Olena Kaminska's activity
From 07/23/2022 to 08/21/2022
03:29 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1747: Weight problem when running regression
- Dear Parth,
Sounds like your set up of the dataset / weight variable is wrong. Can you tell us how you created you...
01:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1739: Weights when pooling data from different waves
- Jonas,
2) Yes, svyset command is sufficient;
1) We do recommend rescaling, especially if you include BHPS data. T...
03:56 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1739: Weights when pooling data from different waves
- Jonas,
Thank you for your question. The first approach is correct and you can use it with relevant cross-sectional... -
03:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1743: Averaging regional data to obtain control variables for individuals
- Carolin,
You don't need our weight (probability weight) in creating variables. Sometime people use analitical weig...
12:51 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1715: Longitudinal Weighting of Non-Movers Only from UKHLS (in Wave 1)
- Sue,
Yes, such analysis with a longitudinal weight from wave k will be fine. Having said that some models that all...
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