loop through the waves of bhps
. foreach w of global BHPSwaves {
. // find the wave number
. local waveno=strpos("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","`w'")
. // open the individual file for that wave
. use pidp b`w'_age_dv b`w'_paygu_dv using ///
> "$ukhls/bhps_w`waveno'/b`w'_indresp", clear
. // remove the wave prefix
. rename b`w'_* *
. // generate a variable which records the wave number
. gen wave=`waveno'
. // save the file for future use
. save tmp_b`w'_indresp, replace
7. }
(note: file tmp_ba_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_ba_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bb_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bb_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bc_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bc_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bd_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bd_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_be_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_be_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bf_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bf_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bg_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bg_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bh_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bh_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bi_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bi_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bj_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bj_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bk_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bk_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bl_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bl_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bm_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bm_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bn_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bn_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bo_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bo_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bp_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bp_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_bq_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_bq_indresp.dta saved
(note: file tmp_br_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_br_indresp.dta saved

. // loop through the relevant waves of Understanding Society
. foreach w of global UKHLSwaves_bh {
. // find the wave number
. local waveno=strpos("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","`w'")
. // open the individual level file for that wave
. use pidp pid `w'_age_dv `w'_paygu_dv using ///
> "$ukhls/ukhls_w`waveno'/`w'_indresp", clear
. // keep the individual if they have a pid - ie were part of BHPS
. // individuals have pid==-8 (inapplicable) if they were not part of BHPS
. keep if pid>0
. // drop the pid variable
. drop pid
. // remove the wave prefix
. rename `w'_* *
. // generate a variable which records the wave number + 17
. // - treating wave 2 ukhls as wave 19 of bhps
. gen wave=`waveno'+17
. // save the file for future use
. save tmp_`w'_indresp, replace
9. }
(Substantive data for responding adults (16+), incl. proxies)
(42,791 observations deleted)
(note: file tmp_b_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_b_indresp.dta saved
( )
(38,727 observations deleted)
(note: file tmp_c_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_c_indresp.dta saved
( )
(36,983 observations deleted)
(note: file tmp_d_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_d_indresp.dta saved
( )
(35,288 observations deleted)
(note: file tmp_e_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_e_indresp.dta saved
( )
(36,319 observations deleted)
(note: file tmp_f_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_f_indresp.dta saved
( )
(33,670 observations deleted)
(note: file tmp_g_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_g_indresp.dta saved
( )
(31,212 observations deleted)
(note: file tmp_h_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_h_indresp.dta saved
( )
(28,440 observations deleted)
(note: file tmp_i_indresp.dta not found)
file tmp_i_indresp.dta saved

. // loop through the waves of bhps
. foreach w of global BHPSwaves {
. // first time through the loop
. if "`w'"=="a" {
. // reopen the first file created
. use tmp_ba_indresp, clear
. // following times through the loop
. }
5. else {
. // append each file in turn
. append using tmp_b`w'_indresp
7. }
8. }
(note: variable age_dv was byte, now int to accommodate using data's values)

. // loop through the waves of ukhls from Wave 2
. foreach w of global UKHLSwaves_bh {
. // append each file in turn
. append using tmp_`w'_indresp
3. }

. // create labels for the wave variable
. // loop through the waves of bhps
. foreach n of numlist 1/18 {
. // add a label for each wave number in turn
. lab def wave `n' "BHPS Wave `n'", modify
3. }

. // loop through the waves of ukhls
. // (using the global macro UKHLSno to define the last wave)
. foreach n of numlist 2/$UKHLSno {
. // calculate which label value this label will apply to
. local waveref=`n'+17
. // add a label for each wave in turn
. lab def wave `waveref' "UKHLS Wave `n'", modify
4. }

. // apply the label to the wave variable
. lab val wave wave

. // check how many observations are available from each wave
. tab wave

wave | Freq. Percent Cum.
BHPS Wave 1 | 10,264 3.26 3.26
BHPS Wave 2 | 9,845 3.13 6.40
BHPS Wave 3 | 9,600 3.05 9.45
BHPS Wave 4 | 9,481 3.02 12.46
BHPS Wave 5 | 9,249 2.94 15.41
BHPS Wave 6 | 9,438 3.00 18.41
BHPS Wave 7 | 11,193 3.56 21.97
BHPS Wave 8 | 10,906 3.47 25.43
BHPS Wave 9 | 15,623 4.97 30.40
BHPS Wave 10 | 15,603 4.96 35.37
BHPS Wave 11 | 18,867 6.00 41.37
BHPS Wave 12 | 16,597 5.28 46.64
BHPS Wave 13 | 16,238 5.16 51.81
BHPS Wave 14 | 15,791 5.02 56.83
BHPS Wave 15 | 15,617 4.97 61.80
BHPS Wave 16 | 15,392 4.90 66.69
BHPS Wave 17 | 14,873 4.73 71.42
BHPS Wave 18 | 14,419 4.59 76.01
UKHLS Wave 2 | 11,778 3.75 79.75
UKHLS Wave 3 | 10,965 3.49 83.24
UKHLS Wave 4 | 10,088 3.21 86.45
UKHLS Wave 5 | 9,545 3.04 89.48
UKHLS Wave 6 | 8,869 2.82 92.31
UKHLS Wave 7 | 8,498 2.70 95.01
UKHLS Wave 8 | 8,081 2.57 97.58
UKHLS Wave 9 | 7,615 2.42 100.00
Total | 314,435 100.00

. // check that each row is uniquely identified by pidp wave
. // if that is not the case, this will give an error message and
. // syntax will stop running
. isid pidp wave

. // save the file containing all waves
. save all_indresp, replace
file all_indresp.dta saved

. // erase each temporary file using loops
. foreach w of global BHPSwaves {
2. erase tmp_b`w'_indresp.dta
3. }

. foreach w of global UKHLSwaves_bh {
2. erase tmp_`w'_indresp.dta
3. }

. log close
name: <unnamed>
log: D:\Home\anandi\UKHLS\UKHLS - 4 Data Management and Access\UKHLS - UserForum\logfiles/UserForum_1370.log
log type: text
closed on: 26 Jun 2020, 00:58:37