


Peter Lynn's activity

From 12/09/2016 to 01/07/2017


04:28 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #689: Weighting on youth self-completion datasets
It looks to me that the weight is present for 95% of respondents. Specifically, b_ythscus_xw is missing for ...
Peter Lynn
04:02 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #682: Weights for combined youth panel and main adult panel, BHPS and UKHLS
merge and append should achieve the same thing.
Whether you want to scale depends a bit on what, conceptua...
Peter Lynn


03:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #683: Weights for combined measures and data files
Guidance on what weights to use when you are combining data from different files is given at the start of sect...
Peter Lynn
03:43 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #658: Weights, BHPS and USoc pooled
Apologies for the slow reply.
1. You should not need to do any further scaling, as each weight is independ...
Peter Lynn
02:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #682: Weights for combined youth panel and main adult panel, BHPS and UKHLS
(1) For pooled cross-sectional (CS) analysis, you should use the CS weight from each respective wave. Each se...
Peter Lynn

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