


Support #1343 ยป

Alita Nandi, 05/27/2020 07:55 AM

// What does this syntax file do?
// It creates a dataset of individuals with information
// about their co-resident parents match to them
// The output files are named file_a, file_b,...

clear all
set more off

// Step 1: Replace "wheremydataisstored" with the filepath where
// you have saved the data folders ukhls_w1, ukhls_w2....
global data "wheremydataisstored"

local tm "mother"
local tf "father"

foreach w in a { // Step 2: choose the waves
local i=strpos("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","`w'")
// Step 3: Decide if you want only biological parents
// or all(biological, adopted, step) parents. If biological
// parents use `w'_`k'npid instead of `w'_`k'nspid which is
// for all parents
foreach k in m f {
use "$data/ukhls_w`i'/`w'_indall", clear
drop if `w'_`k'nspid<0
keep `w'_`k'nspid pidp
rename pidp kpidp
rename `w'_`k'nspid pidp
// Step 4: Define the list of parental variables you want to add
local vars `w'_age_dv `w'_employ
// Step 5: Choose the data file from where you want to
// add parental variables
local file indall
merge m:1 pidp using "$data/ukhls_w`i'/`w'_`file'", nogen keep(3) ///

foreach var of local vars {
rename `var' `var'_`k'
local l`var': var label `var'
lab var `var' `"`t`k'': `l`var''"'
drop pidp
rename kpidp pidp
merge 1:1 pidp using "$data/ukhls_w`i'/`w'_`file'"
// check
assert _merge==2|_merge==3
// recode missing parental information to -8
foreach var of local vars {
replace `var'_`k'=-8 if _merge==2
// Step 6: keep the variables you have created
keep pidp `w'_age_dv *_`k'
// check
isid pidp
save `k', replace
use m, clear
merge 1:1 pidp using f
// check
assert _merge==3
drop _merge
order pidp, first
order *_m *_f, last
save file_`w', replace

// clean up temporary files
erase m.dta
erase f.dta